Chapter 7
I woke up in an abandoned factory.
Tied to a chair, my head throbbed like I’d been clocked pretty hard. I scanned the room, spotting two massive guys in black standing guard.
Stay calm, I told myself. Reason with them. “How much do you want? My family can pay. Just don’t-”
“Shut up!”
A sharp voice cut me off, and Fonda stormed in, looking like hell. Her eyes burned with pure rage.
She didn’t waste a second–walked right up and slapped me. Hard.
The sting was brutal, blood pooling in my mouth with that gross metallic tang.
She grabbed my collar, her face inches from mine as she screamed, “Why? WHY? Even after you divorced him, he still thinks about you! I’m the one carrying his child! And he made me get rid of it–killed my baby because he wants to crawl back to YOU! WHY?”
Her words hit like a truck. For a second, everything went fuzzy.
Tom. Again. I hadn’t seen him in two months, yet here I was, still stuck in his orbit of chaos
Fonda’s rant turned messy, spiraling into jabs about how Tom couldn’t stop thinking about me. How he regretted losing someone who knew him so well, someone who’d anticipated his every move.
Apparently, he finally realized she was nothing but a fling–a thrill that wore off fast. Even with a baby, she was still just a mistress.
How sweet. Not.
My stomach churned, hunger and nausea teaming up to make me feel even worse.
“Then kidnap him,” I snapped. “Why drag me into it? This has nothing to do with me.‘
Fonda froze for a beat before breaking into a manic laugh. “Oh, don’t worry. He’s coming too.”
Right on cue, Tom’s voice echoed through the factory. “Fonda, I’m here! Take it out on me, but let Selene go!”
I turned toward him, hope flickering for half a second. He met my eyes, his face full of…. something. Regret? Concern? Whatever it was, it didn’t matter.
“Slut!” Fonda spat, her hand slamming into my face again. “You’re still seducing him!”
Chapter 7
Seducing him? I couldn’t even process that nonsense–there were bigger problems. Like the fact that Tom showed up alone. Did he seriously not call the police?
Disappointed but forcing myself to stay calm, I sat still, playing compliant while my brain scrambled for a plan.
Then I felt it.
Cold steel against my neck.
“You killed my child for her!” Fonda shrieked at Tom, her voice breaking. “Today, she pays
for it with her life!”
The blade bit into my skin, just enough to sting. The ropes digging into my wrists were brutal, but my feet were still free.
Focus, Selene.
The two henchmen loomed nearby, but they didn’t seem to have weapons. Fonda–and the knife–were the real problem.
I shut my eyes, forcing my breathing to slow. Think. I needed her distracted.
“Fonda,” I said softly, “you still have a future. Don’t do something you can’t take back.”
Wrong move. The knife pressed harder, a sharp sting drawing blood.
“Did I say you could talk?” she hissed.
“Selene!” Tom yelled, his panicked voice bouncing off the walls.
“You’re still worried about her!” Fonda screamed, her hand trembling.
Great. That only made things worse.
I clenched my teeth, anger simmering just under the surface. Timing it right, I shoved off with both feet, sending the chair skidding backward, away from her.
It didn’t tip over.
Good. I still had a shot.
As Fonda turned to regain control, I kicked her knee hard. She stumbled back with a cry, and I crashed to the ground, the chair landing awkwardly beneath me.
The two goons sprang into action, but I rolled onto my side, lifting the chair onto my back like a turtle on a mission. Using its weight for leverage, I shoved myself into a crouch.
Finally–finally–Tom snapped out of his useless daze and bolted toward me.
Before he could reach me, the sharp wail of sirens filled the air.
Chapter 7
Seconds later, officers stormed in, taking control of the chaos. And right behind them-
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