Chapter 0007
Chapter 0007
“So I know not many packs do this. But I want every packmember to be able to protect themselves, which means that the wolves in my pack are training just as any other male would be. I am aware that this can be a challenge.” Alpha says, Looking at me again.
“Alpha, Liv was trained, as a tracker As well as a fighter, since she was eleven,” Dad says, using the nickname most people use. Alpha looks at me, but then he smiles.
“That is perfect. Let us make you all packmembers, then Luca will show you where you will live and tell you about everything you need and want to know. Alpha says.
Alpha Logan turned around to a cabinet and took out something that looked like a huge wineglass, but instead of it being in glass, it was made of gold and a knife that looked incredibly old. He then turned to look at us. (1
“I will invite you all into my pack. Then you will one by one accept and pledge your life and trust. And then you will be members of the Blood Moon Pack. I am guessing that you, Olivia, still have. What one year back in high school?” He asks me. 1
“No, Alpha, I finished this year,” I tell him proudly.
“Really? That’s impressive. Congratulations.” He says, smiling.
“Thank you,” I answer shyly.
“Okay, let us start.
I, Alpha Logan King of the Blood Moon Pack, invite you, Klaus Moore, and your children, Matt Moore and Olivia Moore. To stay and become packmembers of the Blood Moon Pack to live here in peace, Do you Accept me as your alpha, and my pack as your pack.” Alpha Logan says, looking at us. 3
“I, Klaus Moore, accept the invitation from Alpha Logan to become a packmember of the Blood Moon Pack. I promise to live by your and your pack’s rules. To fight for and protect our new home.” Dad said proudly, and he and Alpha Logan cut their palms and linked their hands for a few seconds. When it was over, dad looked intensely at Alpha Logan as if trying to figure something out. But Alpha Logan is already looking at Matt.
“I, Matt Moore, accept the invitation from Alpha Logan to become a packmember of the Blood Moon Pack. I promise to live by your and your pack’s rules. To protect and guide anyone who needs it. And proudly call the Blood Moon Pack my home.” Matt says before he and Alpha Logan link hands. Matt shook a little, and for a second, I thought he would fall to his knees. Alpha Logan then turned to me, and I felt drawn as I looked into his eyes again. 1
“I, Olivia Moore, accept the invitation from Alpha Logan to become a packmember of the Blood Moon Pack. I promise to live by your and your pack’s rules. I promise to protect and aid any packmember who needs it. And proudly stand as a packmember of the Blood Moon Pack.” I Manage to get the words out while my eyes are locked on Alpha Logan, making me feel like I am being sucked into them.
“This will only hurt for a second.” He says softly as he gently takes my hand and runs the blade across my palm. But I am too busy focusing on the barely noticeable tickling I get where his hand holds mine. I gasp as he links our hands and a surge of a power stronger than anything I have ever experienced.
But it is not what made me gasp. The feeling of my entire body breaking out in tingles. I felt my legs give up, but I did not fall to the floor for some reason. When I come back to my senses, I realize it is because Alpha Logan holds me up with his free arm around my waist.
We both realized that my dad, brother, and Beta Luca, were looking at us. Alpha Logan clears his throat and looks at me one last time.
Chapter 0007
“I apologize. I know the power coming from me is stronger than many other Alphas. But I Want you all to know that you do not have to fear me. I will never hurt anyone without reason.” He says as he looks at us with sincerity in his eyes.
“We are happy to be here, Alpha, and to serve under someone as powerful as you,” Dad says and bows his head.
“Thank you. Beta shows the Moore family their new home and makes sure they are given any important information.” Alpha says, and Beta hurry to show us out, leading the way to our new home.
Today’s Bonus Offer