Werlew each other and get our of the shower after an hour. I slip into pajamas and join Ivan in the bed. He holds me in his arms and kisses the top of my head i
Tastier fathom doesn’t fall asleep imatediately riller. He must be worned about something as well. Time goes by with excruciating slowness as t wait for his brating to regulate and finally, it does
Inpenny grand watch heat’s beautiful Face. I like it best wheri
this, andeep and peaceful. I carefully extract myself from his hold and loss him on the
He doesn’t hear me i wait, maybe expecting that he’ll suddenly wake up and stop me from doing this but that doesn’t happen. I guess it’s my sign that I’m doing.
all my belongings before June.
nomeridothes Tonly take a few essentials in i charlpack. I tell myself that this will only be for a short time and that I’ll come back to
s smoking a cigarette
The mansion is plunged indaikessa Tipice my way to be any doc. Endockit and find Hector waiting for me on the other side. He was smoking but he quickly stoop on it when Loome A little simile appearonlds fave.
*You took the right decision. “He tells mor
My hold tightens around the strands of my backpack. I don’t think I believe it,
“Where will you pa?” He asko as we walk down the little alley leading to the gates.
“Remember, you can’t go somewhere where Ivan will find you
I’m thinking about going to firma, Ivan doesn’t know about his existence so it might help. Plus, he can help ine hilde somewhere safer.
Hectot helps me out of the gates where, just like he promised, there is a car walling, a taxi,
“Good lock, catalina. ” He tells me before I get in
Thank you
don’t know why but I feel like his face is a little weird right now, as it he knows sommeilding that I don’t, I’m already buying regrets, missing the warmth that Ivan provided. What if I’m making a mistake?
I get inside the cab and Hector closes the door. I watch the sermey go by through the window, biting on my thumbnail. It’s so dark outside. It feels like I’mina
The train station is deserted and cold at this time of the night. I guess I’m the only person who thinks of commuting at this advanced hour of the night. I don’t meet anyone except for the cab driver who dropped me off. I wait for my train alone and take it as soon as it amives. For the first time, I have an entire wagon all to
1 sit and clutch my cross again, praying silently for this to go well. I wonder why I fee
I feel so unsate here. It’s almost worse than what I felt when I was just brought into the Whitlock‘ mansion 1 feel it…Something bad is about to happen.
At the next stop, three men get inside the train and sit scarcely in the wagon: there’s someone a few seats before me, someone at the back and another standing by the automatic doors. They don’t pay me any attention and I don’t think they know rachother.
Yet, the overwhelming feeling of danger doesn’t leave me at all. The more I pray, the more it seems like God’s voice is ringing right in my head and it’s asking me to tam around and retum to the mansion. My eyes fill with tears. Why did have to do something so stupid?
Of course Ivan loves me. He proved it countless times I shouldn’t have doubted him. Perhaps Hector has lied and he never even met with Matha this moming… should have asked him and told him about Hector….
At the next station, I’ve made up my mind on going back home and apologizing to Ivan for not trusting him. I stand and walk to the automatic doors. The man standing there looks at me and I feel shavers run down my spine.
“Where’re you heading off to little bird?” He asks
“This is not your stop, is it?”
I stand frozen in front of him. The doors are about to close so 1 quickly snap back to reason and try to jump off of the train but the man holds me back fery and cream but no one’s here to save me. I notice the other men in the train walking toward us with dangerous smiles on their faces.
The one holding me puts a rupides over my nose and I smell chemicals. I only get to fight for a few more seconds before my body becomes heavy and limp in his arms: I’m losing consciousness.