“What do you mean I look like you?” I couldn’t help but blurt out and ask.
When I first saw Lily at the hospital, this entire time, I always thought that she looked like me. Now given how their relationship predated what I had with Victor, it didn’t even cross my mind that it was the other way around—me looking like her.
My stomach started to churn at the possibilities of her words and our looks.
Was there a possibility that I was simply Lily’s replacement?
Still, I kept my face as natural as I could make it, and tried to hold the vomit that threatened to rise.
“I mean, look at us! ” Lily placed her hands on her hips. “Same long, wavy brown hair—even our natural highlighting matches. Oh! And that beauty mark on the side of your face. There’s definitely no copying that!”
“You know, I couldn’t help but notice the same thing when I first met you…” I agreed. “Isn’t that a little bit weird, Victor?”
“Is it?” Victor tilted his head. “Brown hair seems a little common, no?”
“That doesn’t explain the beauty mark!” Lily stomped her foot, which earned a few stares from the crowd.
Victor shrugged his shoulders. “You two don’t really look that much alike. Brown hair is a common color, and lots of others have beauty markings on their face, too.”
Victor gave me a wary look, but mine was just as apprehensive.
I wanted to believe Victor’s words about all of this simply being a coincidence, but it was hard to believe anything he said given all the secrets he’s kept from me, and his blatant favoritism for Lily.
“I hardly think that’s the case…” I muttered to myself. If anything, it felt like I was the one being replaced.
“Why won’t you tell the truth?! Why does she look like me?!” Lily basically yelled.
“Lower your voice and talk to me like an adult, Lily. I need you to be mature here.” Victor’s voice was serious.
“W-why are you talking to me like that? It was just joke!” Lily made a complete 180 was scared about to cry.
“There was nothing funny about you yelling at us.” Victor was stern but still looked nervous. He didn’t even spare me glance. “Lily, you need to understand that I’m married, please respect my wife.”
But Lily couldn’t take it. “I don’t understand what I did wrong, I was just joking. And you never treated me like this before. You’ve changed a lot.”
“I told you we’re not children anymore.”
“No! Marriage has changed you! You aren’t the Victor I knew. I’m so disappointed with you!” Lily cried before stomping her way out the venue.
Lily’s outburst and dramatic words caused everyone’s gaze to linger on us for longer than what was comfortable.
I hated it. It was like a spotlight searing my skin. I knew that this was going to be ammunition for gossip, and now more than ever I just wanted to leave this place and hide.
“Victor, please…” My voice was sad and ridden with embarrassment. “Can we just go?”
Instead of meeting my eyes, Victor was looking at the door where Lily left through. “Just let me make sure she’s okay, alright?”
“You can’t be serious!” I practically whined.
Why? Why was he doing this? Why was he choosing her again?
Without saying another word, Victor walked away from me and went to find Lily. Once again, he prioritized her feelings over mine.
I didn’t give the crowd the satisfaction of gawking at me any longer as I stormed out the building and found sanctuary in the car. As I locked the doors, I finally felt safe enough to let my tears flow.
Even if Victor came back and apologized to me, this night was ruined. Our date didn’t even matter at this point.
I realized that all the feelings from the last few days weren’t going to go away so easily just because of a few honeyed words and a transfer of company shares.
Something needed to change. And it was now or never.
I wiped my tears away and gathered myself together as I sat in the car. I waited patiently for Victor to return, but he never did. Soon, an hour had passed and all of the guests were leaving the venue.
There was no sign of Victor or Lily, and it made me wonder if something happened to them.
Was Lily taking advantage of my absence?
It was enough to get me out of the car and march back into the building. I searched the grand hall, but found the place completely empty. As I went back out and down the hallway, the sound of crying caught my attention.
The further down I went the louder it got. I approached the corner slowly as I heard Victor’s voice. Instead of rounding it, I stood still with my back against the wall, and my ear in his direction.
“Lily…” Victor’s voice was pleading. “Please, stop crying. Let me take you home and then we can talk about this when you’ve had time to calm down okay?”
Lily’s sobbing was loud as it echoed throughout the hallway. “No! Don’t try to send me away and avoid me like we’re kids!”
“You’re too upset, just please…”
“NO!” Lily shouted. “You’re not going to sit here and treat me like this! Not after I’ve given up everything for you!”
Lily’s words rooted me in place. Given up everything? What did she mean by that? What could she have possibly given up?
And as if answering my question, Lily hissed out something else. “Especially after I divorced him for you!”