The two strangers burst into tears, embracing Brenda tightly.
“My poor daughter!” the man cried. “We were so destitute back then. We had no choice but to sell you to the Sinclair family’s maid.”
The woman sobbed. “We never imagined she bought you because her own child had died- and she needed a tool to manipulate David!” she wailed. “But now we can finally be together again, our precious daughter…”
Brenda stood frozen.
David was even more shaken. He shoved the couple away and grabbed Brenda roughly, his fury boiling over.
“You lying filth!” he roared, his grip like iron. “Your mom killed my real child and tricked me for years!
“If it weren’t for you and your mom, I wouldn’t have risked everything to destroy Elena and Claire. Now I’ve lost everything—and you’re going to pay with your lives!”
He suddenly threw Brenda to the ground, his hands wrapping tightly around her neck.
Brenda’s biological parents shrieked, throwing themselves at David, clawing at his arms and face to pry him off. Brenda’s eyes rolled back, her breath strangled as she weakly tried to fight him off.
Right when it looked like David would take the killing blow, someone threw themselves in front of him.
I froze. Grandma?
She took the hit like it was nothing, even though she could barely walk without her cane. She crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
David’s eyes were blazing red. “I’ve lost everything! If I’m going down, you’re all coming with me!”
Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed a busted chair and slammed it onto Brenda. Hard. Blood splattered everywhere, and she went still, her body twitching once before it stopped completely.
Mom pulled me close, her hand covering my eyes. “Are you scared?”
I shook my head. “Not with you here. Never.”
Yesterday, when I rushed to the villa on the outskirts, Mom had already gotten away. She said my video tipped her off–she never drank the tea Miranda gave her. David’s plan had been doomed from the start.