CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 56

CAN’T BREAK ME Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

Hector nuns out of the slaughterhouse and come into the big open space wheir Manuel’s men will often hang out and exercise. There, he finds a scene out of his woast nightmare, their hideout is being brutally attack 

Everywhere her looks. Hector finds men fighting with each other. The enemies have brought guns but they mainly use lives and machetes to murder. Hector hides behind a wall and watches with a beavy heart

He doesn’t recognize their people who’ve come to fight them. They don’t seem to be Ivan’s men but then, who else could have sent them? Hector sees that the and women among them too strong heartless women who don’t hesitate to put out their enemies, their faces dripping with blood 

*need to tell Manuelo 

But as soon as Hector moves away from his wall, he feels someone’s hand fall over his shoulder. He tus and swiftly and themes punch at the face of the intruder. The latter manages in dodge it and that’s when Hector gets a good

There, in front of him, staids no other than Valentino Whitlock and he’s mercognizable. Hector had never seen the young man wear such a deathly expression before Valentino was the soft senet the Whitlock family, the one who didn’t want to be associated with the cartel and who’d puke at the sight of blood Yet, right now, he looks like a proper morderen. His eyes are dack and void of any emotion other than pate, raw hatred

We meet again. HectorHendays, his lipstuming ime armish 

tor groans and scappETS ON Hector doesn’t have the time to tractor to sow anything Valentino’s hand grasps his face and slams it land on the wall behind him Herter his feet. He also heard the wall crack under the pressure that Valentino applied. The quand holds the backed his held, panting and looking at the young Whirlock with tricht 

You bettaved us.Valentino spits through gutted teeth. You brought Catalina here and watched her get raped,” 

You You don’t understand Hetes tres to explain Malo threatened me.” 

s the fuckup. Even if he did, your job was to protect our family, even if it cost you your lite. You talled. And you know that Whitlocks are not forgiving 

Faster than lightning, valentino pulls a krite out and stabs Hector on the side of his waist. The guard lets out a pained noise and bends in half under the intense pam Valentina pushes him up, pinning has shoulder to the wall. He looks deep into Hector’s eyes as he twists the laute inside him, coating his fingers Hector shakes, his mouth open and saliva moked with blood ning down the corner of his lips

Hector gathers has remaining strength to look over Valentino’s shoulder. The light is still going on hard and in that war field of blood and death, Ivan appears. He’s dressed in a long coat with leather gloves. He holds a large knife and a gun in both hands. As he walks toward them, he doesn’t tail to shoot and all all the enemies

Hector tear up at the sight. So this is what death looks like, huh. He knows it’s overfor him. If Valentino can look him in the eyes and stab him then Ivan will 

certainly not show any mem 

*Good job, brother. You found the vermin.” 

Valentino chuckles at Ivan’s words. He maintains Hector up by holding his shoulder. The knife is still plung 

plunged in his guts, making

process of dying

slower and 

Now, Hector is forced to look at Ivan. The latter wipes the blood on his knife over the guard’s shirt

II’m wan__Hector begs, still dinging to a little hope for forgiveness, I didn’t betray youWas threatenedThey were going to kill my family. Please, Ivan…. The served youtfamily for years 

Iven stares at fm i complete se, soulless eyes boring into those of his victim. Hector doesn’t know how much time goes by as he waits anxiously for the man’s next move. When a smile apperarion Ivan’s face, lis hope intensities ava mistake to believe in that take show of kindness. He should have known 

The beat second, Hector the outh of Ivan’s gas right between his eyes. He opens his mouth but doesn’t have the time to cry or beg. Ivan shoots him without atpounce of denstation, because of the close range, Hector’s livad expludes like a big waterlon, Brain parts, blood and bones scatter everywhere and not fail to coat Valentino and ivan yet, to them, it feels like a tam ut joy to be covard in the enemy’s bloodl 

Hector’s lifeless body drops nudle ground and is pushed to the side under Valentino’s lineL 

The Whitlock houtken malt to look around for 

Meiselo tales Catalina puugidy in a headlock. He’s been waiting for Hector forme back and now, be just can’t afford to do so anymore. Something temible mast harur juppertand to limout tirar, þadeine by the sounds of light, gunshots and terified menbehind that door, he has every was to be worded about his safety

chelight tam nët but it startas.condering that she lost quite a lot of blood after her finger was cut off

May Mill Manorlu warta. You and I are going to leadout thei 

Catalina bienes that the only reason why Manoelo hasn’t killed her yet is because he wants to use her as a human shield. She’s juished forward, forced to walk to the door and sprical Manselu’s 

rk is literally cutting her breath and making len pap licensedly

Yet, the deiti 

non playing beband the door. She sees the homifying fight and the huge quantity of blood and dead bodies scattered in the open space

lobarallesond. Who are these people?! 

