Sereg hersenousness, Alvin’s face once again seturtied to a playful smile, though he reigned being upest.
Why did you hang up? non’t want me to chat with my good buddy in your boydcend not good enough to be introduced to your brother?
Ididn’t want to engage in bis playful teasing. She calmly replied,
“Weren’t you always wolding letting him know about our relationship
Alvin’s smile froze on his lips.
Seeing her indifferent expression, he finally
realized that the young lady might be angry
He walked over to her, took her hand, and like performing a magle trick, placed a necklace in the palm of her hand,
“Sorry, yesterday i was busy picking up your birthday gift, so I accidentally left you at the mountain rest. Please forgive me this time, okay?
Was he seriously trying to cover up with such a flimsy excuse, thinking that she would just forgive him?
tra stared at him silently, not saying a word and not taking the necklace from him.
When her silence persisted, Alvin sighed and waved the necklace in front of her eyes.
“Why have you been so distracted lately? Is something bothering you?”
Only then did trafinally poll her gaze away, she tumed her head and looked out the window, speaking in a calm tone, “Yes, something’s bothering me. A friend of mine recently found out that has boyfriend, whom she’s been with for a long time, has been lying to her. She discovered the truth and came to me, asking whether or not she should forgive him.”
So it was for something like this.
Ahin couldn’t help but chuckle and gave a very rational answer.
“Why worry about this? It’s deception, it’s not worth forgiving Break up with him.”
“It it’s deception, it’s not worth forgiving ”
Tra repeated his words, mimicking his tone
Alvin smiled and nodded, then niffled her hair. “That’s right, my little girl, don’t let yourself be deceived in the future ”
Seeing his gesture, she finally showed a faint smile.
“That’s something we both should remember.”
Alvin burrowed his brows, about to ask what she meant when his phone suddenly rang
Without looking at the caller ID, he casually answered.
“Who’s this?
“It’sme, Alvin. L
Let’s tak
Tra recognized the voice immediately–it was Maria’s.
She raised bees and saw Alvin’s expression freeze for a few seconds before quickly returning to normal
He muttered a low “Hmm,hastity hung up, and immediately came up with an excuse to leave.
Ira looked at the necklace abandoned on the table. She stood up and walked into her mom.
After wenting for two hours, she decided to take a break and casually opened her bing.
Scrolling down, she saw Maria’s post from half an hour ago, who had just recently added her.
“Eight years have passed, and you’re still that boy who softens whenever I coax you. How wonderful.”
The accompanying photo showed a plate of crabs, with a land peeling the shells.