Chapter 9
A week later, I decide to call my friend Pamela. We have spent the last few days texting each other until very late at night. In fact, I think we’ve talked more than we ever did while we were living next to each other. I find it funny how the distance didn’t part us but instead, made our friendship even stronger than it began with. Today, the Whitlock family had dinner early in a very sour mood. I think it’s because Valentino hasn’t come home yet from his day at school. I heard the old master complaining about it earlier to Ivan. Me, I’m just glad that they’ve forgotten about my existence. I try my best to stay as invisible as possible in this mansion and it’s working rather well. It’s also thanks to the fact that Ivan and her father spend most of their time at the office and I get the house to myself. Tonight, because they dined early, the Whitlocks all went to their bedrooms and I’m free to rest earlier than usual. But instead of going to bed, I sit on the patio stairs, leading to the large garden of the property. I can see the silhouettes of a few patrolling guards who are not close enough to see or hear me right now. I call Pamela and she picks up after the third ringtone: “Pam!” “Lina!” We both laugh, happy to hear each other’s voice after so long. Actually, I’m feeling rather emotional. It’s been a while since I was last spoken to with friendliness. My mother was the sweetest person to me and naturally, she left and took all the warmth I ever knew with her. Until Pam, at least. Her laugh is very contagious and it makes me feel fuzzy, like a tight hug. I have to try hard and swallow back the tears that are threatening to spill. “I hope I’m not bothering you.” I say to her. “I just thought I’d call and check how you’re doing.” “How could you ever bother me, Lina? I’m really glad to hear your voice. It’s nice texting you but it’s better to speak to you like this. And yes, I’m doing okay. You know…As best as I can, anyway.” “How did your job interview go?” Pamela was telling me that she’s actively looking for a job but didn’t have much luck yet. Her long sigh at the other end of the line tells me that she still hasn’t found something. “Not too well.” She responds in a sad voice. “I know I’m not skilled enough, compared to the other girls applying for these assistant positions. I only have a high school diploma, after all…I don’t even know why I’m trying so hard.” “But you’re smart and you learn so fast, Pam.” “Yeah…You know that, love, but the recruiters don’t. Or maybe they just don’t want to give me a chance. I should just give up.” “Don’t ever say that again.” I scold her. “No, seriously. I don’t have the time to wait for a miracle. I need money now. I have a daughter to feed and no husband to support me…You know, I think I should look for a maid position like you. I’m certainly qualified for that. Maybe you can ask your boss if he has friends looking for new employees?” I let out a snort. One of the guard dogs approaches, probably alerted by the sound of my voice. I have now gotten used to them. They might look scary but they’re actually pretty sweet. I think they consider me as part of the house now. The dog gets close enough for me to scratch under its chin and behind its ears. Its tail wags excitedly before it decides to lie by my feet. “I wouldn’t dare to ask the time of day to my boss, Pam. You have no idea what he’s like…If you find a maid job, I hope it won’t be for a family like the Whitlocks.” “Oh…You told me a bit about them. Abusing, aren’t they?” “Not only that…I would say scary and extremely dangerous. I’m sure not every wealthy family is like them but you better be careful before you end up in a nasty situation like me.” “But…Why don’t you leave if it’s so horrible?” “Well, my mom used to work for them before and she owe them money. Right now, I’m working for free to pay that off.” “For free?!” “Yeah. They feed me and all but really, my bank account is empty. I don’t even have one peso on my name, Pam. And this must go on for seven years, mind you.” Pamela gasps so loud that the dog hears it and stares at me curiously. “Seven years in that hell hole?” She repeats. “Dios mio…I could never.” “I don’t think I can either.” I whisper. “I’m actually thinking of a way to escape. The mansion is heavily guarded but I won’t let that stop me. I don’t care if they call the police. I would rather live as a fugitive than work for the Whitlock for seven whole years.” A sound coming from somewhere in the house startles me. I squeak and turn around but there is nothing suspicious. Shortly after, I hear the mansion’s front door opening. I wait for a few seconds and Valentino appears from the hallway. He’s just getting back from school. He doesn’t notice me sitting there, by the patio door. He’s too focused on walking up the stairs on his tippy toes. “Still there?” Pamela asks after my prolonged silence. “Yeah, yeah…Sorry about that. It’s just one of my boss’s sons, coming back home at nine in the evening. He’s sneaking to his room right now.” “Hah. Rich people’s problem. We struggle to feed ourselves and their main issue is to not get scolded by daddy.” I laugh at her sarcasm. I hear the sound of a babbling baby on Pamela’s side of the phone and guess that it’s probably her daughter. I saw her a few times and she’s the sweetest girl. I would have gotten a baby too if I had enough to take care of it. Pam’s pregnancy had been a mistake. Her boyfriend ran away when he got the news and she had no other choice but to care of the baby on her own. Luckily enough, she didn’t have to stop her high school studies like so many others and had the time to book her diploma. It doesn’t make her situation any better, though. She still struggles to find a proper job. “You should check the agency by the shopping mall.” I advice her. “There is a man named Bruno there who could help you find a maid job.” “Really? Thank