My parents organized a search. I knew Jason
was already gone. Those kidnappers were so
dumb. Even if I remembered them, they could
still get ransom. They could change their looks.
Who’d remember in a few years?
“You seem pretty happy.”
I stopped. Ethan. He was there for the search.
Perfect. Saved me the trouble of finding him.
“You and Jason were tight. Now he’s gone and
you’re smiling. Did you do this?” Two kids,
staring each other down.
“Is it so bad? I just solved your biggest problem.
Now you’re the only Smith heir.”
Mrs. Smith had trouble having kids after Jason.
Ethan was a miracle. There’d be no more.
“Aren’t you scared I’ll tell?”
The moon was hidden behind clouds.
“If I hadn’t been fast,” I said softly, “my parents
would be crying right now. This is payback. And
even if you suspect me, so what? You’re
nobody. No one would believe you.”
I stepped closer, my breath on his ear. “I can
help you.”
I laughed. “Not for free. We make a deal. I help
you, you take over the Smith empire. Until no
one can touch you.” I traced his jaw with my
finger. “You’re asking, so you want it, right?”
The clouds parted, moonlight on our faces.
“Now or never?”
- 4.
Jason was gone. Poof. The Smiths were
crushed. Every day, I sent Ethan over with food.
They ignored him, like always.
Thud. A mountain of books landed on Ethan.
Even he looked surprised.
“What’s this?”
“Study guides for the state competition. One
week. We’re a team.”
He frowned. “Shouldn’t we be, like, making nice
with my parents?”
I scoffed. “That’s just face time. This is what
I drilled him. In a week, he learned everything.
We won gold. We were unstoppable.
I tricked the Smiths into coming to the awards
I tricked the Smiths into coming to the awards
ceremony, pretending it was for Jason. The
principal gushed, “Such brilliant children! This
gold medal is a huge honor for our school!”
The Smiths stared blankly. “Our…kid?”
“Yes, your son, Ethan! He won! Nationals next!
This could get him into any college!”
They finally looked at Ethan. I’d styled his hair
like Jason’s. I said, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I know
you’re sad, but you still have a son.”
Ethan was perfect. “You raised me. I might not
be Jason, but I’ll do anything for this family.
We’re family. I’ll take care of everything until
Jason comes home.”