CEO’s Regret Chapter 10

CEO’s Regret Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

The sun emitted a brilliant radiance, casting a warm glow inside the stunning new house where a graceful woman silently roamed amidst the tantalizing scent of an exquisite breakfast lingering in the air

Mommy! The food smells amazing!Precious exclaimed in a delighted tone, practically bouncing down the steps

Good morning, my dear. Where is your brother?Serenity greeted her with a cheery smile

Hmph. I have no intention to speak to Liam. Precious pouted, feeling wronged

Is that so? Could you enlighten Mommy on what took place? Did you two brat fight again? What was it about this time around?Serenity asked with a smile as she helped her petite daughter onto her seat and placed her breakfast in front of her

“I didn’t know he was in the bathroom, and I walked in because I needed to use it. He became angry and yelled at me to knock first. He even threw his slippers at me!Precious complained with a cute frown, causing Serenity to laugh even more

Don’t laugh, mommy! I hate Liam Precious exclaimed with a frown as she picked up her spoon to start eating

Why, my love? I believe your brother is correct! You should knock on a door before entering, regardless of who may be in Serenity stated with a smile, planting a smooth kiss on her daughter’s hair

Hmph!Precious huffed before grabbing a piece of bread, shoving it into her small mouth and chewing on it resentfully

Serenity continued to laugh for a while before peering up the stairs, noticing Liam had not yet come down. She called outLiam! Please come down for breakfast, dear. Uncle Spencer will be here soon to take you to your new school!” 

Mommy! Will our new school be better than our old one?Precious eagerly inquired, her wide blue eyes shimmering with 


Better? Have you ever encountered anything unpleasant before? You always see the beauty in things, even when they may appear unpleasant! You are just as ugly as the things you love.” Liam replied with a smirk while he descended from the stairs

Before Serenity could respond to Preciousquestion, Liam casually strolled down the stairs and interrupted

Mommy! You see, he called me ugly again!Precious complained, pointing her small finger in his direction

Serenity let out a sigh, casting a gaze at her son as he settled beside his sister and began to eat quietly 

Liamyour sister is quite a pretty girl. Please refrain from saying that to her. She takes after me, so does that make me ugly too?” Serenity playfully scolded, pouting for effect

Liam let out another sigh, dramatically shaking his head as though he were a man facing household dilemmas

Yes, you both are!he stated with a casual shrug

What exactly do you mean by that?Serenity inquired curiously

Precious also paused midmeal, glancing at Liam for an explanation 

Sipping his tea, Liam looked at both his mother and sister before releasing yet another sigh. What I meant to say was that you are both simultaneously pretty and ugly. If you combine those words, what do you get?he asked with a smirk

Serenity’s eyes widened with realization as she understood her son’s intentions

Wait! If we put those words together, it would bePretty Ugly!Precious exclaimed in her childish voice, a look of confusion on her face once she comprehended the meaning. 

You cheeky little rascal! How dare you call your mother pretty ugly Serenity exclaimed, playfully tickling her son and causing him to burst into a fit of laughter

Meanwhile, Precious took advantage of the commotion, sneaking a fried egg from Liam’s plate and taking a bite

Oh! This must be the most delightful good morning I’ve experienced in my entire life 

The mother and twins turned their heads to the door, catching sight of Spencer with a wide grin on his face walking through

Chapter 10 

the door

Uncle!Liam and Precious shouted simultaneously before running towards him and embracing him in a hug

Spencer couldn’t contain his happiness as he held the twins in his arms, twirling them around several times

Okay, that’s enough! You’ll make them dizzy. Come on, let’s have breakfast first.Serenity called out to Spencer, who smiled and joined them at the dining table

“Wow! This smells absolutely delicious! Thank you for the breakfast, Princess!Spencer exclaimed happily, kissing Serenity’s check before returning the kids to their seats and taking his own place at the table

Good morning to you too, Serenity said with a playful glint in her eye. And thanks for leaving the fridge empty. Your move made me go to the supermarket early this morning” 

