Chapter 12 – Caring For Me
Emelia’s POV
“Em, I really am sorry for not getting here sooner. I hope you can forgive me. Victor ran his fingers through my hair slowly as he stroked my head.
I sat still underneath his touch, but felt my headache ease up a little. Despite his now gentle and caring attitude, I
idn’t know how I was supposed to react to all of this.
Before, I thought Victor was the perfect, devoted husband. Now that Lily came back into the picture, everything changed.
I couldn’t even tell if he was my husband anymore.
“Em…” Victor’s voice distracted me from my thoughts. “I really am sorry. After I dropped Lily off at her apartment, I knew that I messed up and had to come straight home to you. It’s where I thought you were. But when you weren’t picking up any of my calls, I got so worried.”
Victor took my hand in his. “When I saw you weren’t home 1… I didn’t know what to do…!!
A part of myself felt touched to hear Victor was actually worried about me. But it still didn’t feel like enough
He could say whatever he wanted; I needed him to show me that he cared.
“I want to believe you, Vic. I really, really do.” I sighed.
“I’ll show you then.” Victor declared. “I’ll make it up to you.”
As the days followed, Victor kept true to his word. He bought me flowers, my favorite takeout meals, and favorite snacks. Although he still had to work, he made sure to call, text, and FaceTime often. He would even come to the hospital during his lunch break to spend time with me.
It was like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders; like we’d gone back in time before all the yelling, the tears, and the lies–before her.
During the day I was set to discharge, Victor handled all the paperwork. I watched as he spoke to the nurses and listened attentively to their suggestions on how to help take care of me in the coming weeks. I couldn’t help but marvel at how handsome he was.
This was the man that I married. The one who prioritized me and cared about my well–being
In the coming days once I was home, it felt like I was in heaven. Victor made the recovery so much easier and smoother, and I felt my heart coming to life again with lovel
Things were so much better now that Lily wasn’t around to drive a wedge between us.
If only things could stay like this forever…
One weekend as I was sitting on the couch watching my favorite movie, Victor came to me with a tray of food.
“I got you your favorite Chinese takeout! Extra soy sauce, too.”
I smiled. “That smells so good! Ugh, I’m starving!”
Victor sat next to me and draped his arm around my shoulders as I ate. “How are you feeling today?”
“A lot better.” I said in between bites. “It still hurts a lot to make sharp, sudden movements but I can move around a little bit more. Plus, the cuts are healing nicely.”
Chapter 12–Caring For Me
“I’m glad. You look a lot better, too.”
you’ve b
“It’s because taking so good care of me.”
“Anything for my wife.
A few beats of silence passed between us. And while not uncomfortable at first, I felt the tension start to creep in.
“We need to talk about… you know.”
Victor shifted his weight uncomfortably.
“I just think it’d be best if you allowed Lily to try and live on her own–have her learn about responsibility.” I stated. “At this rate, you’ll be taking care of her for the rest of your life.”
Victor avoided my gaze and hesitated for a few seconds. “She’s been like this for as long as I’ve known her. She’s very dependent on others, and can just barely manage microwaveable meals. I can’t just leave her to fend for herself when she hardly has any life skills to establish herself in this city.”
“And what is catering to every small whim of hers meant to teach her? So long as you continue to treat her like a child, she’ll never learn.” I raised an eyebrow.
“I know, I know. But this isn’t going to be forever–only temporary just so she can get on her feet.”
I put down my food and looked at him in disbelief. “You can’t actually be serious, right? After everything that happened with her lying about me and not telling you about my accident, you still think spoiling her is meant to change anything?”
I could feel my irritation begin to boil over into anger. Was being unreasonable in my request? Were my feelings about this not valid?
Victor took my hand in his and stroked the back of it softly. “Lily will come around, I promise. She truly is appreciative of all the help, and she just needs a little guidance to understand how her actions affect others.”
Lily was just as two–faced as they came, and it was baffling to see how Victor still defended her. How was he so blind to her manipulation?
It made me wish for more days–more weeks–without Lily’s annoying presence.
Just as I was about to say something else, the doorbell rang
“It’s about time my package got here.” Victor stood up. “I’ll get it.”
I sat patiently on the couch as Victor opened the door.
“Oh, hey, mom.” I heard Victor greeted happily.
While me and Victor’s mother didn’t get along, it didn’t prevent me from showing my respects. I wouldn’t stoop to her level despite her mistreatment of me.
As I got up to Join Victor at his side, I froze in my tracks at the second figure who stood next to my mother–in–law.
Jt was Lily.