Chapter 21
Ivan wasn’t joking when he said that Hector was going to keep an eye on me. He’s the only guard allowed to come inside the mansion while the Whitlock family is away and that is simpleso he can watch my every move
It’s been two days since I’ve been left alone. I tried to make friends with Hector but the man has decided to not give me a chance. His face remains expressionless all the time and he barely replies to my greetings. I can’t really blame him for this, though. He meld lose his job if he isn’t careful…Or end up like Ricardo
Leye him cautiously as he stands near the door leading to the garden. He’s smoking a joint, seemingly deep in thoughts. I make my way toward him and clear my throat, Hector glances down with the kind of indifference you’d reserve to an insect
“Canlask you a question?”
He grands again, tuming away from me. That’s his way of declining my report but I decide to shoot my question anyway!
“I want to know what happened to Ricardo “Etell him. “I’m not sure but maybe you can provide me with some answers. Is he okay?”
Hector refuses to say a word. I wait, hoping to see a sparkle of emotion within him, anything that could hit me on Ricardo’s fate but Hector remains as blank as a wall. Suddenly, I stam to speculate on what this could mean. What if this man’s silence isnot post due to the urders he received from the Whitlocks? What if he just doesn’t know how to tell me that Ricardo is dead?”
A sob escapes fromine. I get
mouth and staggers back. My feet take me to the kitchen where i stand, facing away from the door. The tears flow out of me and I can’t control them. How will ever forgive meselt if Ricardo died? It’ll be my fault. He told me about his family, his desire to get married someday…I’ve ruined his Lite and those of the people who loved him.
Itum slightly when I hear Hector’s heavy footsteps coming into the lachen. I try to wipe away the tears on my face but they just keep on coming back
says in a flat tone.
W what?”
I take a few steps closer to him. He still has that expressionless face on so I’m not even use
mally heard him speak or if it was just my imagination playing tricki
“Ricardo isolary. He’s with his family ”
My mouth open but no sounds come out of it. Hector turns and leaves the kitchen. Relief washes over me and makes me tear up more, but this time out of delight Ricardo is safe. The weight I carried with me all this time is gone, knowing that I didn’t end his life. I’ve been feeling so much guilt…It makes it easier to keep up with this when I know that I haven’t dragged another person into my nightmare.
tum in my cleaning duties with much more enthusiasm than earlier. I even go out of my way to dust the paintings hanging on the hallways that are less visited (this mansion. 1 also decide to dean up Ivan’s study room I don’t go in there very often due to the reminder of that time when I had been thrown against the desk and injured my back in the process. That was the first physical assault from Ivan.
To distract myself from those temible memories, I tummy back to the desk and start dasting the books. Naturally, I’m quickly taken into a spiral and find myself going through them. 1 read a few chapters of this and that. Sometimes, I don’t understand what the complicated words mean but some other times, I get to leam new things about politics, psychology and science. I wonder it Ivan is taking advantage of this. He has the opportunity to be so knowledgeable. Thope he’s not wasting it when people like me would have done anything to lane this blessing.
Though I would have loved to stay in here all attemoon, I have to get out of Ivan’s zoom and start cooking dinner.
I’m not sure if they’ll come back tonight. I’m not being informed of what’s happening out there, I just assume that the old master Whitlock’s conditionisnot getting any better otherwise, his sons wouldn’t have to spend their nights to the hospital withhim.
When diner is ready, serve for the guards and for myself. I’m thinking of going to bed early. This mansion is still terrifying to me and staying up late when I’m alone doesn’t sound so appealing-
However, I’ve barely started eating my food when I hear a car outside. Knowing that the Whitlocks never have visiters, I understand that they’re back from the hospital. It can only mean two things either the old m better. Or much worse.
Labandon my damer and go to open the door for them Ivan walks in first. He brushes past me and takes the stairs before I can analyze his face. Lucidly, Valentina
ses in right after, carrying Nico in his arms. They both lookexhausted, which is expected, but there is also something grim in their eyes.
I don’t have to ask Valentino doesn’t say anything but offers me a trembling smile, He’s trying to hold back his teats. The old man is gone
I don’t feel anything as I lock the door and the Whitlock soms disappear upstairs. It’s tensble but I just can’t force myself to feel bad about the death of a person who only due pain. 1 jebum to the kitchento finish my dinner and was the dishes.
After this, I take one meal op to Nirn’s room. Hierause he’s so young, Líbánk!
needs to eat something belose going to bed. He also doesn’t seem too affected by liis father’s death. Maybe lae just don’t understand it yet but also know that the old master never tried to build a relationship withs his children, Ivan was the use who got most of his attention and that’s because he’s the oldest belt. He also didn’t get to see much of his father’s affection,
Speding of Ivan
I can’t really amid him for long since we share the same bedroom now. I sheepishly walk in and find him in the midst of a seemingly important call. 1 disappear in The bathavons before he noticesmy presence to take my shower and wraca set
When come out again, Iran is done with his call. I play with my fingers, feeling a little timidated by his antra.
“Father’s dead “He bluts uNÍ
I stand there, only a few feet away from his
It’s not true, of course I’m not sorry at all. All i want to know is it he’s going to release me now in
in it be intends on keeping up with his father’s miles.
“I take over his place.” Iran adds, looking a line bewilder “I’m Mister Whitlock, now. The company, the partners…They are all my responsibilities.”
I can see it now, Ivan is terrified. He nins a hand through his hair, his jaw clenched tight. I feel a breakdown bubbling up inside him. In a matter of seconds, tran grabs a vase sitting on his desk and smashes it against the wall. I scream and cover my head with my arms. Glass shards brush against my skin but thankfully I’m not hurt. Tvan is already looking for something else to break Thold his arm before he can do so.
Ivan looks like he’s about to push me away from him but when our eyes meet, the angerin
the anger in him is put on hold.
“Walt,” 1 repeat with much more confidence. “Inow it’s a lot but you need to be rational, now more than ever. Your father is gone and you’re the man of the family now. Instead of throwing atantrum, I think he would have wanted you to handle the situation with a stone cold heart. You think he would have cared if you were the one who died? No, honey, His first move would have been to train Valentino or someone else to take over your place.”
Ivan’s frown deepens, I know the things I say are rather upsetting but they are the truth.
one step at a time, alright?”
“Before you start worrying about the company, you need to plan your father’s funeral first. You will take care of the other issues of *Win are you giving me advice?”
He really sounds confused. I ask myself the same question but can’t really find an answer to it. I shouldn’t care if van goes through hell but… Maybe I’m looking for away to eam his favors. Maybe he won’t hurt me if he sees a friend in me.
* just want to help.“1end up telling him,
Ivan isn’t convinced. He snatches his way from my hold and grasps my face between two fingers. I wince at the pain spreading on my jaw,
“This doesn’t change anything.” He snaps. “You’re still the little slut father brought for my training. I’m not letting you go, Catalina. Now more than ever, you’ll need to fulfill your purpose in here I will have to use you to become stronger.”
1 moan in pain as his fingers tighten amond Lace. This fucking asshole. He is unredeemable. He finally lets go of me and I stagger back, feeling half of my face burning
“Don’t wait up for me. I will be in my study for most of the night.”
Hah. As if I was actually going to wait Ivan leaves the bedroom and I pump under the covers, frustrated by his behavior, I thought sleep would come easily but it doesn’t. My brain keeps speculating on what will happen to me now. What if the old muster’s death tums van into something worse than he already is?
That thought is terrifying and I must prepare for the worst. It’s not only him who’ll need a stone cold heart for the corning days…