CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 19

CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Came scoots closer To me 

me with her lower lip trapped between her teeth. Thep my legs close to my chest with my back pressing hard against the headboard. My heart’s beating so fast that it feels like I’m about to poke it out

Are you a cute little onecammenchuckles 

fright and disgust. Who is this person and why did ivan bring 

She starts to play with a few of my loose curls hanging around my face: 1 slap her hand away in pure fright a her here when he knew I’d be present

He also join us on the bed and I give him the death stare, which he seems to find particularly amusing, Ivan places a finger under the lady’s chin to make her look at him. They start mouthing at eachother again, tiny insans escapire from Cammen. She slowly mours to kiss Fran’s jaw and bite his earlobe. He ihmwsa sideglance 

In any direction 


Don’t look so shocked now, doll Have you ever seentwo people hackbet 

Carmen als ut in lighter while tran’s lips stretch into a wide gn. The fact that they find this Tory is absolutely repugnant. I cament stay here another instant. I throw my legs out of the bed and the next second, teel Ivan’s string pripombe. He drags me back up on the mattress despite all my screaming and with Carmen’s help, he manages to the both of my wrists to the headboard. I find myself simply bond to the bed without any means of escaping 

so you want us to do it in front of her?Carmen pants, looking curiously at Ivan

He nods 

That cost you more, you low

Fine, whatever 

Carmen seniles excitedly. What kind of prison is she? A prostitute? I mean, there is no better way to describe what she’s about to do, is there? The only issue is that she’s dressed in what seems to be very expensive clothing, I don’t see how someone who can afford such attire can lower herself to this point

Ivanlies next to me on the bed. Carmen straddles him with an amused look on her face. She slowly starts to unbutton her shirt, revealing glimpses of the turquoise bra she’s wearing underneath

You guys are sick!I snap at them, struggling to get my wrists out of their bonds 

Carmen laughs again. She winks at me before completely talong off her shist and throwing it on me, I smell her eaude parlum on it and clear traces of alcohol I want to curse at her but when I look up, I’m momentarily mesmerized by her appearance 

Though she’s quite strange and despicable, I can’t deny that Carmen is a very attractive woman. Her and hair flows behind her back in thick cascades and the color contrasts beautifully with the turquoise of her bra 1 gape at her as she traces her fingers between her breasts

You’re suddenly very quiet, linda She whispers to me. Do you

I don’t say anything. She pulls her hair over on one shoulder and dives down on Ivan who’s still waiting to receive some attention. She lasses him again, passionately. Her tongue glides over his lips and I’m surprised to find that my lower belly is heating up. I squiem uncomfortably on the bed

Carmen uses bernight hand to unclip her bra Ivan helps her take it off before brashing his thomb over her hard nipples. She moans and moves hermouth to his chest, her band gliding on his abs

turn away from

this gaze. I have the possibility to close my eyes and just wait for this nasty 

Ivan turns his head to look at me. My face heats up and 1 swiftly tumaway 

experience to end but somehow, I can’t stop staring at Carmen 

I find it quite fascinating to watch the way she presses open mouth kisses on Ivan’s abs. Before lung, she’s tugging his pants and underwear off. The sight of his cock makes me pesp. I don’t know why I’m so surprised to see it. Maybe it’s the fact that his size is more prominent than expected

He’s not fully hard yet and his member lies heavily on his stomach with precum on the tip and a little bit of pubic hair down there

I clasp my legs tight when atidding sensation starts to bother my most intimate part. I’ve always tried very hard to stay away from last and sexual temptation. As someone who cares about her spirituality, I don’t want anything to stand between God and me but the truth is, 1 do think about it sometimees. My natural reaction. to this scene is making me ashamed, even if I lose it’s normal and expected, I feel like I’in betraying dod 

Ivas seems to sense my dilemana. He gants and laughs at the same time, his hand grabbing Carmen’s red İsair

Like you do so well, honey..He says in a low tone

Carmen don’t need to be told twice. She takes Ivan’s dick in her hand and starts to work him to full hardness, rubbing precum on his guth. I close my eyes momentarily but just hearing the sound of Ivan’s groans and the movement of Carmen’s hand is somehow worse 

Topen my eyes again, tears running down the sides of my face. Ivan’s chest rise and fall quickly as Cammen opens her bright, crimson lips and takes him in her mouth. He noaan loud and I let out a tiny whimper that tlopenonnelmart

