CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 40

CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 40

Chapter 40 

On the day after Martha’s visit at the mansion, an article appeared in all news magazines online and offline, outing relationship with an Whitlock

I don’t know how she managed it but she found all the information about me: my name, age and hometown. She also didn’t fail to mention that I was only the mad someone dearly unworthy of a Whitinck’s attention

ohiously, this isnt how we wanted the news to come o all gossips in begera

out. Instead of being discrete and respectfull, our story has been taken as the new scandal and the subject of 

Dieel terrible. Now more than ever, I don’t even dream of going outside in fear that someone will recognize me. I haven’t checked thoroughly but I’m sure that people must not have a good image of me right now, especially slice Martha mentioned that I stole van from him I am now the poor maid girl who is more mil tham Innocent and who wantste steep her way into high society

bean busheen trying to smother the internation but of course, it’s useless. The entire country is almudy aware, after all and trying to shut it down now will only. make us look more vulnerable

I thought that fit be so happy to finally be recognized as Ivan’s glories but instead, all I have is frustration and sadness. It’s probably because Ivan didn’t do it himself. The privilege of making this revelation has been robbed from us with a snap of a finger

I rarely hate on other people but this time, I can’t help but say that I truly despise Martha for putting us in this situation

Instead of trying to deny your relationship, you should confirm it.” 

Valentino has joined us in the garden to drink hot chocolate. Nico is the only one who is oblivious to what we are going through. He nwys his legshappily under the table. Dratch him looking at me from time to time with stars in his eyes. I suspect that he really sees me as his mother figure now…. 

Ivan is sitting test to me and is too preoccupied to notice his little brother’s looks. He raises one eyebrow toward Valentino 

What do you mean?” 

Well there is no better way to make prople torget about a rumor than to continu and be imapologetic abo The nature of your relationship shouldn’t be anyone’s concem.” 

Inad slowly Valentino’s words actually make a lot of sense

but hone would we confirm it?rask 

Oh, it can be really simple actually, tran could just post a picture of you two on his social media accounts

Iglance at Ivan to watch his reaction. He seems unsure 

We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.Tell him

Na actually, I think Valentino has a point.” 

Then why do you look so bothered

Valentino clears this throat and decides to answer for his brother

eam, you guys are not doing anything wrong 

checanor of our business partners. Some of them are mally nasty prople and we usually try to keep our persotul lives private so they can’t use it to hurt us. Ivanj i worried about your wellbeingbut listen to me, broI know it’s scary but we have managed to protect ourselves so far, didn’t we? I’m sure we can keep Catalina 

Ivan nods again but he is still looking unsure. Hetishes his phone out of his jacket and tum the camera on Within a few seconds, he scoots closer to me, his hand. testing under chin. Our lips are naturally called to one another and Thear Ivan taken a few different shots. Behind me, Nico is clapping and giggling teel van’s 

We review the pictures together afterward, our first couple shots. They look nice and personal since they’ve been taken by ivan himself

Are you sure that you want to post them?Laskagain

brankas always kept hús social media content strictly professional. This will be the first glimpse toward his private life. He squeezes my hand in a comforting way. The picture is posted soon after with the caption: Never been happier.Accompanied by a redheart

we bear the notifications, showing that people were already liking and commenting on the picture

myself, Catalina.” 

We are going to check what they have to say.He tells me. We are not going to give them anything more than thisI want to keep you ton 

Handle lovingly. Valentino’s sigh is so boud that it burst through our bubble of love

Well now that’s out of the way, Panot going to hide the fact that I’m really amoyed at the both of you

WingLask with a pout

You de ralize that thrand yuu iwwereddating Hugh Maria’s article, right? 11 

so surprising coming from Ivan but you, catalina? thought we 

11 happened socuabdenly, you I wanted to tell you but Martha beat me to it. Forgive me

side of the table to give his along. Valentino’s playful frown tuns into a grin 

I pass I can’t be angry when you’re this cute.” 

okay that’s moonglow.He says

Valentines rolls his eyes at his brother’s jealousy, which particularly ful abouable, Ivan is not away as he used to be. Even his brothers have gotten more comfortable around lam

sn’t worry, Iran. Valentine tells him. I’m not about to steal your woman if you’re conceited about that.” 


Valentino shakes his head with an aimmised smile. Then, he hands 

aust check what’s inside. A loud papes apes tomate mondhat 

what’s this fou?task thought already guessed 

it’s for yeni gays to enjoy sonur alone time, far away from here.” 

cattenvelope with the word GIFTwillten on it. Hall excited, halt confused, Thurry to open it ight of a reservation in one of the most lusankius hotels in Bogota. Even someone as clueless 

I show the reservation to banaba seems just as surprised and pleased as ine 

This is crazy. Lcomment. It’s for an enthe weekend.” 

You deserve it Valentina says

Ivan who’s been quiet so tat clears his throat

I don’t know how to thank you, Valentino, You have been quite considerate and I never showed you the appreciation that you deserve as my younger brother 

I see the emotions in bati 

Theis eyes and it makes me want to cry mysel 

Don’t mention it.Valentino tells him. I know that Lather forced you to act a certain way. I’m his son too, you know. I have been manipulated by him as well. Now I’m post glad that I get to see the teal youThank God for Catalina. It she hadn’t showed up in our lives” 

I sob and almost inunediately, little Nico is logging my waist and proclaiming how much he loves me. I ruffle his hair with tears wetting my eyes, Ivan and Valentina have the same glint of appreciation when staring at the and realize how blessed I am 

One family was taken timmine but I’ve gained another one in the most unpredictable way. God didn’t forget about me, after all




Status: Ongoing


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