His voice was cold towards me Chapter 32

His voice was cold towards me Chapter 32

Chapter 32A Past Now Known 

Emelia’s POV 

Oh, I’d be more than delighted tolSimon beamest 

While I wasn’t the one for gossip, I was happy that Simon jeemed to be more than eager to share what he knew Even though I didn’t want to hear about Lily’s and Victor’s past in full detail, 1 knew asking my husband anythin was pointless

This was the closest to the truth I was going to get. No excites, no beating around the bush

I needed to listen closely and find out to what extent Lily truly meant to Victor

Where do I even begin?Simon hummed 

You said earlier that Victor’s kindness and considerateness were abnormal for him growing up in high school. Maybe you can start there?” 

Oh, he was quite the troublemaker! He didn’t listen to our teachers much, was late to classes, and even went so fat as to skip out on school” 

I raised my eyebrows. Wow, he’s the total opposite now. He takes everyone’s words here seriously, and listens to suggestions and feedback. Not to mention, he’s also punctual when it comes to meetings

Time really does change people sometimes,Simon laughed. But what it didn’t seem to change was Victor’s feelings for Lily.” 

Do go on.I smiled as if I were merely interested in the gossip, and not hanging on by the thread of the information he held

While Victor wasn’t a bully, he was cold, distant, and had a very dominant personality. Except towards Lil, of course. For her, he was a whole different person.Simon started to explain. It was like a dragon protecting its treasure. He made sure no one even looked at her the wrong way

He continued. I remember one time a boy tried to take an upskirt photo of her, and Victor came by and immediately knocked the boy out. He even threw his phone in the garbage!” 


Right? There was also another time when our spring homecoming dance happened during our freshman year of high school, and Lily was supposed to go with someone else. But then the boy bailed out on her. Victor was als supposed to go with someone else, but he ended up dumping her to be with Lily!” 

WowIt sounded like he was very devoted to her, even though they were meant for other people.I tried so hard to hide the sadness in my voi 

It was like my heart was being squeezed tightly. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could bear to listen about Victor’s devotion to Lily. Especially since now he tried so hard to frame their relationship as a friendship

Luckily, Simon didn’t seem to notice the change in my tone. They may as well have been high school sweethearts. They were nominated for Class Couple in the yearbook, even though they swore they weren’t together. Oh, and they were also nominated for Prom King and Queen! Honestly, it’s a surprise that they didn’t get married ” 

But from what I heard….Simon continued and lowered his voice as if revealing a secret. Victor wanted to be with Lily, but it didn’t work out in the end. Apparently, it was due to conflict with his family, but I don’t know the details entirely.” 

+25 BONUS 

At least they’re together again.I forced a small smile even though the news was shattering my heart

That’s right! Honestly, it’s some incredible luckSimon leaned back with a satisfied smile on his face. Like he was prend of having admitted all of that to me. Oh, but do be sure to keep this all to yourself, him? I don’t think Victor would appreciate me gossiping about his life. He’s just such a fascinating guy! I can’t help myself.” 

Of course.My voice was tight as I struggled to keep my emotions in check. Excuse me, though. I need to make sure we have a fresh pot of coffee made.” 

I hurried out of the office and took the moments away to catch my breath, as my resolve quickly became undone

The truth of the matter was that Victor wanted Lilya part of his heart was with her

The storm in my mind was brewing, but I fought hard with my inner turmoil to get myself under control

Just as I returned to the office, Simon was on the phone. While I didn’t hear what he had to say, he smiled when he saw me and ended the call

You’re a fantastic listener, miss. Do tell Victor that I’ve stopped by, okay? I have to get going. Important business awaits.” 

I nodded my head and smiled, unable to form proper words for his departure

Afterwards, the day went by in a haze. I was on autopilot, and by the time I’d gotten home, my thoughts were nothing more than a mess of doubt and fury

I couldn’t believe how naïve I was to have believed Victor’s words. How could Lily not mean anything to him if that’s how he treated her in the past

He wanted to be with her. WANTED

Betrayal and hurt weighed on my chest like heavy stones. I collapsed on my bed and buried myself underneath the 


How was I supposed to trust him? What was I supposed to do

cont either 

The sound of the front door opening stirred me from the thick fog of my mind. I was in no mood to confront of them. I just wanted to be left alone, but I didn’t have the energy to leave again

Oh, Victor.Lily sighed loudly. Thank you so much for your care and attention today. I hate hospitals, but you always make the time go by so quickly.” 

The sound of her voice made me want to scream

No problem.Victor responded

His response was so brief and almost distant towards Lily, but it didn’t matter to me as much. I was spiraling too deep to analyze their interaction

The sound of footsteps echoed up the stairs until it reachedny door. A soft knock came before the door opened up

Hey,Victor called out softly before gently shutting the door behind him. I need to talk to you, Em.” 


His voice was cold towards me

His voice was cold towards me

Status: Ongoing


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