Chapter 15
People keep whispering, everyone keep staring at me. Even after the fight has been stopped by the Alphas are some Betas, everyone is looking at me as if I am the who was just in the fight.
Zander has been dragged into the empty room and Mark has been taken to the pack clinic.
Yeah, the injury is that bad. Zander kept slamming his head against the floor.
“Are you okay,Luna?“one of the pack maids comes to my side looking concerned.
“Yeah…yeah…I am fine. Have you…have you seen my mom around?” I ask.
“Yes Luna. She is with the alpha, along with your fa…” I stop her.
“Thank you” I smile at her and finally walk away from my spot.
I walk in the direction of door Zander is right now and I brace myself for the worse scenario as I open the door.
“What the fuck are you doing here! Leave!“Zander yells immediately he sees me enter the room.
“And why is that? You just caused a big commotion out there!“I glare at him and I look around to see mom beside
I give mom a small smile and quickly look away when my eyes meet Zack’s.
“I caused a commotion. I am not the one who is whoring myself about, kissing every man I see!“he snaps. “Stop fucking calling me names. Besides you are neither my husband or mate!! can do anything I want with my body! I don’t belong to you or anyone!“I yell, fuming with anger.
“Really” he takes threatening steps towards me. I back up against the door but there is no escape.
“Have you forgotten what happened when you disobeyed my orders or do you need a reminder” he growls.
“You stay away from daughter Alpha Zander!” a voice boorns from behind.
It was Zack, well my father.
“I have been quiet all this while, watching you hurt my daughter because I thought it was a best punishment for her because her sister died because of her. But now I have realized I made a huge mistake, you are the cause of everything, my first daughter died because of you and I wouldn’t let my only daughter died because of you. I am taking her away. Today!“he snaps.
My mouths is on the floor and mom has a proud smile on her face.
“Stay out of this Beta Zack. I have the out most respect for you. This is between my mate and I. She needs to realize her place“Zander hisses.
I have already taken the case to the council and they’ll decide if she should stay and be the Luna. You can’t hold someone again their will“he steps towards Zander and removes him from me.
Zander growls, his eyes becoming yellow, Atlas wants to come out. He see this as a challenge.
“You dare to challenge my orders! How dare you“he voice suddenly deep, looking like a beast.
“I wouldn’t do such a thing lord Atlas“dad bows, “but I am only protecting my daughter“he finishes. Atlas growls angrily,
Chapter 15
“Calm down Atlas. I am not going anywhere. Well not until the council has made a verdict “I say stepping towards him but being careful.
His eyes softens a bit by my words, I gently grab his arms but he pulls me into his chest and sniffs me.
“Mine!“he mutters.
We stay that way for a while until the party completely dies out and Zander is back to normal.
“I am making this clear. Me staying doesn’t mean I want a chance with you Zander. You destroyed me and I don’t think I can ever forgive you“I mutter.
“Same here. I can’t also forgive you for killing Crystal and my son“he says with a little glare.
I smile and walk away,so glad no romantic relationship can ever develop between us.
I am broken beyond repairs and I don’t even think I want a relationship.
Another week pass and I barely see Zander. He has been busy with the sudden rogue attack and council mating that he is barely at the house.
It gives me the free time to talk to Marcus and make some damage control on the media.
Averia is also completely healed and I am more stronger than ever. She has been going for morning runs with mom and Faye. She is another female pack warrior, she has been training with us.
Today, Kenna just had her baby and it is a little girl called Rya. Rya Crystal Gun.
I am not upset she was named after my sister, after all she was our sister.
Marcus sent the little half moon necklace I had customized for her and I now going to visit her for the first time.
He car stops Infront of their house and I wasn’t expecting it to be this big.
Fucking nuts!
How much does Zander pay my brother for him to be able to afford a house this huge.
A glass manison,on the hill of the pack’s apex.
Very beautiful and serene.
I ring the doorbell and wait.
A few seconds later the door opens to reveal a butler.
“Miss Crystalise. Do come inside.“he says and steps aside.
Oh he does know me. Finally, I am not taken as my sister.
He leads me to the leaving room, but I stop in my tracks when I see people already gathered there talking and eating.
Oh,they already blessed her with the moon already.
And why am I not surprised I wasn’t invited.
Kaden still hates me because as usual, he thinks I caused Crystal’s death by running away. Then again, he and I weren’t that close as kids.
Chapter 15
He always loved Crystal better.
I don’t want to intrude,so I turn to face the butler.
for not
“Errmm..I think I came at the wrong time. Can you please give this to Kenna and tell her I am really sorry seeing the baby in person. But I will,some other time“I smile at him and he nods before taking the small box out of my hands.
I take one last look at the happy family and walk away.
Why try if you are not needed. 1