Chapter 11
A month Later
I think my body is finally about to give up.
I can feel the life leaving my body.
I have been tortured for four good weeks. I have barely survived without water and food.
My skin cling to my bones, you can literally see my skeleton
Each time I lose weight the chains shrink to adjust to my size. I think a spell was cast on it.
Everyday after being tortured and me begging to be released, the pack doctor comes and check ups on me, cleaning my wounds and shooting something into my body to fasten the healing process.
Immediately I am healed, the new set of female warriors come to play with me.
Not once did I see Zander here. Neither did I see my mom or dad. But Kaden comes here, not to torture or laugh at me but to stand guard.
At first I begged him to release me, at least to bring me food or water but he plainly ignored my existence, so after a week, I stopped.
Now I feel the life leaving my body, I am happy as much as tam sad.
I am happy because at least I’ll be put out of my misery but am sad because, I couldn’t get to see mom or Marcus ever again.
Dots begin to cloud my vision and I smile,
“Save my soul moon goddess“I whisper a pray as my vision turns dark.
Suddenly I hear voices coming towards my dungeon and soon the door opens.
I tiredly raised my head but I couldn’t make anyone out because my vision blurs.
I am slowly losing consciousness.
“Fuck! Get the alpha here now. Zack unlock her chains now a voice I am firmly with says.
But everything goes black once I feel the chains off my hands.
“Alpha Zander. There is a problem with the prison in rogue dungeon. We think she is dead” Zack mind links me.
I am immediately on my feet, my heart beating really fast, my soul has left my body upon this news.
“What do you mean by she is dead?She was fine this morning, the pack doctor said everything would be alright!“I growl through link.
“Atlas can you feel Averia‘ Task with a shaky voice.
“Yes,but it is faint. I think we are losing mate. Please save mate‘ he whimpers.
“We were going to continue with her torture when we found her breathing slowly. What should we do Alpha“he
“Take her to the fucking pack hospitall I’ll meet you there growl and cut off the link.
Chapter 11
I rush to my car while trying to reach her family.
Finally I get to her father and told him everything, he is now on his way with his wife and that insufferable human boy.
I rush inside the hospital, push past Zack and his mate Zelt and rush into the emergency room.
Nobody tries to stop me because they know I am the alpha,
I burst through the door and stop in tracks when I see her lying on the bed looking dead.
I am trying to keep it together, but I can’t,Atlas wants to be free.
“Alpha“the doctor says.
“What is wrong with her?“I ask
“She has lost a lot of nutrients Alpha,her sugar level is low,non–nutrition, dehydration. We are lucky she is alive but even that she is barely living“he says looking at Crystal will empathy.
“Leave“I growl lowly. I need to be closer to her. Atlas needs to be closer to her.
“Yes Alpha“he says and walks away.
1 step closer to her, she looks unrecognizable,
Fuck! I finally let Atlas take over but I don’t give him full control,
‘mate! Mate is dying. She is dying because of us! I need to be closer to her, I need to heal her’he whimpers
‘We can’t Atlas. Remember, she is the reason our son and the woman we love died. She is the reason we lost our best friend!‘ I tell him.
‘no! We hurt her first! We broke mate. I don’t want to hurt mate again. Averia will never love me now. I need mate‘ he growls and whimpers at the same time.
‘she is the enemy and she needs to pay for her sins. My son died because of her, Crystal died because of her. Just because they look the same doesn’t mean they are the same I growl.
Atlas keeps quiet and he steps closer to her body. She been Hooked with machines and she looks dead.
He gently tucks her hair behind her eyes and kisses her forehead softly.
Suddenly the door burst open and I regain consciousness.
“Get out of here you monster! You killed my daughter! You killed my first daughter and now you want to take away my only daughter. I don’t care whether you are the Algha or not. Leave!” Mrs. Gun yells at me.
Atlas is not happen. Not the tone of her voice but rather the request she making.
“Calm down,he is the alpha remember “Mr. Gun says
“I don’t care, even you get out and allow Marcus in. You rejected our daughter! My only daughter without hearing her full story. I sometimes regret ever marrying you“Mrs Gun yells and pushes her husband aside.
That stupid human boy comes in and holds her in a comfortable manner.
“Please leave before we involve the police“he says and it takes everything in me not to break his neck.
But I promise to do it some day. Not today.
Chapter 11
I look at Crystalise one more time and she looks so much like Crystal.
I sigh and step out of the room.
I miss my wife.
I leave the hospital and change into my wolf and run into the forest.
After thirty minutes I was at her memorial ground. A place made for myself to visit each time I miss her or my son. It is the spot we both met for the first. Where we brought our son during quiet days.
I smile and stand in front of her picture and gently trace my hand on it.
“I promise to make her pay baby“I whisper with a broken voice.
It is a promise l’am welling to keep.