Though Vanessa hadn’t said it yet, Heather already knew. There could only be one reason for the call–Mitchell.
Sure enough, the next moment, Vanessa’s voice came through, laced with sorrow.
“Heather, ever since you left, Mitchell has been searching for you. He did hurt you in the past, and he knows it now… Can you… can you give him another chance? Or at least see him one more time?”
Hearing Vanessa’s anguished plea, Heather didn’t immediately agree, but she didn’t reject it outright either.
It had been almost three months since she left Kennethville. In that time, she had moved between several places, finally settling in Buleesia, a city she had grown fond of for its charm
and romantic atmosphere.
From Susan, she knew Mitchell hadn’t given up on finding her. He had kept trying to get information about her, which made Heather cautious about revealing herself on social media or sharing her whereabouts.
This couldn’t go on forever. Some things needed to be said face–to–face with Mitchell.
“I’ll be back in Kennethville in a week. I’ll contact you then,” Heather said, her voice steady but uncertain.
Her agreement surprised not only Vanessa, but Mitchell too.
Mitchell, his heart racing with excitement, pushed himself up from the bed, his hand reaching for the phone, but by the time he could grab it, the call had already ended.
A wave of frustration passed over him, but it was fleeting. Instead, a smile spread across his face.
“She said she’s willing to come back,” he murmured, his voice shaking with emotion. “I can’t meet her looking like this. Mom, please call my assistant and have him come over right away.
Seeing the renewed spark in Mitchell’s eyes, Vanessa quickly wiped away her tears and let out a relieved laugh, her spirits lifting in an instant.