- 7.
A month later.
Ashley’s dad, Kevin, was exposed for tax
evasion, using cheap materials to build
houses, faking data, and bribing local
I was shocked.
The rich girl, Ashley, looked so pathetic on
- TV.
All her assets were seized, and she couldn’t
even go home.
Her dad was going to be in jail for the rest of
his life.
And the people who were hurt the most were
the families who spent their life savings on
those houses, only to get a shoddy product.
I sighed. “That’s horrible. How can people be
so greedy?”
David pouted. “Don’t look at me, I’m a good
I laughed.
David always used the best materials and sold
his products, hotels, and real estate at the
lowest prices.
That’s why his company was so successful.
If you treat your customers well, they’ll treat
you well.
But Kevin was just stealing money and
putting people’s lives in danger.
Soon after, I got a call from an unknown
I hesitated but answered.
It was Fred.
“Did you see the news? Sarah, I turned him.
I frowned. “Why are you telling me this?”
“I’m happy for those families.”
Fred sounded weak. “Sarah, can I see you?”
I said, “I told you before, I’m over you. You
don’t need to…”
He coughed. “I just got back from the
hospital. I have stage four lung cancer. Can
you see me?”
My head was spinning.
I didn’t say anything for a long time. “Bring
your medical records to my office at the
That afternoon.
Fred came to my office, looking skinny and
He put his records on my desk.
I looked them over, frowning. “You need to
check in to the hospital right away and start
I didn’t have any patients at the moment.
I helped him with the check–in process.
When everything was settled.
Fred’s eyes were red, and he looked at me
like he was about to cry. “Sarah, I knew you
would help me. You still care about me,
“I know I messed up. It was all my fault. You
were so good to me, and I treated you like
that. I get it now. I don’t regret being with you
the first time.”
“Sarah, I’m sorry. Can you forgive me? Let’s
get back together.”
“We can have our own kids. You always
wanted our kids, right?”
I frowned.
“Fred, we broke up the day we came back. I
have a new family now, so don’t say things
like that.”
Fred shook his head.
“You still love me, you wouldn’t be helping me
if you didn’t. We have so much history, how
can you just forget about it!”
“You’re just mad at me. Please, I’m sorry.”
I smiled coldly and pulled my hand away.
“I’m helping you because we were together for a long time, and you have cancer. If I made you think something else, I’m sorry. You can call your parents to take care of you.”
“And I regret marrying you. I don’t love you,
and I don’t want to have kids with you. Stop
living in the past, because I’m not going back
Fred froze, looking heartbroken.
I turned and left.
Fred shouted, “All men are the same! Do you
think David Grant really loves you? Why would
a billionaire want you? You’re just some
normal person!”
“Wake up! You’re not going to be happy! I’m
the right guy for you!”
I walked faster.
He hadn’t changed at all.
If things were good, he looked down on those
who were doing worse.
If things were bad, he was jealous of those
who were doing better and wanted to drag
them down.
He was always regretting things and never