CEO’s Regret Chapter 4

CEO’s Regret Chapter 4


Oh dear, are you alright?Spencer asked with a knitted brow, concerned laced in his voice

“I think so. It may be because I stood in the rain for a long time waiting for you,” Serenity replied nonchalantly

Feeling another wave of nausea surfacing, she swallowed and took a piece of gum, placing it in her mouth to alleviate the discomfort

The two then left the house and headed to the airport. It was not easy for the two best friends to part ways, but they had to when Serenity’s flight was scheduled to depart

Make sure to call me once you arrive!Spencer shouted after her

Serenity turned and smiled at him before making her way to her departure. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart ached at the thought of leaving her old life behind. Above all, she hated the fact that she was leaving that unappreciative man

She had loved him all these years and heck, she still even love him. But what was the use of it now? He’s cold hearted and ruthless. Moreover, he’s finally going to be with his childhood sweetheart

Serenity heart ached even more as she thought about it. She prayed that she would never encounter him again in her life. And if perhaps they do happen to cross paths in the future, they would be nothing more than strangers

You can do this, Serenity! Your future and dreams are right in front of you. Co and seize them!She whispered to herself, and like a magic potion, her mood lifted as she boarded the plane to embark on her new life

Inside the MPK office, Sébastien read over the contract with a critical eye, making notes and revisions along the way. As an expert in his field, he prided himself on his attention to detail and linguistic prowess. Every word and sentence had to be precise and captivating, appealing to both the intellect and the heart

He approached his work with a fervent dedication to crafting a composition that exuded enigmatic complexity and linguistic dynamism. Through the use of unconventional phrasing and eloquent language, he ensured that every sentence flowed effortlessly, painting a vivid tapestry of expression

Sébastien eagerly delved into the task at hand, using unique words and avoiding the typical sentence structure of artificial intelligence. Utilizing his knowledge of synonyms and antonyms, he added depth and nuance to the text, incorporating similes to further enliven the final product

With each revision, Sébastien honed and refined the composition, bringing it to life with his skills. He was determined to deliver an exceptional and original piece of work, making use of the prescribed settings to achieve maximum uniqueness and professionalism

In the end, Sébastien was pleased with the result. He had successfully combined enigmatic complexity and linguistic dynamism, creating a piece of writing that was both thoughtprovoking and captivating

As he signed the final draft, he felt confident that it would surpass any output from artificial intelligence and stand out as a true masterpiece

His phone rang, disrupting Sébastien’s quietude. The voice on the line relayed news of Serenity’s departure

She just left the country Boss!The person the phone spoke

Silently, Sébastien disconnected the call and shut his eyes tight

Something didn’t sit well within him. He felt a void, as though he had irretrievably lost something dear to him. His heart became heavy and the happiness he had after signing the contract was all gone

Serenityhe whispered, his voice barely audible. KingWill he ever meet her again




Precious, be mindful of where you step, my darling. Cease your incessant jumping!A stunning and attractive woman cautioned an equally darling and cute little girl, her spitting image

The little one appeared to be brimming with joy and exuberance. She would beam at anyone who caught her eye, even striking a pose for those who wished to capture her on camera. She was just adorable

Her charming and amiable demeanor drew people in, triggering an influx of snaphappy individuals

Many people in the airport couldn’t help but stop and faze at them

Don’t worry Mom, I shall take it upon myself to lend a hand should she stumble! Besides, she almost knocked everything down on the plane! She’s just– forget it!A charming yet aloof young boy said the woman

Both children were true twins, though they bore no physical resemblance to one another. The only telltale trait that gave away their relation was the hue of their eyes

The little girl exuded warmth and cheerfulness, while the boy exuded a colder aura. He didn’t even grant a glance to those 

who waved at him.. 

