CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 52

CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 52

Chapter 52 

I have been taped

Me, the girl who always worked so hard to remain pure 

My body was used, tampered with, broken and abandoned in a slaughterhouse. Isn’t it ironic

I don’t know how much time has passed since then and honestly, I don’t remember much. All I know is that Manuelo Gonzales has taken away my will to live. I’m still laying down on this disgusting table where pigs after pigs have been killed and dismembered. It feels like I will soon suffer the same fate as them 

God, what have I done to deserve this? is it because 1 failed to maintain my purity like I promised? Is it because I gave myself to Ivan without being married? The cross abound me neck is still there even though my clothes are for and discarded on the floor. It has never been heavier to carry this around

The worst bit about this is that my aggression has been recorded. I bet you anything that the video will be sent to Ivan, if it hasn’t been done already. He’s going to 

the man see me having sex with 

What if he misunderstands and thinks I wanted it

No. No one could fail to recognize a cape, especially one that brutal. But the end result is still the same Ivan is going to be so disappointed in me. Afterall, I put mselt into that situation. If only I hadn’t many away and trusted the wrong man….. 

hear the door to the slaughterhouse opening but I don’t move from my fetal position. I’m not scared either because they can’t hurt me more than they already did. Infact, I’m hoping that they’ll kill me and end the tragedy that has been my life. I’m tired of holding on 

Footsteps get close. This time, it’s only one person who came to pay me a visit. He stops beside my table and clears his throat. Maybe he is hoping that I will grace him with a signet acknowledgement. Stupid jerk 

After a few seconds of inaction on my side, the intruder pulls me up by the arm so that I’m in a sitting position on the table. I don’t bother to cover my mudity but do look at the man through my wet strands of hair I see Hector

His face is just the way I remember it void of any emotion

How could I ever trust him with a face like that? I should have known

Without a word, he dresses me up with a long sweater that is twice my size. I have to admit that it feels good to have something after hours of nakedness in this ice- cold mus 

You should have just done what he asked of you.Hector says

Telare at him, my hands turning into fists under my sweater paws

#1 wasn’t so hard to just call Ivan an asshole. He adds. You wouldn’t even be lying because that’s what he is. He’s a horrible person, just like his father. If you’d said it, then Manuele wouldn’t have raped you and he’d probably have let you go tooBut you defied him Manuele doesn’t forgive easily.” 

I raise my head high so that he can see the hatred I have for him

Ivan is so horrible, right?I say in a sarcastic tone. at do you know that you’re not any different? You brought me here. You betrayed the Whitlocks and start working for someone just as bad. Who are you to talk about Ivan right now

Hectordenches his jaw. I wait for him to try and defend himself but he dueur. There isn’t much to say anyway

Don’t think you’ll get away with this one.I scott. I can promise you that Ivan will get back at you for betraying him.” 

Hector click his tongue. Finally, his face changes from that brutally blank expression, I see him till with pride and amusement

Oh my God, Getalina.Don’t tell me you think that Ivan will win this fight. You’re not that naive, are you? Manuelo is the strongest man in the underworld right now. As for your boyfriend, he’s lost everything. He doesn’t have his father’s guidance anymore and he grew soft. Even his men don’t respect him anymore. He’ll bee all on his own when the time to fight comers.” 

Hector laughs, confident in his words. I wish could find a way to not believe in them but there is definitely a part of truth in thereIvan did grow soft. I made him dunge and now, he’can easy target 1 will never forgive myself is something bad happen to him because of me 

The door to the slaughterhouse open and incomes Manuelo again. I shiver in disgust when I see him, short memories of his hands all over me coming back to my mind Heunirka, looking at noe with lust. Heel diny 

Well, good morning little bird. He greets. You’ve slept all day almost.” 

Have I’d con’t tell what time it is or how long I’ve been in this inferno

E-sent Elector to wake you up

understand he’s one of your old friends, Mm 

Tornain silent, glaring at Hertor. The move liguner himn, the edgierlie pets Fthink I’ve found our of weak points. He doesn’t like being ignored

o’s post on lain usual blank face again 

Have you send the video of last regla’s hundo ivan alırady?” 

Oreal Let’s see how he will are t to tu 

Manneli takes a few steps closer to me. He holds my jaw in a deathly grip, lai short nails digging palufully into my flesh

Let’s see lantai Iver will go to save his batch.He spits though gritted teetli 

As soon as the wards leave muy immoth, Manueln slaps na arross the tæer it lants so bad that it’s almost like my jaw has dislocated. Yet, I find the courage to laugh at his face, loving in see lutowangry I made bani 


What’s the purpose of this anyway?I snail. You want to torture me and then what, huh?!” 

You will seeI’ll make you the reason behind Ivan’s downfall. I will take everything from him and then kill you and send him your head in a box. How does that

It sounds fucking pathetic.” 

Manuelo’s lips turn into a nasty smirk

I think I haven’t fucked you hard enough last night, Catalina, I will teach you to respect your masters since Ivan failed to do so himself.” 

And just like that, I’m dragged off of the table and sent to the ground. Mamelo starts kicking me like a bad dog. I take it without a sound. The last thing I want is to feed his ego by crying but I’m still worried that Ivan will not be able to save me for this. Neitherwill he be able to save himselt



Status: Ongoing


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