CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 28

CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

play, I’m done for today” 

francloses the head of his computer and finally gets up from his office chair. I sigh in relief. I can’t wait to stretch my legs ster sting on this same cushion for hours was his suit jacket and walks out of the dont without paying much attention to me. I follow diligently

The hallways of the company are almost empty now. It’s nine in the evening so I’m certain that all the employees have gone home. I’m glad that I won’t have to deal with Camtien again tonight 

Tom and I are the only people in the but taking us to the ground floor. The silence is overwhelming. I switch my weight from one foot to 

it to the oth 

ather to pass the time and suddenly, there’s a loid growling sound. At first, I don’t sexderstand where it’s coming fromdie what it could be still meet Ivan’s gaze. His eyes switch from 

A deep blush takes avrem 

cover my fare and Icross my arms over my lower belly. This is so fucking embarrassing. I didn’t realize how hungry I was but it’s understandable since beans and Edidn’t get to eat lunch. The hunger pangs were painful during the attemoon four they’d slowly disappeared with my increasing boredom. Now they 

The elevator doors open to the ground fleet and I follow Ivanood again. The fact that he doesn’t comment only growling stomach makes it even more emhamadeg

Will have to cook dimmer when we get home? Probably. Isure the guards have eaten everything in the fridge and that Valentino and Nico have been standing jest like us. But, I’m so exhmated I don’t think Icon pe through a couple of hours of cooling

1dly get in the car and put my seatbelt on The city looks a lot better at night, with all the lights on and th clubs and bars getting animated. If I were fore, I would definitely use a night like this to go out and dance Pamela would have taken me to a nice place since she knows all the best clubs in Bogota God, I miss her 

I rest my head against the cold window, dreaming about my past life. I used to hate it so much but now, I think 1 would gladly take those years of misery backfir will free me from this captivity

Ivan takes a different tum from this moming. I notice but don’t pay much attention to it. I don’t see what horrible thing he can do to me at this point. I’ve already 

one through the worst

After a while, the impressive structure of a restaurant appears in front of us. I sit up in my seat, my mouth hanging open at the sight of such luxury. This is the kind of place only see in telenovelas. © 

What What are we doing here, Ivan?” 

Ivan’s drives into the parking lot, trying to find a spot nearest to the restaurant 

*I’m going

to treat you to a meal. He responds

Of course here.” 

He shaken his head a little while I’m still trying to recover mm my shock Who takes his maid to dinner in place like this? He must have ulterior motives. I get out of the car at the same time as him and rush to walk by his side

The man at the entrance of the estate greets us with a smile. I stay halfhidden behind Ivan’s tall frame. I feel so out of place that I prefer to make myself as 

mall as possible. I vaguely listen to Ivan’s conversation with the man while my eyes travel through the restaurant. It seems to be a popular place. Most of the tables are occupied and the clients me all pretty wealthy, judging by the warthey’re dressed

I would like a table for two 

Ulum Do you burve a reservation

you must be newhere, right?” 

, the one that makes it seem like he was the world. The male employee gets histered 

yes but_Therables atr I taken, sir. You need a reservation to ” 

*I’m a Whitlock There’s no such thing as reservation for me. Now, take us quickly to a table. You’re starting in piss me off “ 

Dirvam as the man beuty away We have to go to the second floor to thad an empty table. This part of the restaurant is even more luxurious. We get seated near the window where we have a nice view of the city. The cuir is extremely comfortable, I sink in the soft pillow and my eyes widen in surprise

After th 11 takurs sur oeder, I decide to say the thing that’s been brewing in my mind even if it could get me in trouble

You didn’t have to be so ride to that guy, you know.” 

He fills has Barad to the side, eating me with his eyes. Leantell that how exactly who I’m talking about

not post force your way in 

e priyar the entraire. I rodf my eyes. He was just doing his job. You should get a reservation becoming to a place like this and not just feste Like you did ” 

Listradoll, Dean’t have these privileges and uter, light? Plus, that 

*Yeah. You like to be with men who donate others 

Well. I must not be like other women, then.” 

