Under Mitchell’s leadership, Bennett Corporation slowly but surely took control of half of Kennethville’s economy.
He began expanding the business internationally, with the first stop being Buleesia. The old rumors about Mitchell’s desperate search of Heather had all but disappeared–no one dared bring them up anymore.
In fact, people now praised his devotion to Heather, as if they had completely forgotten about the affair he had right before his wedding, or the fact that he had gotten another woman pregnant.
With enough power in his hands, the slanderous whispers faded away. Mitchell felt the weight of that power firsthand, but it didn’t bring him any joy. Or rather, since the day Heather left, he had lost the right to be happy.
He had wronged Heather, and according to the promises he had made, he was supposed to live a life of loneliness, far removed from happiness.
For a long time, Mitchell didn’t pay attention to where Heather had gone. He only learned, in passing, that her new boyfriend, Colin, came from a well–known family on Ronald Street. That was when Mitchell found out more about Heather’s life.
Mitchell opened a restaurant not far from where Heather lived, serving only one kind of
spaghetti. After Heather visited the restaurant and tried the dish, she immediately recognized the familiar taste.
It was during this visit that Mitchell had a brief chance to see Heather in the kitchen, albeit from a distance.
Seeing Heather so lovingly engaged with Colin made his eyes sting, though he couldn’t bring himself to look away. He knew that opportunities to see her, even from afar, were rare.
After that one visit, Heather rarely came back to the restaurant. After all, she no longer liked the flavors she once did. But surprisingly, the spaghetti still appealed to other customers, so the restaurant remained busy, even on Ronald Street’s crowded streets.
To Bennett Corporation, the restaurant was just a small investment, but Mitchell made it a point to visit for a few days every month. Occasionally, he would catch a glimpse of Heather passing by the restaurant, though sometimes days would go by without seeing her.
But he never once approached her. If Heather didn’t want to see him, Mitchell was determined. to honor her wish.
In the small yard in front of the restaurant, he planted a row of pear trees, the snow pears Heather had always loved.
In the fall, Heather’s throat would often become dry and sore, so Mitchell had the restaurant manager send pears to all the people living nearby. He personally picked the best ones to send