Chapter 19 Shattered Hopest
Emelia’s POV
ANOTHER damn secret! How much was I meant to uncove
First, she’s an unknown work colleague. Then, she suddenly has a name and it’s Lily. And then she’s a childhood. friend?
Friend! Just a friend! I scoffed at the thought.
And now this? Now there’s a photo of them kissing?! Immortalized in a damn café of all places?
I really thought I was going to lose it. I wanted nothing more than to leap over the counter and rip the photo to shreds
The sudden jingle of the bell above the door pulled me back to my senses, and my eyes snapped to the man who walked through the door as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
“Hey, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long.” Victor smiled.
I wore a scowl on my face in disbelief of the man who stood before me. This person was no longer who felt familiar, he was nothing but a stranger. His promises and comfort he had once given me were nothing more than tools of deception.
And to get to what end? I had no idea.
Still, it made me realize how I truly couldn’t trust anything he said to me. Even the things he showed me felt they weren’t real.
I pointed at the photo of him and Lily kissing. “Care to explain what the hell that’s all about?”
Victor shifted his attention to the photo and his expression changed. His gare darkened and a frown creased his once smooth face. “What is there to explain?”
“Don’t Play With Me.” I growled as I took a step of defiance towards him.
Victor didn’t back down. “Emelia, can you not accept that what that is, is all in the past?
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I yelled. “The past this, the past that–you can’t think of a better fucking lie this time?!”
My voice thundered throughout the café, which earned the attention of everyone there.
Victor looked around as his face reddened from the attention. Still, he remained composed and calm when he spoke to me. “Emelia, keep your voice down. Don’t you think you’re overreacting? We can talk about this like
Having him dismiss my feelings made matters worse. Blood was boiling underneath my skin and I couldn’t take him trying to downplay yet another secret he managed to keep from me.
“No! I’m not even going to try and hear out whatever lame ass excuse you have saved up for her this time. Leave me ALONE!” I screamed.
1 stored out of the cafe as I hailed for a taxi. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around to hear any more of Victor’s excuses!
When I got back to the hotel, I threw my suitcase onto the bed and started shoving my clothes inside. My mind was
clouded by rage and sadness, and I knew nothing was going to be able to cut through it.
Not even him. Especially not him!
I didn’t even notice Victor had caught up with me until I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist.
He pulled me tightly against his body as he buried his face in the crane of my neck. “Emelia, please. Please, just talk to me.” His voice was soft and pleading
“Let go of me!” I fought against his grip. “I’ni not falling for whatever it is you have to say! I’m done with your
Victor let go of me then, but he spun me around so I had to look at him..
Emelia, please just listen for one second!”
“What is there to listen to?!” I yelled “How many more times are you going to play me like a damn fool and expect me to forgive you every time?!”
“You’re not a fool and I’m not playing around with you! That photo you saw? It means nothing to me now. I don’t even know why the hell the café staff even has that!”
“I don’t care if it means nothing to you now! What I care about is that this is just another damn secret that I’m having to find out, because you won’t tell me the damn TRUTH!”
threw my arms in the air. “I’m tired of feeling like I’m a third–wheel to you and Lily, I’m tired of feeling like an outsider in my own damn marriage!”
A Victor was opening his mouth to respond, his phone went off.
When I saw the caller ID and saw it was Lily, I laughed. I laughed even more as he allowed it to ring as if he didn’t want to talk to her.
“Don’t act like you’re suddenly uninterested in talking to her.” I hissed.
In an unexpected act, Victor threw his phone on the bed and took my hand in his “Nothing’s more important than trying to get you to stop and listen to me. Please, I don’t want you to leave!”
Despite Victor ignoring Lily’s calls, she was persistent. After the fourth time of her trying, he took his phone and answered it.
“Lily, now really isn’t a good time.” Victor’s tone was hard and laced with irritation.
I saw the opportunity to grab my suitcase to leave, but Victor was just as quick in wrapping his arm around my waist. Even without his other arm, his hold on me was strong.
Lily’s pleading voice was still audible even if the phone wasn’t on speaker. “I’m in so much pain, Victor! I hurt my bad leg, and I really need you to come home. Can’t you just come back a little early to come be with me? I need you”
Suddenly, Victor’s grip on me loosened and it allowed me to wiggle away from his grasp.
I met Victor’s strained and conflicted gaze with one of anger and disbelief.
“E–Emelia, can we please talk about this later?”
“Save it!” I hissed “Go back to her, and leave me the hell alone!”