37 The rift in our world…
The cool mountain air did little to cool the frustration simmering inside me as I stood at the large, arched window overlooking the sprawling White Mountains. It had been days since I’d brought Nathan here, hoping to extract information about Lyla but he was proving more stubborn than I’d anticipated.
I felt ashamed and angry at the same time that someone else had kept Lyla’s whereabouts a secret while I had rejected her without thinking it through it didn’t help that all attempts to locate her in the world had hit dead ends.
My hands tightened on the window ledge, my knuckles turning white as I replayed my last conversation with Nathan last night in my mind.
Behind me, Lenny cleared his throat gently. “Ramsey,” he began cautiously. “You know this isn’t getting us anywhere. Nathan’s not going to talk and holding him here isn’t going to make it easier to find Lyla or make her magically appear. You need to let him go, he’s the
37 The rift in our world…
Alpha Heir – you can’t continue keeping him here like this. It’s against our laws.”
I clenched my jaw, refusing to turn away from the view. “I don’t care,” I scoffed. “if Nathan has even the
smallest clue where she is, I’ll get it out of him and I’ll let him go.”
Lenny took a step forward, “Your engagement to Cassidy is tomorrow. It’s time to forget about Lyla. You rejected her, remember? You made your choice. If word gets out that you’re holding an Alpha Heir like this, it could lead to a revolt amongst the other Alphas and that’s the last thing we need now.”
“Any word from the Panthers?” I asked, leaving window as I crossed the room to where the minibar
“Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Lenny sighed “You’re obsessing over her at this point. Stooping low to use Panthers. What would your grandfather say when he finds out that you’ve been wasting resources on Panthers because of a deviant?” Anger thrummed within me. In a flash, I crossed the room and grabbed Lenny by the collar slamming his
37 The rift in our world…
back against the wall. “Don’t you dare…”
“Dare what?” he interrupted meeting my gaze with a chilly one of his. “Come to your senses, Ramsey. The Panthers are saying they will no longer work with you. All the ones that were sent to go look for her always come back maimed. It’s either they’re blind, their tongues have been pulled out and they behave like they’ve seen something terrible and they cannot speak. The only one amongst them who still has his vision is mentally unstable. He flinches at the slightest sound. Maybe, it’s a sign that you need to forget about
I let my hands fall from his collar then walke settee. “I can’t, Lenny!” I cradled my head in my hands. “I can’t seem to stop thinking about her., It would be better if she was in our world… if I knew I could catch a glimpse of her occasionally. It hurts so much, my heart…” I trailed off, exhaling deeply.
“I know,” Lenny sighed “I wished you had been more open to me, we would have found a way around this instead of rejecting her but this is your reality. You’re our leader and you cannot afford to have your head in the cloud over some woman. You must forget her
37 The rift in our world…
The door to the office swung open and Cassidy strode in, her scent and perfume filling the room. I stiffened, angry at myself for allowing her so close these past few weeks. Since she started working as my assistant, we’ve fought several times, and she was making my a living hell.
“Alpha,” she said with a sly smile “This file needs your signature on it,” she said walking over my desk and placing it on top of the scattered papers. “It’s about tomorrow’s event and it’s a file from the security department. It’s a list of people who will be and that’s their security clearance. They no signature.”
“I’ll check it later!” I said gruffly.
“I already checked it for you. All it needs is your signature. We have less than 24 hours before the engagement, so…”
“Fine!” I cut her off and stalked towards my desk,
reaching for a pen, I scribbled my signature on the file and tossed it to her. “Here you go. Get the fuck out and don’t bother me!”
37 The rift in our world…
Lenny cleared his throat. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he murmured and fled the office.
As soon as the door closed, Cassidy sauntered over to me, her eyes gleaming with intention as a smile played on her lips. “Why are you angry dear?” she asked as she sat on the edge of my desk fingers brushing against my shoulder. “You look angry and tense,” she purred “Did I do something wrong?”