Carmen definitely has some experience in this. She sucks and licks clusdeyes, she let her tongue twirl around lästip and thei 

van’s dick like one would do with lollipop and she seems to enjoy it greatly. With herhalf 

until she gags on his lengthe 

Ivan bodds her head and starts tbinding in her mouth without a single rubcem for her

You’re batting her!I yell 

The sound of her egging makes me quite restless van acts like he didn’t hear me. He keeps fucking where his dick wasn’t 

t even supposed to be in the first place, ming Carmen likea sexfood Heeltemable for her. Yet, when İvan finally allows her to lift her head, Thind that she’s sinilling, saliva wetting her lips and chin 

I want you inside 

I shake my head ne bot without getting any consideration from these people, Cammen stops off her skirt and panties. She’s nome completely naked, she puts her fingers inside her own sex and I stare at her incredulously, I don’t know if she’s just overly confident on if there’s something wrong with her brain. Howe anybody do this in front of others

Chapter 19 

Ivan puts a hand on her hip and guides her down on his dick Carmen throws her head back and sighs in ecstasy when she starts to get down on his length until he’s. fully inside her 

Watching them fuck eachother is brutal and traumatizing. I thought sex was supposed to be something meaningful and passionate between two people who are in love What I witness here couldn’t be any further from that belie 

Ivan and Camen aren’t making love. They are behaving more like wild animals, pest chasing their sexual satisfaction and nothing more. She bourkes on top of him, fast and hard, malong the most obscene sounds. I’m repulsed but somehow, my body is still heating up and wetness gather between my legs. I scream and curse at them for making me go through this

With a few more hip thrusts, Carmen comes violently, her entire being going through spasms. Ivan slips his cock out of her and pushes her away. My eyes widen when he’s suddenly kneeling next to me and pumping his dick over my face

What the fuck are you doing?!” 

His eyes are dørk, not a single emotion transparent on him van groans, working himself faster until there’s white cum spurting out of him and landing on my face. Theep my lips as tightly shut as I can, mers closed as the warm, sticky substance coats my skin

Ivan grunts, clearly satisfied with himself. Iteel something poke at the corner of my lips and I dare to hope that it isn’t his actual dick, otherwise I’m really going to puke. He breathes loud and hand 

You’ve never looked more beautiful, Catalina He laughs. My cum suits you so well. Open your eyes and ser.” 

As I don’t oblige to his order, he starts to pull at my hair and tugging my clothes. I end up opening my eyes to make him step. Cammen crawls towards, just when Ivan grab his phone from the mattress and takes a few pictures of me in this lessthanflattering position. I feel Carmen’s hand trying to sneak its way between my legs 

Les take care of you too, Linda 

No!I vell and argretting it immediately because some of Ivan’s cum gets in my mouth. FW 

To my greatest surprise, he grabs Carmen’s wrist and pulls her hand away from me, she gasps before meeting his deathly stare

Who said you could touch her?” 

Shut the fuck up and get out of here. Your job is done 

Cannien shows signs of anger for the first time. She snatches her wrist back 

I’ll transfer it to you 

Now, get the fuck out.” 

She curse under her breath and storms out of bed. Camen collects her clothes and wears them aggressively

It’s my fault!” 

Sheeps saying I told myself I’d never fuck you again and go ahead and commit the same mistake, Go to hell, Ivan Whitlock.” 

He doesn’t pay her any attention. Carmen gets out of the bedroom, slamming the door hard behind her with her gone, I feel a little more apprehensive about Ivan He goes to the bathroom and comes back with a towel to wipe away the cum on my face

What is wrong with you?I spit as he starts to take off the bonds around my wrists. What was the point of bringing that girl here and screwing her in front of 

I sit up as soon as I’m free and rub at my sore wists. Ivan is still naked, his dick perfectly aligned with my vision. I try to not focus on it too much! be’s hardening

but I notice that 

I wanted to show you what you’re missing on.He says, trying to touch me with his nasty hand

I push bin away and stands up 

You’re sic! Thas only deepens the disgust feel for you, Ivan,” 

You’re going to deny that you were aroused? I saw it on your face and I can sell your slick from this distance. Until when are you going to play saint, I hate you.” 

ab, but you still wa 

still want me to fuck you just like I did with Commen.” 

from my bark to lam and fork myself in his bathroom, crying I feel dirty and used. There are still traces of his coumy face and hair. I yell angrily and tear my clothes off to pump under the shower. No amount of scrubbing can take away this nasty feeling but I’ll die trying 

And in the process, I notice that indeed, I’m wet and sensitive downther, just like ivan said. Seeing him with another woman did tomme on and that makes me Terlin wote about myself 



Status: Ongoing


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