Despite possessing striking features and an undeniable cuteness, his attitude was vastly different from his sister’s or even from his own handsome appearance

LiamWhy would you leave her to fall when you can easily help her? She’s your sister, and it’s your responsibility to keep her from any harm. The woman, who the people believed was their mother, reprimanded the little boy

Sporting a pair of sunglasses, Liam nonchalantly placed his hands in his pockets, giving off a young model’s vibes and having his photo shoot at the airport

Mom, it’s not my fault if she keeps bouncing around like a little rabbit. She can walk, can’t she? Then why the need to bounce? And what’s with her posing for others to take pictures of her? I’m grateful that I arrived in this world before her. I wouldn’t want to be known as her younger siblingLiam retorted, his tone frigid

The woman let out a sigh, acknowledging the fact that her son was more like his father. Not only did they share the same looks, but their personalities bore a striking resemblance as well

She then turned to the little girl, who had stopped in her tracks and crossed her tiny arms over her chest, visibly pouting in 

puffed out

annoyance. Even in that state, she looked so adorable with her cheek.** 

What’s the matter, my Precious? The woman halted and stood in front of the little girl

Liam also halted in his tracks, his gaze settling on his twin sibling. An audible exhale escaped his lips upon seeing the expression on her face. Not right now!He sighed inwardly

It was a face he had encountered numerous times during his five years of existence, and it was at these moments that he regretted having a twin sister like Precious

Mom, Liam doesn’t want me! We were brought into this world on the same day, right? Why does he treat me like a child?Precious huffed in indignation, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears

But you behave like a child!Liam retorted before their mother could respond

Liam, stop teasing your sister. Look, she is about to burst into tears because of your taunts!The striking woman chided her son with a gentle smile

As if given a signal by their mother, Precious promptly burst into tears. Her face was soon contorted with sobs and sniffles

The people around were stunned at how she could easily cry

Their mother tried to calm her down but to no avail. Passersby at the airport paused and stared, finding the scene somewhat comical but also feeling sympathy for the sobbing little girl

Liam sighed and lightly smacked his forehead as a sign of frustration. Without a second thought, he strode towards his sister, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away her tears

Look, there’s no need for tears. I’m sorry, alright? You are my little sister and I love you. You can still be a child and I’ll always take 

re of you. Now, please stop crying!Liam cajoled his sister



he onlookers couldn’t help but feel moved by the young boy’s actions. He was exhibiting maturity far beyond his age

lumerous people took photos and videos while others chattered amongst themselves

:was so rare to see such a scene among siblings or even the actions of the boy

Aww, how adorable. I wish my kids were as sweet as this! My kids are like wolves instead of humans!A woman remarked with 


You are absolutely right! He is more grownup than most adult males!Another person chimed in

OMG, if only I was a child. I would definitely fall in love with him when I grew up.” A high school student exclaimed with at right smile

Come on, snap out of it! You are way older than him. Maybe you should teach your brothers or your boyfriend to be as sweet ind caring as him. Her friend teased with a giggle

Numerous such comments circulated around but the little boy I’m questioning didn’t even pay attention to them. His focus was solely on his sister as he wiped her tears and snort 

After a while, the stunning woman with her children let out a sigh. She had witnessed this type of chaos with her kids wherever they went. It was as though her children were the center of attention, rather than her

After Liam finished wiping her face, Precious threw her tiny hands around her brother’s neck and chuckled. Mom, Liam is the epitome of excellence!she declared gleefully. It was astonishing how quickly she had gone from tears to joy

Yes, I concurNow come on, let’s be on our way! Your uncle must be waiting for us outside!the woman exclaimed as she held onto both kidshands

Precious continued to skip and grin delightfully while holding her mother’s hand

Liam, on the other hand, maintained his composure with one hand in his mother’s and the other still in his pocket. He exuded coolness, in stark contrast to his sister

Oh, Fuck!the stunning woman exclaimed out of nowhere, coming to a sudden halt

Mom, you uttered a bad word!Precious gasped, gazing up at her mother with her wide blue eyes

Liam nodded in agreement with his sister’s observation, making their mother stunned for a moment

How in the world did she give birth to such kids


CEO’s Regret

CEO’s Regret

Status: Ongoing
CEO's Regret


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