I removed her hands from my body and walked away from the desk, going instead to the settee. “I’m fine, Cassidy. I just have a lot going on today and I desire peace. Can you give me space?”
“What if I make you happy? Give you this peace that you’re talking about?” she batted her eyelids at me and came towards me, sliding onto my lap before I could react. “Let me help you relax, Ramsey. We shouldn’t fight all the time, please baby…
Her hands slipped inside the collar of my shirt, trailing lightly down the back of my neck. I stiffened, my mind immediately flashing to Lyla. The thought of her made my chest ache as if I was betraying her somehow. But anger flared within me. Why should I feel guilty? Lyla was gone and I had a future to think about – a future
37 The rift in our world…
with Cassidy. Maybe, it was time to stop torturing
I turned to Cassidy, meeting her gaze as Lenny’s words echoed in my mind. – Perhaps, it was time to move on. With a low growl, I pulled her closer, crushing my lips against hers. She responded eagerly, her hands roaming over my chest.
We were just getting tuned into the kiss when a knock on the door made me jerk away from her. The door opened and my secretary came in.
“Forgive me Alpha, But the White Mountain Moon Priest is here to see you. He says it’s urge
Cassidy slid off my lap, smoothing her skirt, while I rose to my full height, wondering what the Moon Priest wanted. “Send him in,” I commanded.
Moments later, the priest entered, his presence filling the room with a solemn aura. His face was a mask of serenity as his gaze flicked between me and Cassidy.
“It is good that I found both of you together,” he started without preamble. His gaze lingered on me for a moment before he continued. “I’ve come to speak with you regarding the date picked for your Joining
37 The rift in our world…
My brows furrowed as I stared at him with unease.
“What about it?”
The priest drew in a deep breath, his expression darkening. “The alignment of the stars and the rift caused by the arrival of the Ferals… they have upset the balance in our world in ways that cannot be understood yet. While the alignment for your engagement tomorrow is favourable, I must warn you you cannot proceed with the wedding. It would be dangerous.”
Cassidy crossed her arms, narrowing her at the priest. “What? Why not? And how is it dangerous?”
“The priest’s gaze turned cold as he faced her. “Every day until two years from now, should you marry, your union will bring doom upon both of you and our world. The universe’s energy has been disrupted and until it heals or a Moonsinger emerges to restore the balance, one of you will die.”
“A Moonsinger?” I repeated staring at him.
“Yes,” the priest nodded gravely. “A rift was caused by the arrival of the Ferals.”
37 The rift in our world…
Cassidy scoffed, her face flushed with anger. “This is absurd, Ramsey, surely you’re not taking this seriously?”
I hesitated, torn between my duty as Alpha and the nagging feeling in my gut that was telling me to heed the Priest’s warning. “We can’t just ignore it either. The safety of our lives and pack must come first.”
“The Union between the Alpha and the Luna who will occupy the White Moon Throne has never been a mere joining ritual, Cassidy Thorne!” The moon priest said angrily “None of the previous Alpha and Luna got
1 after married, just because they want to… the carefully studying the constellation and making sure it aligns with the goodwill of the universe. The White Moon Throne is the heart of our world, if anything goes wrong, our world will be doomed.”
“So what? we just cancel everything? Throw away weeks of planning because of some stupid stars and because an old man had a bad dream?” Cassidy’s voice
“Cassidy!” I chided her. “Watch your words.”
“Why?” she fumed, turning to me with anger in her
37 The rift in our world…
eyes. “We’ve waited long enough to get here and now
he’s telling us that we can’t marry? So you can hook up
with that Deviant?”
“Cassidy!” I growled a warning “Watch your mouth.”
The priest raised a placating hand. “On the brighter side, the engagement ceremony can proceed and being engaged gives you almost equal access to all the privilgees of a Luna You can also use the time to strengthen your bond, to prepared for challenges ahead. If your love is true, it’ll withstand the test of
st continued
“You may disregard my warning,” the “But I will not return to save you if the worst comes to pass.”
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