In my past life, I’d been unconscious after the
crash. I hadn’t witnessed the aftermath.
Now, waiting, I noticed something odd. The
truck had come from the construction site. It
was an active site.
Yet, despite the deafening crash, no one
If that was true in my past life, Jessica might
not have died on impact. She might have bled
But before I could dwell on it, a car sped
towards us.
Jessica’s husband, David, scrambled out,
rushing to her side.
Then, he did something that made my breath
He checked her pulse…
His expression, a mixture of relief and
disappointment, revealed his true intentions.
He was checking if she was really dead!
He’d told the police he’d been on his way to
pick Jessica up, explaining his quick arrival.
But he must have been waiting nearby, ready
to rush over after receiving confirmation.
I lay there, bleeding, tears mixing with dirt on
my face.
Sarah arrived with my coworkers. Seeing me
alive, she stopped short.
She looked at David, who subtly shook his
My coworkers swarmed us. Sarah bit her lip,
a vicious glint in her eyes.
She slapped a phone out of a coworker’s
hand, preventing them from calling 911.
Pointing at me, she shrieked, “Lisa! You’re a
As everyone stared, Sarah, with fake tears
streaming down her face, yelled, “Stay back!
Don’t contaminate the crime scene!”
“Lisa caused this crash! She murdered
I closed my eyes, a smirk playing on my lips.
Just one more…
3… 2… 1…
A familiar car pulled up. Out stepped my
husband of five years, Mark.
Seeing me alive, he faltered, then rushed to
my side, grabbing my shoulders. “Lisa, are
you hurt?”
A coworker spoke hesitantly. “Shouldn’t we
Sarah cut them off. “Lisa, I treated you like a
sister! I begged you to reconsider, to come
clean to Jessica, to ask for her forgiveness!”
“I was so stupid! I believed your lies! I let you
take her on that test drive! But… I never
thought you’d actually kill her!”
The manager frowned. “But you said you had
Sarah sobbed. “Lisa made me lie! I don’t
even have my period!”
David clutched Jessica, wailing dramatically.
“Honey! I’m so sorry!”
Mark suddenly roared. “Sarah, shut up! Lisa
would never…”
Sarah scoffed. “Mark, you idiot. Are you still
covering for her?”
Mark avoided my gaze. Loud enough for everyone to hear, he said, “Lisa, I love you.” “But murder is wrong! Even if you hated me, wanted a divorce, you didn’t have to do this!”
Through their performance, I remained silent. Staring at Mark, I wondered when this man, the father of my child, had decided to kill me. We’d met through a mutual friend. Our five- year marriage hadn’t been perfect, but it had
been… okay.
Mark was average–looking, average income.
I’d chosen him because he seemed stable,
But after the crash, while I lay in a coma, he’d
been busy transferring our assets, rarely
He’d dumped Lily on my parents. When I
woke up, a double amputee, I couldn’t face