Seeing that I ignored him, Silas frowned slightly, his tone becoming even harsher. “Look at you, acting as if the world’s ending. Yael’s just a bit shaken up. If you keep babying him like this, you’ll only spoil him.”
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “Silas, there’s something seriously wrong with Yael. He hasn’t said a single word, and his eyes are completely lifeless. He’s nothing like the lively, adorable boy he used to be. I’m taking him to the hospital for an examination.”
Silas waved dismissively, irritated. “You’re overreacting. Boys are supposed to toughen up. This experience will teach him a lesson and stop him from running his mouth at school.”
I stared at him in disbelief, my anger nearly exploding. Forcing myself to stay calm, I said coldly, “Are you saying you deliberately didn’t rescue Yael just to punish him for what he said at school? He’s your son, for God’s sake!”
Silas sneered. “What, are you trying to tell me how to raise my own son? Yael runs his mouth too much, saying ridiculous things like Yuna is a fatherless bastard. This time, he’s learned the hard way that words have consequences.”
I held Yael tightly, my heart wrenching in pain. So that’s why Silas didn’t save him—because of Lily Taylor and her daughter.
I looked at Silas like he was a complete stranger.