Nevertheless, Bethany seemed not the least bit afraid of his anger. She deliberately rubbed her body against his, the curves of her chest pressing against him.
“Just make up some excuse and get it over with. She won’t suspect anything. I like it when you’re this aggressive with me in bed. Do you like the maid outfit from last time? Come over tonight. I’ve got a surprise planned…” She whispered something in Mitchell’s ear, and he stiffened, his lips pressing together tightly in frustration.
He grasped her chin and kissed her again, this time with even more intensity.
Back in the storage room, Heather stood frozen behind the window, her body feeling like ice as she watched the scene unfold.
Although she had suspected Mitchell and Bethany were involved, seeing it firsthand was far more shocking than she could have imagined.
Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in someone’s hand, and she had to grip the windowsill to steady herself.
After what felt like an eternity, she took a deep breath and left the storage room. By then, Mitchell and Bethany had separated, and Mitchell was searching for her.
When he spotted her, he rushed over, his forehead dotted with beads of sweat.
“Where did you go? I was about to lose my mind when I couldn’t find you.”
Heather’s eyes deliberately flickered to the corner of his mouth where the wound was visible. “I left the restroom, and when I didn’t see you, I wandered into the garden. How did you end up with a cut on your lip?”
Mitchell’s expression shifted instantly to one of panic, and more sweat broke out on his forehead.
“You went to which garden?”
Heather offered a mocking smile, turning away from him as she spoke. “The one behind the house. There are lots of people there. Why are you so nervous?”
The moment she mentioned the garden behind the house, Mitchell visibly relaxed, exhaling a deep breath.
“It’s nothing. I was just worried you had wandered off and I wouldn’t be able to find you.”
At that moment, Bethany was on stage talking about how the Bennetts had helped her over the years, her gaze frequently darting toward Heather and Mitchell.
Mitchell’s eyes slid over the crowd, focusing on Bethany as the memory of her words about a surprise for him flashed through his mind.
His muscles tensed instinctively, and as he subconsciously pressed his lips together, he winced at the pain from the cut.
Only then did he remember he hadn’t answered Heather’s question yet.
“It’s just a cold sore. I accidentally tore it while I was rubbing it. It’s nothing.”
Heather gave a barely audible scoff, turning on her heel. “I’m tired. I’m going back.”
Mitchell’s heart suddenly lurched in a way he couldn’t quite understand. He grabbed Heather’s wrist urgently.
“Let me tell my parents I’m leaving. I’ll go with you.”
A few minutes later, Mitchell and Heather left the dinner, but Mitchell brought her toward the manor.
“Mom wants us to stay at the manor for the night, so we’ll head back tomorrow.”
Heather didn’t argue. After arriving and getting ready for bed, she lay down, physically and emotionally exhausted. It didn’t take long for her to slip into a half-dreamlike state.
She could hear Mitchell’s laughter in the background as he tapped away on his phone.
Eventually, there was a shift beside her.
Mitchell gently woke Heather, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“Mom needs me. I’m going to talk to her. If you need anything, just call for me.”
Heather murmured a soft hum, rolling over as if she were still fast asleep.
Once Mitchell had quietly left, Heather sat up.
She could hear him and Vanessa in the study, their voices muffled by the walls.
After a brief hesitation, she silently moved toward the study door. A faint light seeped through the crack, and she could hear Vanessa’s voice, strained with barely-contained anger.
“How many times have I told you that Heather is a nice girl? If you’re serious about her, you need to get rid of all these other women.
“But instead, you’re getting more tangled up with Bethany, and now people in your circle are noticing. Have you thought about what would happen if Heather found out? What do you think she’ll do if she hears about all this?
“Mitchell, you’re an adult now. I don’t want to lecture you, but I can’t just watch you make mistakes you’ll regret later, all for the moment’s thrill.”
Vanessa’s words pierced through Heather’s heart, her ears ringing with the truth of it all. It was more shocking than watching Mitchell and Bethany kissing in the garden.
She couldn’t focus on anything else but the realization that Mitchell’s actions had been known to Vanessa all along—and she had kept quiet.
And worse, everyone in their social circle knew about Mitchell and Bethany, while she had been left in the dark, believing that she had all his love.
What did those fake congratulations mean, then? Were they all just laughing behind her back?
The voices continued in the study, but Heather could no longer make out the words. Her legs stiffened as she turned and walked away.
Back in the bedroom, she curled into the blankets, trying to find some warmth in the cold.
It was clear now—love, too, could be faked.