Ten Years Later
I walk into my kitchen,not my kitchen,I share it with my roommates Marcus.
We live in a penthouse in the heart of Landon.
He is also my best friend. He reminds me so much of Tasha.
I wonder how she is now. How many children does have now?. Did she become the real estate agent she always wanted to be?
Many thoughts but I shut it off. Thinking about the past brings nothing but pain.
It is my past and that is where it will remain.
“Good morning princess”Marcus baritone voice says from behind me.
“Good morning prince charming. I am about to make breakfast. Pancakes?”I asked.
“Sure”he smiles and goes to the coffee machine.
For a British man,he does love coffee more than tea.
“Are you ready for your biggest breakthrough?”he says
“More that ready but a little nervous”I tell him.
“That is normal,I need to leave very early today to check out the place before the show starts. Everything has to be perfect,Gory must take the deal”he says with determination.
“Thank you so much. I don’t know what my life would’ve been if I hadn’t met you. I love you so much”I hug him tightly.
“You also found me at my weakest point. You pulled me out of the dark pit and brought life back to me. I should be grateful”he kisses my forehead and hugs me tighter.
It is true,the day I met Marcus, eight years ago,he was at the verge of ending his life.
I saved him that day and he also saved me.
Marcus is an orphan who has been through hell in life. From one foster home to another,he was abused and maltreated.
The day I found him,he had been robbed by a bunch of gangsters. They took all that he owned,all his life savings and was left with nothing.
I had just arrived in Landon and was looking for a cheap hotel to say in when I found him standing on the rail of a bridge.
He jumped off,I jump after him, rescued him,took him to the hospital,stayed with him till he woke up and from there we became inseparable.
We lived in a shelter in London whiles working and going to school. We sometimes sleep on an empty stomach before we were saving up enough to rent and pay our tution.
Two years later we were finally able to move into our very own small apartment. It wasn’t any big but we made it work in our favor. We transformed it into our home.
After college,I opened my small clothing shop and Marcus begun to advertise it. Months after months went by it is became very popular and known.
We were finally able to move to a bigger apartment and open a bigger fashion house.
I told Marcus the truth about me and my kind. I told him how he should stay away from me during my heat period.
At first he thought it was ridiculous until I shifted Infront of him and allowed him talk to Averia. Who might I say is stronger than ever.
We fought hard through life, fought against the odds and now we are the point of our biggest break through.
“You saved me and I am forever grateful”he says.
“You saved me too”I tell him.
I finished breakfast and we eat together and went through the event line up for our run way show this evening.
My dream came through,I finally became a designer and model. Marcus is my manager.
Tonight I am making my biggest debut that will secure me the biggest contract ever with Collen house. A very well known production house.
Looking back at the me before today,I say I am proud of my achievement.
10 years ago,I left home and became a lone wolf walking around the streets of new York homeless and met with a lot of misfortune.
I worked from restaurant to restaurant saving up enough to finally leave the USA.
I did,two years later and here I am leaving my best life.
“Miss Gun,over here”the paparazzi calls as Camara clicks and light flashes everywhere.
I walked back stage after taking the pictures to check on my models.
“Everything is ready Crystalise,I am taking the lead. Good luck”Marcus says and kisses my forehead.
He walks away and takes the stage.
I don’t know what I’ll do without him.
People think we are dating but no,we haven’t even tried it. He is like an older brother to me and I am his little sister.
Besides I know he is secretly seeing the Liberian down the street.
After two hours the show was finally over and I am standing with Marcus and the CEO of Collen.
“This is mind blowing Miss.Gun. I can’t believe I didn’t notice this before. I’ll send over the contract to you. I look forward to working with you”he says and I shake his hands.
“We did it”I tell Marc excitedly as soon as the man walked away.
“We need to celebrate. I’ll call Hamson to make a reservation”he says
“Well you can call Ferah to join us”I tease and he chokes on his spit.
I walked away before he can deny it.
“Cheers to us. For a good life and a better one ahead”I say as we thought.
We actually did a big reservation for everyone to join us.
We drunk till dawn when Marc drove us back to our penthouse.
By we,I mean Marc,his little girlfriend and I.
He made sure I was comfortable before leaving me alone in my room. In the darkness, alone with my nightmares.
‘don’t go there. You are stronger than him now,than any of them now. You are safe here. We are safe here. No one can hurt us anymore’ Ria says.
“I know”