Chapter 25
Alex laughed along with her after what she said… “Let me tell you something, girl… All those guys who came chasing after you like dogs, they don’t stand a chance.
They didn’t have any good family backgrounds, they didn’t have any profitable job and most importantly, I don’t find them one bit attractive. They were all just so and so.
They can’t do anything for you. And I know for a fact that they were only after your fame and beauty because you’re the big boss the law firm now.” Alex said and laughed hard at his own analysis.
Serenity just stared at him with a smile plastered on her face. She wasn’t actually shock at what he was saying. She just found it amusing that a guy can criticize another men like that..
“Youn know what sweetheart… Everyone wants a piece of you. Your beauty, money and fame. How could I, your beat friend, allow that to happen? No fucking way!!!
You So I have to pretend to be your boyfriend and chase them away whenever they come around. That’s how I fucking care about you, love.
Moreover, you know I’m not the only person who supports this crazy idea. Even my crazy, sweet and beautiful wife, Gloria supports my decision when it’s comes to chasing unwanted flies around you.
She never complains, not even once. It means she also doesn’t like those men chasing after you. And if my beautiful and sweet wife, Gloria, knows I’m here, she would even applaud me!” Alex said, puffing out his chest with pride as if to emphasize his words.
However, Serenity just gave him a weird look and said, Did i just hear you say…. Your wife is sweet? Ha!It’s more like a wildfire waiting to explode. I almost got choked on your lies and started coughing.” Serenity said sarcastically before laughing.
Of course she knows Gloria, her best friend. However, that was anything but sweet. Her hot tempered nature always makes people run for their money. It’s still baffled Serenity how she and Alex even got married in the first place. Because the two absolutely definitely from each other.
If Gloria is the fire, Alex is the water. If Gloria is the sun, Alex is the moon. They have definitely different character.
“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about my wife. I know I’ll be punished by her later. But I’ll gladly accept it as long as I can help you in this damn country, Alex said with a small smile.
Serenity gratefully nodded in gratification. In fact, Gloria and Alex have been her friends ever since she left the country.
She was pregnant when she met them, and they’ve been there for her through it all – her pregnancy, the tediousness of being a new mother, and everything in between. They were truly good friends. She couldn’t ask for more better friends than them.
The unwavering support of these two individuals has been gievn her through her difficult time in life can’t be nlmeasure by
They were so good in assisting her throughout her pregnancy and the everyday struggles of life. They were not just mere acquaintances, they were and still are her true friends, if not best friends.
Not with Spencer though. Her relationship with Spencer is indeed more profound and unique than that of Alex and Gloria.
Serenity, did not view Spencer as just a friend; rather, she saw him as a brother. Their bond was formed many years ago, and it only continued to strengthen over time.
With Spencer’s parents, who treated her like their own daughter and gave her a place to live in also helped her ro achieve her goals, how can Spencer be a mere friend to her?
So for her, Spencer wasn’t a friend, he was a brother from another mother.
Soon, Alex’s car pulled over, indicating that they arrived at the police station.
As they arrived at the bustling police station, they immediately exited the car, eager to get inside. The entire place was filled with a flurry of activity, with criminals being handcuffed and officers shouting orders at one another.
Chapter 25
Serenity couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that she was safe from all of the chaos. Working in such a place is more hectic that defending a criminal in court.
Thankfully, they were quickly directed to the office of the Deputy Chief, who had already been informed of their arrival by Sebastian, who had called ahead.
The Deputy Chief, whose name was Greg Smith, greeted them politely and invited them to take a seat inside his office.
“Tm Miss Morgan, and this is my colleague, Alex, Serenity introduced herself in a professional tone. “We are here to discuss the case surrounding MPK and we hope you will cooperate with us and provide any beneficial evidence you may have.” She said professionally..
It was as if she had done that many times. She wasn’t overly respectful nor was she rude. Just professional.
The Deputy Chief nodded in acknowledgment.
He offered them a cup of tea before opening his draw and took a stack of papers and handed it to them without any delay. He was professional enough to know that they didn’t come there for chit–chat.
Serenity took the papers with a nod of acknowledgment and hastily opened them.
As she flipped through the pages, her expression turned feom curious to a frown.
There was no significant information or proof to be found, which only reinforced the fact that the individuals behind the case were powerful and had covered their tracks well. She realized that they case was far serious than she had already thought.
It was now clear that her work was cut out for her. Without any evidence or proof, how could she defend MPK in court the following week?
Nevertheless, Serenity was determined to uncover the truth and bring justice to MPK and all those affected by their actions.
Something was definitely going on behind the scenes and she was determined to uncover the truth.
“This may very well be my first time witnessing the sight of your solemn expression. It appears that you have finally met your match with this case, Sweetheart.” Alex teased her when he saw her expression changing anytime she flipped a new page.
Serenity glared at him before returning her gaze back to the papers. She couldn’t bother with Alex’s teasing at that moment.
“What? You can’t retort back at me? Don’t tell me you are admitting defeat so early? Alex continued to teased her even though Serenity kept ignoring him.
He didn’t want Serenity feel depressed because there was no evidence. He had peeked through the papers when she was reading and he also came to the same conclusion as her
“There was no evidence!”
Serenity got irritated with his teasing and retorted back sharply at him “Cheer up, my dear. Rest assured that I have never lost a case before, and I have no intention of starting now. I only take on cases that I am confident I can win. However, i have to admit, this one is proving to be quite tricky.
Everything seems to be in perfect order, and all arrows point towards MPK company as the sole culprits of everything.
However, I have a strong feeling that there is someone bigger involved in all of these case. Ha! Watch me then… I am determined to uncover the truth by any means necessary.” Serenity vowed, her eyes blazing with determination.
“That’s lawyer Serene Morgan I know. The great lawyer who can turned all obstacles against her clients as her weapon.” Alex cheered her on with vigor.
Greg sat in his chair watching on with a dumbfounded expression.
“What the heck