Chapter 8
“I’m already divorced from your son, and this is his new girlfriend. If you’re looking for someone, go find her.”
Declan didn’t expect me to be so blunt, and his face immediately darkened as he trailed behind his parents.
“We can handle our own business, can’t we? Why do you have to drag my parents into this? Is this really necessary?” he snapped, crossing his arms and blocking the door.
I smiled back at him, unfazed.
“If we were really going to handle things ourselves, why did you let your parents bring you back here?” I raised an eyebrow. “Your thoughts are so transparent, and your tricks are laughably amateur. I’m honestly embarrassed for you!”
Declan’s face flushed red, and he opened his mouth to argue, but his father, who had understood the situation, quickly cut him off with a swift kick.
“You little punk. You had everything going for you and still cheated on Louisa! I can’t believe I raised a lying jerk! All those years of schooling, and this is what you’ve learned?”
Declan’s mother, now fully understanding what had happened, shot me a guilty look before she pulled the door shut behind her.
She rolled up her sleeves and joined in, both of them taking turns punishing Declan.
Declan’s family had always been open–minded, which had been one of the reasons I married him. It was a shame that, despite such a good family, Declan turned out to be such a disappointment.
After the divorce, Camilla was left to deal with her debts. Unlike Declan, who only had her as his “true love“, Camilla had been the first love of many men.
Effortlessly, she found a man with prospects almost as good as Declan’s, and once again, the familiar cycle of rekindling love and realizing he was “the one” began to play out.
But this time, Declan, who didn’t manage to win me back, was always in the background, buzzing around her like a fly, interfering wherever he could.
Before the man had even made their relationship official to his friends, Camilla’s plans
Desperate to get rid of Declan, Camilla tried to avoid him, but with nothing left–no money, no career, no family–Declan had nothing but time to stick around and make her life miserable.
Driven to madness, Camilla finally screamed at him, asking what it would take for him to
Chapter 8
leave her alone.
Déclan, in response, made a proposal that left Camilla speechless.
“Get back together with me. Marry me.”
Of course, Camilla refused outright, knowing full well there was some ulterior motive behind his words.
But after seeing all the men who had once seen her as their “true love” walk away, she found herself with no other option. Reluctantly, she agreed to marry him again.
They signed a pre–marital debt agreement and post–marital income contract. Camilla, unwilling as she was, ended up marrying Declan.
The bond between them tightened even further, and Camilla, who had relied on men for everything, began working multiple jobs, but the weight of her 2–million–dollar debt was impossible to shake. The interest continued to accumulate, and no matter how many jobs she took, it wasn’t enough.
Each month, her paycheck would hit her account, only to be swept away almost immediately.
So, when it came to her basic needs–food, clothing, everything–Camilla was forced to rely on Declan. But Declan no longer loved her. He kept her around only to torment her.
Everything she used, from food to clothing, had a price tag attached–one that Camilla would eventually have to pay.
The last time I saw Camilla, it was by chance. I spotted her following Declan as he went to work.
She trailed behind him, her gaze filled with nothing but resentment.
Under the constant pressure of this environment, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of desperate decision she might make next.
Since the divorce, I’d been focused on expanding my business.
After weeks of hectic work, I finally had the time to step back and enjoy my freedom again. Without the constraints of work, I sold the house in the city and took my mother back to the hometown I had always missed. Together, we rebuilt the family home.
This new chapter in my life left me with more free time, though it was far from dull. I found myself doing all the things I had always wanted to do.
At almost thirty years old, I was finally living the life I had always dreamed of.
Chapter 8
But thankfully, it wasn’t too late, and my mother was still young enough to enjoy it with
- me.