Catalina wonders the same thing for a secoult, und if the start noting the face of a few people dose by. Though most of themate covered in blood and loo quite aggressive, she recognizes some peuple trap her neighbourhood

One of them is no other than Bruno

He’s a few feet away, shooting one of Manuelo’s men in the back as he was attempting to run away

Brano!Catalina sheets

Bruno hums and states at her with a huge smile

She’s here!” 

Most of the people that came with Ivan tum to see as well. Catalina is both shocked and happy to see these people she grew up with, some of them she never even talked to and yet, they still showed up for her 

Who are they?!Manuela asks again, looking more frightened than ever

They are my people.Catalina responds proudly And they are here to fuck you up, Manuelo,” 


But just as she spoke those words, there is a loud gunshot. Catalina screams when she realizes that one of Manuelo’s men just shot at Bruno. The latter still quite a pleased expression on but it’s frozen. He looks into Catalina’s eyes one last time before his body dropped to the ground

Noch god, no. NOT BRUNO!” 

But her friend remains unmoved on the ground, blood staining his clothes. Catalina’s scream alerts Valentino and Ivan who were standing at the other end of the open space. Manuelo spots them and curses as the brothers start walking quicldy toward him

1 swear I will kill her if you touch me!He yells loud enough to be heard

Ivan hesitates. His heart clenches at the sight of Catalina: dirty, paper thin and bloody. He can’t help but blame himself for this. She doesn’t belong in a place like this hurt and surrounded by dead bodies

Catalina stares at him through her tears the face of her lover. Then, she’s taken by a surge of brutal anger. Bruno has died because of her. Suddenly and without any wating, she elbows Manuelo in the guts

The latter was not expecting this attack. His hold on Catalina is broken and she quickly punches him across the face

Come, LinaHe hears Valentino calling 

Catalina has the choice to run away from Manuelo and goes to safety but as she stares at his face, she realizes that she doesn’t want to do that. The memories of these last few days all flow back to her, the rapes, the beatings, the threatsAnd now Bruno’s death

The young woman screams in rage. She steals Manuelo’s knife from his pocket


Cataline starts swinging at him with the weapon like a wild animal. Manuelo walls back, trying to run away from her but there’s one good thing about becoming lighter through starvation Catalina is much faster

I than he is

She slashes through his arm and hear the man scream in a very satisfying way. She laughs out loud, her eyes becoming wide with greed to hear more of Manuelo’s 

His backlits the door of the slaughterhouse, trapping him. Catalina uses the opportunity and stabs Manuelo in the chest. She has the time to do it three times 

before the men groans and punches her, Weak and hungry, Catalina talls to the ground and the knife flies out of her hand

Manuelo strides toward her. He reaches out to get the knife but before he can do so, Ivan appears behind him. He pulls Manuelo back by holding his blonde hair, baring his neck, Catalina is still on the ground, having a clear view of Marmelo and Ivan above him

Her lover asker 

Should I slaughter him, doll? Isn’t that what this place is for?” 

Coralina’s face boraks into a weak gin. Her eyes shine with adoration, reciprocating those of Ivan 

It is, baby Cut his throat and make me happy 

And just like that, Ivari takes his larges knife and does exactly what Catalina has requested. Manelo’s blue eyes stare at her just as his throat is being sliced, tran does it with all his strength, so much that he ends up cutting Manuelo’s head entirely off

The man’s body falls to the side and van stands there, panting and holding the head up by the hair

Catalune is covered with Manuelo’s blood. She sees lasteless eyes going up inside his bodiless head. The nasty smell of death is suffocating and yet she’s also 

Despite all the horror sunding her, the only thing that seems to 

eins to matter is the fact that she’s finally being united with her ivan and that he did all of it 



Status: Ongoing


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