Chapter 29
from beeps taking me with him to work and it’s been to weeks already. At this point, I have stopped attracting people attention and they barely gossip when we pass by Umalso starting to get used to this new routine.
Have become Ivam’s secretary, in Carmen’s greatest disamay I dare to imagine. My job is to fetch coffee, help him arrange his documents, tidy up the offer and make one that no one distub him while his working. I sometimes want to argue that is not part of my maid credentials but the truth is that really enjoy it. It’s less
Also, when there is nothing lett to do, Ivan allows me to read a book or a magazine from his offer’s bookshelves, I make it quite obvious that I’m obsessed withi reading, Conded on the soda, I devom one page after the other, Most of the books he has are classical but I still enjoy them a lot, Hight now, I’m reading Little Mamen by Louisa Alcett and Frantell that neither Ivan nor his father har man touded this copy The pa
Blyamended togetherwhen picked it up.
Inbetween my reading, Lalso stop at times to discreetly spy on Ivan: When he’s his partners. More than once, he disappeared in the bathroom to talkses I would
Typing on his computer, he’s having zoom meetings or very heated calls with (bearhim. Elimagine that’s when he’s having conversation about theotherside of
Boow he’s stressed. It must be hard for him to take the role of a CEO when he hasn’t even properly grieved his father yet. Pretending to be strong doesn’t cut soon, be’s bond to get overshelmet
“Could you please check who’s knocking?”
“What?” I blurt out, completely taken be saprise
It seems like Ivan has been talking to ine but was too lost in me own thoughts to notion
“The door, Catalina ” He grunts.
“Oh Min Sure!”
I stand up promptly, still clutching my book and scurry to the door. There, I find a nice looking gentleman who smiles down at me before entering the office.
| “oh, it’s you Saul “tvan sansafter a brief look over his laptop’s
“Yeah, I’ve been calling you buddy!”
“I about that Work has been a lot. Please, have a seat!”
Saul does she’s told. Loffer him a drink and he agrees for a glass of scotch. I serve him and a shiver can down my spine when our fingers touch. I don’t think he did. it on purpose and thankfully, Ivan didn’t notice anything 1 return to my sote and make melt as small as possible.
İvan rately receives guests at the office or at home but it seems like Sail is one of lus close friends. He’s more related around him and even allows himself to smile genuinely, which makes his facial features more attractive.
al, on the other hand, is just as smiley, I don’t doubt that he’s someone fun to be aroun wonder if he knows about Ivan’s dirty job or the fact that he’s detaining me at the moment.
*because you were not replying to my tests, had to come here and invite you formally to my birthday party.”
“oh no, it’saltwady that time of the year?” Ivanchuckles.
*What a pleat friend you are, Whitlock I don’t dare to hope that you saved a gift for me, then.”
-Well…I’ll pick up something for you one of these days. But I’m sorry, I won’t be able to attend your party. I would love to, really, but it’s not very wise for me at the moment. Luana lot of things to take care of ”
“And that’s one more reason to actually come, Ivans Even on Muskhas to relax once in a while you know, your father’s company will not go into bankruptcy in Goday Pt, the party is on the weekend.”
“I don’t know, MAI
Please. All our friends from school will be there,”
Ivan makes a little grimace frantell that lar’s weighing the conquences of his response right now. Will he upset his friend or will be make a sacrifice for him. He sighs deeply and just through the little sanile on his face, I manage to guess his responsy before he even formulates it.
“Really? You’ll do this for me?
“Weah but just because it’s just to say no t
“museally grateful.”
do say no to you.”
auts and gulps down the rest of his drink. He tells has that he’d only come for this one thing and that now, he must runs to work. They both walk to the
“Oh. And don’t forget to bring a date!” saul adds joyfully before stepping out of the office
eveal. Everyone is required to bring one
“I don’t husvratipune to ling
“What are you talking about? How at least two who’d do anything to accompany you but if you want an advice, I’d definitely suggest Martha Hemandez. She’s gorgeous and her family’s rich, so
Saul winks at Ivan and leaves. The latter after closing the door thit ryesineet.
Chatter 29
“We will have to get you aparty dress.” He says,
I watch him retum to his desk and then, I start using the pages of my books minilessly. I wish I could just ignore him but the words blurt out of my mouth on thestown
**Why don’t you just go with Martha Hemandez?” I say in a high–pitch tone. “I’m sure she has plenty of dresses to weat
Ivan’s eyes squint at me..
“What did you say?
“I don’t know, it just sounds like you have plenty of other options.”
“Are you….Are you jealous right now?”
I let out a rear of laughter that is far from being appropriate in this situation. Ivan seems amused a
and it doesn’t help with my already obvious embarrassment.
“ok for the record, Catalina…You don’t own me, I own you. I can go to that freaking party with whomever I want and for now, I choose you. You can’t have the audacity to question me about that, do you understand?–
“Yes, master Whitlock “1 say in a mocking tone.
I pretend to be interested in my book but my brain is tuming with images of Ivan with other women, I don’t why it’s pissing me off this much. God, please don’t let metall in love with this monster. I can’t allow him to have that much power over me
I don’t look up from my book even as I feel his gaze on me. Instead, I clutch the tiny cross around my neck and give a slight kiss. I hope God heard my prayers.