Chapter in: Final Thoughts
Kichaa aback, bai hout, bet hank shaking slightly as she teachindia bes cup. “Tkom, Par deeper analog disappearase He says they’re clue batining and touch and that
me, Uknow, Hm Daten thinks it’s the only way to keep the Malls from dizzin
She leased back in hei chan, her face fidering thingh shock, andonerin “That what about you? What if they catch and what if you slip up? This bars just a lie, Andrsa; it’s full on identity
Arskralet est asleep sigh. “I how all that. But Baten says he table amater, someone who will teach me everything I need to know about Soula, hry luddin, his history, everything. He’yor aatles beat that it can spell valle mines, it will save everything he has but with
alledet, at lip a won’t she hel
“And” Shepinsel, nanmughai virs.
and desliga dropped her pareteber bands, pilt weging into her chest “wid think’s right. I have been strongly
smoke things right with him. This could be my chame.
tedid what might happen if I’m not goodenough.
she hesitated and let her voler shops. “I also kim this hopes, ty dad me if he flot, and honestly, I’m scarest. she leaned forward, placing a contesting handen Mara’s am. “Latestone, Andina. You don’t owe Barenildi. You don’t owe anyone this. It’s not your responsibility tedix whatever anous. besin with the Maywells. You have you own lile to worry about.
I know,” Andrea numeted, het vence bach audible. “Tut I’ve already aprendiak?
Het evooluketed. “What‘ Andes, na You can’t
“I did not know what else te ide!” Andora burke in, het veice high “It was the only thing but shank of to make it alright, to straighten anything out. Sol thought maybe I could get awry with it Now” the bared her loer in het hard, sabennigedunder the weight of her dechlon.
She let out adeep sigh, por ej andwalked around the table, sat next to Andra. “You’he way over your head, ghi, Hat it’s init too late tubackout. You don’t have to do t
Andrea shook her head, bet voice muttled by her hands. This too late Lahey told Damildo it, he’s depending on me,
She sottened, bet tone poulet. “Then let me help you. If you’re peally going to gathagh with this, you need someone on your side, Edon’t trust Daten, far I trust you. Whatever you need, rubber Voortenet dưng this alone
Andra fitted her head slowly, her eyes brimming with gratefuluess, “
Thanks, Panda 1 really don’t have what I’d do without you.
She sanded warmly. “You’dise te, but a little support never hurts. Now, first things ist we’lly going to pull this off you need to tell me anything. Erty detail about Sonia Bauen, and what exactly they expert leanan.”
And took a deep bath, steading herself. “Okay, let’s start from the beginning
Anda va stood up, taking her coat tion the back of the chal shouldbe pine,” she said softly. Thanks again, Pamela Later.”
Pamela smiled, thoughts of constill led her face. “Take care of yourself, Andrea We’ll talk monte when I’m off shit:“” “Yeak,” Andrea replied, giving he a quick lug betoor heading towards the door. “Bye, Fam.”
Andina stepped out into the cool evening air, hagging he con tightly over her shoulders. The streets were relatively quiet tonight, with only a few passing cars. She hailed a tad with her umed hand and gave the drives her home alies. Driving though the streets in the cat, she reflected on the consensation with Daten, the weight of the decision that was made burrowing deep inna het ches.
By the time she tracked her house, the dakhad already set in. She stepped inside and immediately tek heisell snapped in the warmth of the house. Her father was sitting in the living Toon, his eyes agaiting to her as she came in Tired eyes, puardedexpression, as though he was still trying to put the pieces together,
“Where did you go he asked, bevor even bat laced with suspicion
Andrea sighed so herself, knowing hall well this talk would come toner olay, “I alorady told you, Dad, I went
tamela for caller,” she replied calmly
He didn’t say anything right away beat just stared at her for a few secouuh, his eyes surveying het Bat something “Tou don’t have to lie to me, Andrea,” he finally said, softly but fly. “If you are hiding something I’ll findout ventally
́ ́1 am not ling,” she said, although her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. “We just talked for a bit. Nothing mo
Her father didnot look any differem, yet he did not press the issue either. He exhaled bearily and tested back in his chair. “How as it with Mother?” Andher asked alter a while to change
the subject
He did not say anything right away, his face a lester “Not good. The car. It is growing lowly, but still.”
Andia’s heart sank as she felt dreadwell in her chest–that old, too–familia kant of anxiety begin to tada right. “Thought I thought the treatments were helping,” she whispered, her voler shakeng
“They were,” he said, his way. “Bates, with coner, things just don’t pron a predictable park. The doctes are adjusting her treatment plan, but it’s clear this fight isn’t over. Andrea’s thrown closed in as mater lunch up in lernen. “Is the lay? Can I see her!”
Andora’s father nodded very, very slowly. “She’s coming now. You can go in, but not fool the need engili
Andrea nodded all the gulf everything she had kept hidden weighed in her heart, but now, she was thinking about only one person her mother, she walked toward her parent’s bedroom and prepared her heart for what she would find there
Andies opened the door toher parents bed, quiet and with her heart caring with dead and hope. Her mom surpised her by being amako; her pals Lace turned toward the doorway. For the ficar time in two days, she looked moralect but still way from the toll of his dickness at the glance of their eyes, she gave a weak but seal smile.
Teised seeing your pretty face,” her mother whispered in a fragile pet warni tar
Andra’s eye tried at ace. She hailly meerward tougher mother at her bedside, making sure or cause action which instantly brought back a tide of memories from her childhood.
cause her any Injury. Her mother’s trail handrosecke Andia’s hair, an
“I missed you, too, Man,” Andies whispried back, her and thick, clinging to the tandir comfort of her moms touch–sorare now, each moment with her so precious and passing
Her momchuckled somly, weakly, pantuated by a slight rough “You look tied. You’ve been uning mound too much again, haven’t you?” she asked, studying Andrea with concerned pre-
Andieaforceda small sunde, mobbing a tear assay all her check as she sat on the edge of the bed. “A bit, but I’m okay. Just work and