Chapter 35
“How are you and the baby doing?“mom asks for the ninth time.
We are fine mama. I am just waiting for you to come here already“I tell her
Oh well, I needed to be as discreet as possible, so that the alpha doesn’t suspect me coming here. You know he has been on my tail ever since you left, asking me about your whereabouts. You should tell him where you are, because he is the father of the baby“mom says
“I know that mom, I will tell him when I am in my last week. I need time mom, time to heal and adjust to the new life coming.“I tell her.
“Okay, I love you baby” she says
“Me too mom. Don’t forget the baked milky doughnuts, I asked for. Marcus is also anticipating it” I chuckle and she laughs.
We hung up after talking about baby stuff.
A week ago I left the pack house and came to England without Zander’s knowledge.
Mom says he went ballistic and searched for me frantically but I was long gone.
That night, I broke into tears in Marcus’s arms and he comforted me as the best friend he is.
The following day, I bought a small Victorian house in Edinburgh, Scotland and moved there with Marcus.
But he doesn’t move until next month, he wants to settle down with his girlfriend and he plans on proposing after I have my baby.
I can’t wait to walk him down the aisle. He has no one and I am his only family. He has come so far and I am proud
of him.
I am planning on making him the Co–owner of the company and the paperwork is progress.
I just can’t wait to have the baby.
“Hey my little angel, hang in there for me okay. Mommy loves you so much“I rub my bump and then I feel it kick. This…this is so heart touching.
I didn’t feel this connection with my first baby.
Two Months later
“Mama, 1 am so tired, can I rest now” I groan as I follow my mom around the neighborhood.
Come on darling, even an old lady like me isn’t this tired“she laughs
“Because you aren’t nine months pregnant and ready to pop at any moment“I snap.
“Okay, okay, mama bear, let’s go home” she says and begin our way back home.
When I open my door, his scent fills my nostrils and I stop in my tracks
“He is he…” I didn’t complete my sentence when I see him come from my kitchen.
“Baby..,” he whispers brokenly, tears already brimming from him eyes.
Crupter 35
He looks like he been crying for a while now, his hair looks messy and his attire looks disorganized.
“What… What are you doing here?How did you.. you even find me” I ask in confusion, then I see Marcus also come from behind him..
I did. I brought him here because he wouldn’t leave my apartment door and he was giving Cara the creeps. I think you both need to talk and sort things out. I understand you are hurt but I see the love between you two, and for the sake of the baby, I hope you make the right choice” he says,
This boy, what am I going to do with him.
“I think he is right” mom inserts and 1 glare at her.
I look at Zander and he really looks bad, like drug addict bad
“Can—can we talk” he stutters and I nod.
“Hey Mrs Can can you help rearrange the baby’s dresses again“Marcus says and they leave,
“So what do you want to talk about Zander?“I say taking a seat on the chair.
“I—I just wanted to apologize for everything I did you. For rejecting, for hurting, for hitting and for insulting you. P—please forgive me, I want to be part of the baby’s life. I–Iwant to be part of your—your life“he stutters séeming nervous.