Chapter 13
I arrive at Pacela’s place and she welcomes me with a warm hug. Her baby Sofia is sitting in her bighchair and enjoying her food, She makes happy noises when she sees me. Flaugh and go to pinch her round cheeks. She’s sochacutie,
Pamela give me a mug of hot chocolate and we sit together on her couch. Her home is very modest as is to be expected but she keeps it clean and tidy. Herhirisin a messy bun and there are dælicircles under her eyes, I don’t date to imagine how exhausting it must be for her to care for her daughter in such a difficult situation. And yet, she still looks beautiful and has the strengthte show conformnr.
“you got me so worried, mama,” She tells me. “What happened?”
Isip on my hot chocolate to relax.
*1xan away from my boss’s place, Pamela. I’m so sony to bother you but Temuddy”
anywhere else tope”
“pios mio, what are you saying Catalina? it you hadn’t come here, I would have been really upset. You can always count on me.”
“Thank you..Thank you so much. ”
I start to sob. Pamela helps me put my mng down and she hugs me again. This time, I stay buried in her arms, rlinging to the comfort she brings to me. She whispers reassuring words that finally manage tocalm me down, enough to tell her about what happened.
She listens to the without interruption but her face twists in all sorts of grimaces that prove just how horrified she is. When Sofia starts to cry, she goes to pick her up and come back to my side with ber baby–sitting on her lap
“What a bunch of assholes.” She says, clicking her tongue in disgust. “Because they have money they think that they can use other people like animals?”
“I sweat, Pam Even animals don’t deserve that. I don’t know what to think of them.”
“so it’s like a family tradition? The fathers bring maids to torture, in order to make their sons mone heartless and crude?”
“That’s what I understood, yes…”
*Jesus. You can never go back to that place, mama. Understood?
Pamela doesn’t have to tell me. I think I saw mough to know that the Whitlock’s mansion is not a safe place for me. I feel bad for valentin and Nico who must stay there but I’m not going to give up on this opportunity to escape from them.
“My only worry is that they sue me for mother’s debt of something. What if the police finds me and sends me to jail?”
“It won’t happen in cod’s grace, you will never set foot in jail, love. You can stay here for as long as you want; it’s only Sofia and me here anyway. We will look for Jobs and when we have enough saving, you and I can move together to a better neighborhood. What do you think?”
Pamela’s plan brings stars into my eyes.
“That would be great.” I respond truthfully.
she explains to me that she works part time in a local gas station and that she has nightshift. Pamela hates it because she doesn’t feel safe but has no other choice. she must eam some money while looking for something better.
She usually leaves Sofia with a neighbor but offering to be her babysitter is the least I can do for her at this point. Plus, It’ll be quite enjoyable for me. I also
promise to take care of the cleaning and cooking.
“Well I’m glad you’re here. Lira!” Pamela laughs.
I spend the afternoon in her company, thit chatting and worrying about the future together. In the evening, Pamela goes to the kitchen to fix us dinner. I hold Sotia on my hip and stand by the living room’s window
Framchete, I can see my father’s house at the end of the str
lights are off so he’s probably not there. I hit my lower lip in wony, wondering where he’s gone. (occur to me that he didn’t send has hateful text inges in a while…I hope he’s okay
I pick up my phone for the first time since I ran away from the clinic. I’m shocked to find a hundred missed calls and the same amount of texts from Ivan. Saving be’s pissed off in an understatement. Dad doesn’t text mar insults anymore but Ivan is sure ready to take after his coles,
intás most recept jezts, theatens to find one and murder ne himself. I slaver after reading those because something tells me that he’s absolutely not joking. I
Line naoung wway got him in a very awkward spot with his father and he fake sue to take his revenge.
find ane and I’m not about to make that easy for him.
lanád for my phone off and change my number as soon as I cam
ourthese rich people. They could track your location”
Trap, knowing that she is actually right. Trummy phone off immediately. As for my number, I don’t have the means to change it yet but we’ll see in a few weeks. Tralije šarge portion of beam and noe flat Panela offers trine. It happens to be my last meat of the day since I only lund coffee for breakfast and Ivan didn’t let ine baratig at the tempital, intalnite rat
my appetite after a while. Not knowing where he is and in what condition makes ise in wiaphy food and keep it in the fridge despite
Dine realize thuat I don’t deserve to eat.
“Imtiard, love “Hellder. “Do yourandial 11 I go to bedraly?”