Ivan’s raises que eveliew, i tare turisting in amusement. Dir meal is served quickly and is accompanied by some old French wine. He ordered for me, didn’t even bother tiraikome what twanted Will, Egress Dshouldn’t complain since I’m not the epe paying for it

Thus, thes berthing and blackberry seed salmon is absolutely deliciones. I fill my mouth without a single care about what I look like, van watches me more than he 

aadhi pats lusammlisch but be alinade dank two full glasses of wine

clown that bite with a little sip of wine. İvan doesn’t say anything. He’s simply waiting for my response. I sigh and decide to give it ro 

gh the park. Tlike when someone takes me out to dance like long conversations about this or that, the type that can stretch chend an rutin night like toy jokecand sad movies. 1 bdewamle Like when usmeone remembers the most insignificant things said about 

Take another bite while han is still staring at me His booded eyes make it seems like he’s drunk already but I know that’s not the case. You’re foolish, catalina.He ends up

Ishnig Lotten think thun 

We finish over meal soon after. Or at least, I finish mine. Ivan’s plate was still relatively full when the waiter took it away. Next, we receive our dessert. This time, he 

1 wanted and 1 settled happily with atiramisucale ivandoesn’t take amthing

il try one bile.” 

I take a spoonful of me tiras e and raise it to his lips. There’s only a slight trace of surprise on his face that quickly disappears. He hesitates 

He waits for three more seconds before finally opening his mouth and accepting the bite Lodtered. I wait for a reaction but Ivan does nothing but tap gently the commemmat his lipe with a napkin

alright, I guess. “ 

Llaugh a little at his response. That’s when suddenly, there are two people standing right next to our table. Ivan and I didn’t see them approach. It’s a tall, then and blonde young man, accompanied by a young woman holding on to his arm. They both wear smiles on their faces but I feel a tension that can’t really explain 

Well it it isn’t Manuele the third.He says in a polite voice

yen and it’s quite a coincidence too. This is not the kind of restaurants where you usually go to, is it? I didn’t know any better, I would say that you followed me 

just wanted to take my little friend here to somewhere differentI see you’re well accompanied yourself. Who is the lovely lady?” 

Manuelo and the pertly woman by his side tumed to me. Heat spread throughout my body and I sit usually still, waiting for Ivan to introduce however he pleases

persent to you my condolences.” He says, completely ignoring Mamelo’s question. I’ve heard about your father.” 

ntment flashes through the blood man’s eyes. I suddenly remember where I’ve heard the name Manuelo before and a gasp almost escapes from my 

vaata podal you mention it because actually wanted to talk to you about his unfortunate and quiet mysterious death” 

cant help poud 

i just think it’s a bit odd that the last place he went to was your home where he assisted to your father’s heal. The next day, we find his body badly beaten and atii five bullet wounds in the woods. I guess I just wanted to see if you loow anything

Flochy, Mannerio Faraid Doan’t help you ” 

The two men slage a long and powerful gate. I swallowickly, the air getting alter adesse forme. After ancenity, Manuele buds and offers another smile. Fue Don’t legitate tulei ur now if unnelling comes up You know, I won’t stop at anything to uncover the truth about my father’s murder. And on that nite… 

They lewer and 1. 

mally i open my mouth to say something but İvanputsattiger against his mouth, shunting ane up, I see that 

ús. Teat my dessert quickly so we can fully leave this restaurant. I speak again only when I’m alone in the can 

(le pay you murderedurinal 

pitched mice. The me who tried to assault me on your dad’s funeral. “ 

He’s so scary. I knew he was smiling 

Lime but did you see how dark his eyes we 

I now have the condiim 

u suspecting nur for his fati 

ideal. I need to get rid of him somehow.” 


He can’t be thinking about murdering another person, right

That’s how it works in my world, Catalina. There’s no other way to get rid of enemies except through murder. But I know Manuelo, we practically grew up together. He won’t be easy to take down I’m pretty sure that he’s building up a plan to take me down as we speak 

My heart drums in my chest. This all sounds like a crazy horror movie

Is this related to the secret side of your family business?| ask

Ivan nods. The scanest part in’t this entire talk around murder. It’s the fact that I have never seen him look more worried



Status: Ongoing


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