- 10.
I stood, the iris mark blazing on my forehead.
Someone shouted, “Witch! A new witch!”
There was no time for more. Howls echoed
from the surrounding hills. Rogues.
Gabriel met my eyes and sprang into action, leaping onto a ridge and attacking the rogues gathering there. I unleashed a volley of purple fire, chanting the words of power. The pack, rallied by Gabriel, joined the fight, driving the
rogues back. Their howls faded into the
In the chaos, I saw Elsa’s terrified face. She
tried to run, but my spell held her fast. “Elsa,” I said, looking down at her. “You
conspired with rogues and thought you’d get
away with it?”
After the battle, Elsa was banished. Andrew, unable to shift, was demoted. No one wanted a powerless alpha. Following my divination,
Gabriel became the new alpha.
Soon after, Tanya passed away. I inherited her place, the iris on my shoulder now whole. After laying Tanya to rest, Gabriel held me close.
“Andrew wants to see you.”
I nodded. He held me tighter, afraid I’d go back to Andrew. I smiled and kissed him. “Come with me.”
Andrew now lived in the omega quarters, my former home. The room was dark and damp, smelling of mildew. I stood at the threshold, unwilling to step inside. Gabriel stayed by my
side, his eyes complex as he looked at the
former alpha.
Andrew opened his eyes, focusing on me. His
gaze…it was the look he used to give me when
I loved him most.
“Why are you here?”
“You really don’t love me anymore?” His voice
was thick with pain. “You used to care so
I cut him off. “Andrew, why would I still love
After he pushed me into the river for Elsa?
After he always chose Elsa’s side? His sudden
“love” was just regret, a realization of what
he’d lost, not genuine affection. Andrew only
truly loved himself.
If he’d stood by Elsa even after she betrayed
the pack, I might have respected him a little.
But he hadn’t. His love was cheaper than
weeds. He saw the mockery in my eyes and covered his face, a sob escaping him,
“I know I messed up. But Elisabeth, for old
times‘ sake, can’t you give me another
the pack, I might have respected him a little.
But he hadn’t. His love was cheaper than
weeds. He saw the mockery in my eyes and
covered his face, a sob escaping him.
“I know I messed up. But Elisabeth, for old
times‘ sake, can’t you give me another
“No.” I leaned into Gabriel, letting him hold me
close. “But you can come to our wedding.”
The last light in Andrew’s eyes died. He
slumped to the floor, defeated.
I didn’t see Andrew again until Gabriel and I
were married. We chose the day of the mating
ceremony. As moonlight filtered through the
goddess’s hands, bathing us in its glow, the
pack cheered, showering us with flowers. I laughed, meeting Gabriel’s loving gaze, and kissed him deeply.
Finally, I knew what happiness felt like.