The bedroom is down the ball and it’s the only one in the house. They is ring space for Fans aud shower and wearone of Pamela’s pajamas
on the bed and Solia’s crib stand by the wall. I go for a quick
I sit on the bed and reflect on my lite situatione
1mally want to be optimistic but no….I have nothing. Diterally, Noclothes, no money, no home. No parents. I’m all alone. Tears start to fill my eyes, Pamela has been kind enough to welcome me beat the truth is she cannot afront to take care of toe. I don’t losow if I’ll find a job easily and if I don’t, I’ll have to go somewhere else toner beabenden to my friend. But where?
My heart tightens, knowing that there are girls just like me sleeping in the streets right now. Some others have resorted to prostitution just so they wouldn’t starve The most unfortunate have met a dark fates, mundered er sold. Will he one of those?
I get to my loses as quickly as I can and start praying. Tereso hard that Tean barely understand the words coming out of my own mouth. All I know is that I’m begging God to not let me stop that low tran’t manage the hardships already present in my life. Anything miner would really kill me.”
After an hour of prayer and crying, I lay in bed in fetal position and try to catch tome sleep. Later, I hear Fam coming on her tippy toes and putting Sofia in her crib. She leaves right after, probably heading to wed. My mind keeps nvesthinking mill commpleteeshqition.
I make up when the door to the bedroom opens with a bang and bean burst inbeloe cantave the time to react, I scream at the top of my lungs when he pulls me oot of bed and Terashiheavily on the floor.
Theo fucking, buch!”
He kicko, me repeatedly while I’m on the ground, until i spit blood, Sommendere in the back of my head, I can hear Sofa cry in her crib van grabs my hair and sebuta me living against the wall. He picha mesep as soon as I shide down, holding me by the thuat and pulling until my feet are no longer touching the ground. I stare info
“You thought you could run away from the He grumbs.
I shake my head. My mouth open but I find it difficult to speak, Ivan laughs like a maniac. He takes me out of the bedroom and I find Pamela Lying unconciou in the living room. I scream at the sight of dried blood on her forehead
Lat did you do?
a fucking fault!” Wan spits. “I’ll destroy everyone foolish enough to try and help you
He pulls toe out of the house. I notice that the floor is wet with something I can’t identity. Neighbors have gathered at the other end of the street, watching the wondold with grim looks. None of firm tries anything.
They brain unmoved. What the hell is going on? Ivan holds by the waist and I see his face twist with insanity. He takes a matchbox out of his jacket.
“You have no one to blame but yourself, Catalina. The longer you’ll resist your fate, the more people will get hurt.”
I understand too late. Ivan track match and throws it inside Panela’s home. Fire breaks out instantly, the flame high and red. I scream and scream but Ivan only
i mode. I watchin total despair as the house catches fire with Pamela and Sotia still inside. Ecan bear the baby crying in the distance
I told you that there wouldn’t be a point in begging. No mercy for you, Cardina
Twake up with a pit Deathing loudly and with wide eyes, I look around me to find that I’m still in Pamela’s bedroom and that Ivan didn’t break in during the
sight. I just had a terrible nightange. My face is wet with tears and it takes me a minute before I realize that Soria is actually crying in her cab. Emust’vor woken her
I get out of bedio
to pick her up the clings to me while rubber back and rockher gently to calm her down
211’s ukryt it was just a very bad dream.”
ese words, be it was a dream but it felt so real. Fran almost feel Ivan’s fingers around my neck as if it really
I crawl back to bed and hold Sofia to my chest. She stops crying after a while and I’m sure she’ll fall asleep again very soon. As ture. I think it will stay awake until
Don’t tell Patricia alerut any dream when she comes lame a tre funits later. She ne showered and doessed in les clothes again, ready to look for a job. I sally am. it’s not my own life that gets me worried, it’s that of her and Satta, Ivan could hurt them, just like in my derain. I can’t
filened Hours works in a maid agency, I’m hoping that he can help me find a job, but all the while I’m walking, I keep a dark
ne immediately wheat push the door to the agency open.
He opemowode eyes Lunile at him and be rushes to give me a hug
Tiruno actually helped monon fint malty jobs inthepa
Werlins a lot
“Don’t apologizer.” Ile says. “Thow that you keep tue in your mirall just like I keep you in mi sony. Do you still live in Fotosi P.
“Oh yes…But it’s fine.”
sand about your mom. How are you coping? I’m so
Chapter 13
“Are you sure? You can be honest with me. You know I’ll help you if I can.”
I take a deep breath and decide to be truthful, knowing that Bruno is sincere:
“Okay, it’s not so fine…I’m under water and I actually came here because I need your help.”
Bruno smiles kindly.
“Okay. Come sit in my office.”