you for the tip love, I will try that. Oh, by the way…” Pamela is interrupted by a loud noise and this time, it’s coming from my side. It sounded like a crash, like something heavy being thrown against a wall. I jumped to my feet and gasped in fear. The dog stood up too and started barking aggressively. “What was that?!” Pamela cries. The crashing sound is followed by angry, booming yells. They’re coming from upstairs and I definitely recognize Ivan’s voice. “I-I’ll have to call you back.” I tell Pamela. “Wait…” I hang up and my feet are already taking me back inside the house and up the stairs before I can think logically about the situation. The sounds are clearly that of a violent dispute…Maybe even a fight. When I reach the second floor, I find little Nico peeking out of his bedroom’s door with a tear stained face. I had just put him to sleep and now, he’s been awoken again in the worst possible way. His brothers are just next door, in Valentino’s room. “S-stay here.” I tell the little boy. He nods and sobs hysterically. Valentino’s door is wide open so I just have to stand by the frame to see what’s going on and it’s an absolute carnage. Everything has been turned upside down and the posters on the walls were torn apart. I understand that this is all Ivan’s work because he grabs the nightstand’s lamp and throws it at his younger brother. Valentino was across the room and dug just in time for the lamp to crash against the wall. He isn’t crying but the shaking of his body proves how terrified he really is. Ivan walks to him and hold him by the collar: “FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! Do you know how fucking embarrassing it is to receive a call from your school, telling me that you missed your morning classes?! You’re twenty years old, god dammit! And more than anything, you’re a WHITLOCK! You’re supposed to show a perfect example!” I scream when Ivan throws a punch at his brother’s face. I cover my mouth with my hand. They didn’t even hear me, Ivan deafened by rage and Valentino receiving one punch after the other. The old master Whitlock joins me by the door, probably attracted by the noise and so does Hector and another older guard. I realize that I’m crying and that the tears are clouding my vision. Hector tries to get in the room but the old master stop him. I frown in confusion. “Sir! You have to do something.” I cry. “Your sons are fighting.” He doesn’t look at me. The scene of Ivan beating the shit out of Valentino has all of his attention and the man doesn’t even flinch at the sight. In fact, his eyes glitter with excitement. My mouth falls open. He loves this, isn’t he? I turn to Hector and the other guard instead. They also ignore me, certainly because they’re not about to go against the old master’s decision and stop this fight. Yet, I can tell by their facial expression that they find the scene as revolting as me, unlike the boss. I don’t know how they do it. How can they stand watching two brothers fight? Ivan behaves like an animal. His brother spits blood but it doesn’t stop him from throwing repetitive punches to the young man’s stomach. He holds him by the hair and forces him to look into his eyes. Valentino coughs and whimpers. I can’t take this horror anymore. I run inside the room and scream: “STOP!” Ivan snaps and turns his head in my direction. He’s breathing loud and hard, sweat covering his entire face and neck. “Stop…It’s my fault.” I tell him. “I didn’t wake him up on time. That’s why he was late.” “What?” Oh God. Why did I get involved? Ivan lets go of his brother’s hair and Valentino falls to the ground. Ivan doesn’t pay attention to him. He marches in my direction and stops right in front of me. I keep my head low as not to meet his evil gaze. I feel his hot breath since he’s towering over me in all his fury. “Can you repeat that?” I swallow thickly. My eyes fall on an injured Valentino with blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. “…Valentino was late because I didn’t wake him up, sir.” Ivan grabs a fistful of my hair. I whimper. This is it. He’s going to kill me. He tugs at it and my scalp starts to burn. I’m forced to look up and into his eyes that are terrifying enough to make someone pee their pants. I don’t see a single ounce of humanity in him. “You had one job, Catalina.” He growls. “I’m sor…” He hits me too. Ivan backhands me so hard that I lose control of my body and painfully crash on the ground. The shock is so great that I don’t even make a sound and remain in that same position, my face against the floor and my long black hair scattered all around me. I cry silently and the world surrounding me disappears. I find myself in a dark pit, all by myself, until someone comes to turn me around. I don’t know how much time has passed but Ivan is no longer in the room and his father is gone too. I stare at Valentino’s face that is right above mine. He has a black eye and an exploded lip. He helps me sit on the ground and he’s kneeling next to me. “Why did you do that?!” He says in a harsh tone. “Are you stupid?! He could have really hurt you.” I shake my head, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. Suddenly, I find myself in Valentino’s arms. He gives me a tight hug and I hold him too, my tears coming again in full force. “T-thank you…” He sobs in the crook of my neck. “You saved me.” He tightens his grip around me. I realize that I don’t regret anything. Ivan could have done so much worse to me and I would still not regret saving Valentino tonight, not only because of his gratitude but because I did the right thing. I’ve been brave for someone else. This is how I want to lead my life and Ivan won’t take that away from me. And I also learnt a lot from this. I now know that the man’s violent temper lies deeper than I thought. If he can beat his brother up like this for being late to class, what else can he do, really?