Spencer’s grin faltered as he realized his mistake. Oops, my bad. I’ll make sure to stock it up before tonight” 

Ignoring him. Serenity rolled her eyes and turned her attention to her daughter Precious, who had something to say. “Uncle, Liam told me that Mommy and I are both pretty and ugly. He even made up a word for it, pretty uglyShe demonstrated with her tiny hands as she spoke

Spencer, who had taken a sip of tea at the wrong moment, immediately started coughing. What the hell!he exclaimed when he had calmed down, turning to look at Liam, who simply shrugged

I was just saying the truth. They forced me to say it!Liam defended himself, making Spencer burst into laughter

The family of four sat down to eat their breakfast, happily chatting away. It was a beautiful sight to behold

However, not every household was filled with such joy and liveliness

In the Williams Mansion, Sebastien woke up with his son Nach sleeping soundly on his chest in his study. 

After the previous night’s events, Sebastien had eaten dinner in his study with Naoh and had slept there as well. It had become a routine for him after years of doing so

He took Naoh to the bathroom and helped him take a shower before taking one himself. After getting dressed, he went to Naoh’s room and helped the little boy put on his school uniform before heading down for breakfast with him

Good morning, brother. I heard you arrived yesterday and went straight to your study. I wanted to welcome you– 

Shut your mouth and eat!Sébastien cut off his sister Gwen, who was speaking cheerfully

Seb, that’s not fair! Why are you rude to me in the morning?Gwen whined, despite being much older

Ignoring her, Sébastien focused on helping Naoh with his breakfast

My child!exclaimed Mrs. Williams with a serene tone, joining Sébastien for breakfast. I heard a new lawyer is joining the company today to help resolve our crisis.” 

Yes, she will be at the company later. I must rush to the office as I’ve heard she has a fiery temper, Sébastien responded respectfully to his grandmother

Of the entire opulent mansion. Sébastien held his grandmother in the highest regard, even though they rarely spoke

Wow! So you’ve managed to uncover the identity of that elusive Miss Morgan. Rumor has it that no one has ever seen her face since the start of her career, Gwen gushed, listing all she had heard about the enigmatic lawyer, Tve also heard she’s tenacious and has never lost a case.” 

Is she truly that formidable?Gwen’s mother inquired, pausing her meal to join in the conversation

Without a doubt. I can’t wait to meet her at the office. I wonder if she would like to be my friend, Gwen replied excitedly

Well, Noah and I are done with our breakfast. We will be leaving first!Sébastien announced after finishing his breakfast and picking up his son, Noah 


Chapter 10 

Hold on, why are you taking Noah to school? Doesn’t Ariana usually handle that? Mrs. Williams questioned, eying Sébastien before turning her attention to Ariana, who sat quietly with a scarf around her neck

Ignoring the curious gazes of his family, Sebastien strode out of the room. He didn’t care what they thought or if they asked Ariana for an explanation. She was a master at weaving lies

Daddy, are you taking me to school today?asked Noah, his eyes shining with joy as his father buckled him into his seat

Absolutely, buddy! And not just today, but every day! Sébastien replied, giving his son a kiss on the forehead before getting into the driver’s seat. Noah happily bounced in his seat as they drove to school

The journey was a delight for Noah, with his father by his side

Finally, they arrived at the school gate, and Sébastien helped Noah unbuckle his seatbelt

As soon as they entered the school, Noah wanted to run to his classroom, excited for another day with his father by his side

With a swift bow of his head to help Noah with his seatbelt aided his son. As they walked to the school compound, a flashy yellow car swiftly passed by, unnoticed

Listen to your teacher, buddy. Alright!Sébastien smiled, guiding Noals

Within four steps, something familiar caught Sébastien’s eye. However, what he and his son saw next left them in utter shock

CEO’s Regret

CEO’s Regret

Status: Ongoing
CEO's Regret


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