“It’s okay.” He whispers. “He’s gone.”
I stare at him through my tears.
“Did you k–kill him?”
He nods. My mouth is agape. Ivan wipes my tears away with his thumb.
What will happen to you now?” I wonder. “Will you Will you go to jail a
“No. The guards are going to get rid of the body and that will be it. He was an asshole, no one’s going to miss him.”
“You. You’re going to kill someone and get away with it just like that?”
tvan shrugs as if this is nothing. If I had shot someone to death, I would be completely traumatized. It makes me wonder if this is the first time for him. Ivan tugs a few strands of hair behind my ears. The dark circles under his eyes appear more pronounced.
“I don’t wa
want you to go out there again, not when there are still guests in the house. Stay here, the other maids will take care of the chores.”
I just nod, still unable to process the fact that Ivan killed a man for me. He walks out and I’m left alone again. At least the good thing about this situation is that i
can rest until tomorrow. I get to bed and fall asleep almost immediately. Yet, my mind is incessantly tortured by nightmares about that old man, coming back to life to finish what he started earlier….
Later that night, I’m allowed to retum to ivan’s bedrooms, Lassume that the guests have all gone home now. As for the hired servants, I’m not so sure. Maybe They’ll stay a little late to cleanup or at least, I really hope so. I don’t want to be the me to take care of the mess tomorrow morning
Liget into land’s bedroom and freeze be the door. My eyes have fallen upon his desk and it’s like I’m getting assaulted all over again. I remember how it felt to stanamed against the harsh wood andoverpowered. It’s the worst expertise to go fluuigh and entortmately for me, I’ve experienced it more than once since i
I think is as has done worse to me but somehow, his abuse doesn’t feel as fromatizing as the one from that stranger, Dean’t understand why and this realization is making me feel worse about myself. I must be sick to see anything good in bim
Next to the desk, there’s the spot where I saw him punch his father’s best friend repeatedly, Linsagine him using a gun to blow his brains out right after and a shiver nm down my spine. I don’t see aux blood though so I assume someone must have cleaned up after thin.
My teet take the to the bathroom with the speed of lightning 1 kneel by the toilet and empty my pots, coupling hard. It’s just so awful to imagine tuan killing that ma I’m grateful I didn’t get to witness it
I take a quick shower and wash uw has more than puar because it somehow got hold of the vount stent, Disgusting. After this, I wrap a stand topless in front of the foggy mintor, I tum slightly to exaume now back. The words from Evan’s whipping haven’t healed yet.
a towel.
my hip and
4 put ointment on them daily but the issue is that it’s complicated to take case of it on my own. There are a lot of cuts that my fingers can’t reach so I usually just do what Lean and hope to the best. After all, I don’t really have someone leanturn to in this place for help.
It takes me andkind fifteen minutes to finish spreading the ointment and then, I slip on my pajama dress, Ivan enters his bedroom a while later and find me kneeling be the bed, performing to night panes. Though my eyes are closed, I can feel has standing on the other side of the bed and watching me.
1 wrap up my prayei Taster thanusual and frown at the silent man who is watching me with the kind of intensity that always makes me uncomfortable.
“I hope you didn’t forget to pray for my soul, angel.” He unders
I don’t know what to say to him so I just keep stating van chockles and trails to the bathroom to take his shower. I crawl under the covers, kissing the cross around my neck. I can’t believe that I’m going to sleep next to a freaking wanderer tonight. Even if Iow that he did it to pusted me, I just don’t understand why it was
very to end someone else’s life. He could have just beat the shit out of him and let him go…
And that’s not even the scanest part. It’s this cold indifference in bean that scares me the most. He gets out of the bathroom, whistling a tune while drying his dark cuits: 11’s like he had the most boring, uneventful day. Even his father’s funeral doesn’t ignite any sort of emotion in him. I don’t think I saw him cry yet and sure, the old man was an asshole but Ivan was somehow attached to him. Shouldn’t be at least display a little bit of sadness?
He gets in bed, only weaning his boxers. I pray that he’lljust leave use alone but of course that’s too much to ask, Ivan pulls me by the shoulder so I’m lying on my hack. His face is right over mine, his disheveled hair sitting night above his thickeyebrows.
– Task after a minute of complete silence in which van does nothing but stare at me. Is he going to try one of his sick sexual games again? I’m glad to see didn’t bring a girl over but still, I’m wary of what other things he can attempt to do right now.
You fuave quite an effect on men, Catalina,” He whispers, taling me completely off guard. “You know that, right?”
-A man lost his life today because of you
ham? How was that my fault? I didn’t shoot him, you did! Don’t put that shit on me.”
šty beart is raring inside my ribcage. The last thing I want is to be the cause of someone’s death, Ivan traces my bottom lap with his thumb.
#shhh I’m not blaming you, doll. I’m just saying that you make men do insane stult… That guy I killed was Manuelo Gonzalez. He’s known my dad for a very long time and he must have lost his mind to come into this home and try to rape my fucking maid. Even people who don’t know us won’t dare to disrespect us, let alone
who’s been in our close circle for years. So what is it that you do, exactly?”
I gape at tum, looking a little dumb i expect, Ivan licks his lips while taking in my facial features.
“Even I’m not immoner to you.” He adds in a slur. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, more than I should considering that you’re nothing more than a little
Valentina’s words come back to my mind all of a sudden. I also start observing Iwan and see the strange obsession he has over me. I don’t think it’s anything as
tras Valentino describes but it’s still something. Ivan desires it.
“I wouldn’t lave kulled him if he’d assaulted another servant.” He confides. “He was a prominent partner and now that he’s dead, I’ll probably have to deal with His Family’s, Backlash. They are very wealthy, you know. It won’t be tanto have them as enemies but the thing is. I don’t regret putting that bullet through hus
tried to do to you and…I just pisses me off.”
“but con’t that what you want to do to mr, Ivan Lask “What makes you so different from that man?
Hell. You don’t see me forcing myself on you, do you? I could easily do so because you’re and yet, I haven’t and I won’t, not until you’re begging for it.”
“Twoft “That makes you so ti
He frowns. Exan frelibat lae’s about to protest but before he can do so, ilean toward and peck his lips. It’s so it in yell wondering if I really did it but
Tharely have the time to blink that he brings our lips together again, kissing me with akiul of raw passion I never experiences belote. Lopen my mouth and let him slip his tongur in Edon’t hate how it feels to have him made my momalla like that or grabbing my ass under the covers. He starts to rock his body against mine,
I stop our kiss abruptle when his hand si
| starts to slip under my pajamas, Ivan looks quite disappointed to say the least.
seven, beathing lot.
com. Maybe cil
sleeping with s
mit eyes lacked again butir in disag
airytale, Catalina. ” Her gruntu. “And year in seis moly volatalanit pou
ma and rotuje into a l
mm back to:
İyamisij’i krone, Tromat be nu
Fuse feel good-