God, what happened to me?
I can’t stop thusking about this man. Francared me to bed last night and didn’t try anything out of place. He best held me in hi
n his arms and rocked me until 1 tell
tried to at least, but be
I kept going in and out of slumber. How could I sleep after last night’s events? It was my first sexual experience with a man and i loved it. All 1 Camado para la stare at bean’s beautiful face while he’s astrep and thinking that this is too good to be true. Something is going to happen and burst this bubble beckar I’ve never been fupplet in my life
1 the time to start work finally arrives, I try to wiggle aut of his held without waking him but ivan opens his eyes. He pushes me down on the mattress, pinning
“Where do you think you’re going, de||?
oed, his moming voice..I’m already starting to feel tingles between my legs again. He does he have sometocontrol ove
over my body!
“Well The house isn’t going to clean itselt and someone needi to make breakfast and feed your brothers
Ivan groom. His head disappears in the crook of my neck, biting and licking any skin. I squim underneath him, my nipples brushing uncomfortably against his chest. If he keeps up with this.
-stop at we’ll never get out of bed whoser to him.
I sigh in liet when his with finally stop sucking and licking my skin
“you sw you’re the tust woman that I’ve felt sexually attracted to and still didn’t fucken the spot, night?”
“I knew ” | smile. “I’m happy to see that you have so much control over yoursell, sweetie.”
When can get to show you how good I can make you feel, though?
myself to someone
wone who doesn’t have my heart. You know that I’m a hopeless
“When you’ve earned my trust and my love. I’m sorry Ivanbul I won’t give m
1 finally manage to get away from him and go get ready for the day. Yet, as soon as I find myself under the shower, I have to touch myself and relieve the (that’s been building up within me. The truth is that my body is begging for Ivan’s attention. Now that 1know what it feels like to be touched by relse, it’s harder to ignore that call of lust.
guilty. God must be so disappointed in menght now
I clean up and make breaktadt an uncal. This time though, since I’m in soch a jolly mood, I add potato pancakes to the menu. Valentino and Nice make excited noises
valdant table, beautifully dressed and filled with the food they love most.
er and smiles at his brother. They seem a little surprised because Ivan hasn’t been smiling much lately.
I’m about to leaver but van hold my hand
My eyes widen. Did best invite me to eat with him? His father must be squirming in his grave. I can’t refuse his request, not when he’s looking at me with such Tvan leads me to seat to him and he’s the one who fills my cup with hot coffee. Valentino watches with a suspicious glint in his eyes. Nico, on the other
“Dadewat?” He says. “This going to be our mommy, w
Langhai. I’m mesmerized by the way his yr un ate gradle costs. He’s so luddsome when he’s like this, carefree and happy. His hand holds mine under
id him out with Valentines When they’re gone, hvat meerume in the kitchen where I was just finishing up with
wn his amus soddruhy wrap around my waht. The next thing Haow, Ivan is carrying me and sitting me on the counter, He bes
detareuuny legs, looking up at suprynk
| Trayer you be te and go to work.” He says, les finger stisking under my chis
_why don’t you tell me
(177) understand,
Clldefinitely leaty
datever you have todo in lucare of your father. You wouldn’t but otharus mu mess with anything illegalit it wasn’t for him “
Chapter 36
ivangives me a sad smile.
“Maybe you’re right Catalina but the thing is I’m already in too deep and I can’t get out of it. This is my family’s legacy and my job is to preserve it. You, on the other hand. You represent the good side of me. I want to keep you as far away as possible from the darkness. Believe me, it’s better like this.”
Icantell that he’s determined to keep his secret so I don’t insist. Ivan fishes something out of his pocket and gives it to me. I gasp when I see that it’s my phone.
“Oh my God…”
My eyes move between his face and the phone in my hands. I can’t even speak to tell him how happy I’m right now.
“I’m sorry I took it from you.” Ivan apologizes. “From now on, I promise that I won’t be restricting you anymore. But listen, Catalina…You will understand if I tell you not to wander out of the mansion, right? It’s not safe for you but I promise that it won’t be like this forever.”
“I–I know, L.”
“I’m sorry, okay?”
Inod again, the tears spilling from my eyes. I drag Ivan into a hug and kiss him as hard as I can. He responds with just as much passion
Suddenly, there’s the sound of someone clearing his throat. We part and find Hector standing by the kitchen door.
“Sorry to interrupt sir but it’s time to get to work!
“Oh Yes.”
Ivan laughs a little. He explains to me that he’ll be going to the office with a few guards today. I understand that if’s because he’s meeting his dangerous partners. He kisses my lips one last time before going out. Hector states at me pointedly. He doesn’t seem too happy to see the way my relationship with Ivan evolved. He turns around and follow after his boss without a single word.