His voice was cold towards me Chapter 26

His voice was cold towards me Chapter 26

Chapter 26 A Victorious Feeling 

Emelia’s POV 

Lily!Victor raised his voice. You need to be more mindful with how you speak to Emelia. She’s my wife, and we share everything ” 

Victor intervened before I got the chance to respond, which I’m happy that he did. His words were a lot nicer than mine intended to be

I crossed my arms and stared Lily down in defiance of her accusations. How bold of her to project all of her insecurities and shortcomings on me like they had any one of 

I worked hard for everything I had in this house and outside of it. She couldn’t say the same

ButLily wasn’t ready to back down, although there was a waver in her voice 

Again, no but’s, Lily. We’re not children anymore. Besides, now that you’re here, you can pack up your and get ready. One of the things my staff was meant to help you with was getting settled back into your apartment 

What?!Lily practically yelled. You’re abandoning me again?! I just got discharged from the hospital, and you know that I need someone to take care of me!” 

I’ve already made promises and commitments to Emelia.Victor spoke calmly, and with a relaxed posture. It like he wasn’t affected by Lily’s temper tantrums at all. I don’t want to disappoint her again. This is me trying to make it up to her.” 

He looked down at me and kissed my forehead

My heart swelled with joy despite the emotional meltdown happening across from me. It felt so good to hear him stand his ground and be firm in his decision to be with me

Things were finally taking a turn for the better, and I was so proud of him for making the right choices this time around

Don’t you care about me at all?Lily’s tone turned sour and accusatory. How can you claim to care about me so much when you’re doing stuff like this?!” 

How can you possibly think that I don’t care about you

First you abandon me at the hospital, and now you’re dumping me off at my apartment! You’ve even let others mock me!Lily’s gaze cut towards me momentarily before fixating on Victor once more. And you say that you care about me?” 

As much as to interject and argue back, I bit my tongue and took a deep breath. All the things she accused Victor of doing, she had done to me

She purposely ignored my call that was supposed to go to Victor when I got in my car wreck. He’d almost abandoned me then too, if he hadn’t found out the truth

Not to mention, he completely ditched out on grandpa Antonio’s dinner party for her when she was in the hospital the first time

Then there were the times he’d left me alone at home because he prioritized her feelings over mine. Like I wanted to be alone in an empty house by myself

And how could she even attempt to accuse me of being the ne who’s been mocking her? As if she hadn’t been judging me, criticizing me, and undermining my marriage this entire time


I had to take another deep breath so I could calm myself down Lily had a lot of damn nerve to be complaining of the havoc she’d sewn onto me 

I’ve arranged for my staff to take care of you, Lily. How can you possibly say that I’ve abandoned you?” 

That’s not the point! You don’t care about my feelings, and you’re leaving me when I need you most! Doesn’t 

mean anything to you?Lily then stapped her gaze at the You’re choosing to be with some Immature girl that ran away for almost a week because of a little disagreement 

I could only scoff at her words and shake my head. Siphoning; a married man’s attention away from his wife and coming in between their marriage is not a little disagreement

But of course, she doesn’t care what she does as long as it benefits her

Look at her mor king me again!Lily cried out as she pointed a finger at me. How could you let this happen? Do I mean nothing to you?!” 

Just as I took a step forward to put a stop to all of Lily’s wild accusations and headacheinducing meltdowns, Victor wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed gently

Lily,Victor replied in a calm, determined tone. I’m not letting anything happen that’ll come in between me and my wife, okay? You need time to cool off before we can have a proper discussion. My staff will be with you shortly to help collect your things. But right now, we’re leaving

Victor coazed me gently towards the door as he used his free hand to make sure he had everything I think I’m forgetting somethingHe pulled out his keys and wallet, but no phone

I think it’s on the table, honey,” 

Oh, it is! Thanks, babe,” 

Just as Victor walked away to go grab it, I couldn’t help but glance at Lily to gauge her reaction about everything that had happened. I wondered how she felt after finally being told no. It must have been her first time

Her eyes were pinned on me and had a sense of wildness about them. Almost like a prey animal who’d been Tucked into a corner

Don’t get too comfortable.Lily mouthed the words at me. Her face was red with what I assumed was embarrassment and anger

If I was honest with myself it was pleasing to see her so pitiful. Even though I knew it was horrible of me to feel so vindictive, I couldn’t help it. Especially not after all the trouble and heartache she’d caused me 

Despite that, I grinned widely at her. Take care of yourself, Lily” 

I suppressed my satisfied smirk when Victor returned and locked his arm with inlue. Pride and triumph bolstered my mood as I left the house with my husband

His voice was cold towards me

His voice was cold towards me

Status: Ongoing


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