Chapter 2: Get Out Of Here!!
Our they reached the hospital, Dacen helped her out of the cat and from that point he walked with her inside, his arm still wrapped around her waist. Andrea wiped at her face which was swußen with trans, attempting to compose hessell as they neated the reception.
“Excuse me,” he said to the muse sitting at the counter, keeping his voire low but with an edge of urgency. “We need information on Andrea’s mother. She has just been admitted.”
Theurlooked and questioned Andia and then began to type on her computer. “What is the name?”
*Clae Clae Cheen,” Andrea replied with a tremor in her voice.
These acknowledged her and proceeded to do something on the system. “She’s in Ward, Room 112. You will use an elevator to the second floor and turn right.”
Andrea could hardly manage a thank you as she and Daten shed to the elevator. Her heart was taking as they went to the second floor, every step feeling heavier than the other. Finally, thevarived at the ward and again she saw her father and Pamela, this time standing by the door.
The moment Panela spotted Andrea, she rushed to her and hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry Andea” she managed to whisper, her voice shaky. “It all huppened so
There was a sight pause as Andrea removed her face from Pamela’s. Her gaze promptly shifted to look for her father, who quite literally was walking back and forth. He stopped and gazed ather, anger and son written all over his face. Even though she forced hesself to open her mouth, nothing came out. “What happened?” she asked in a small voice. “Is mon all right?” Her father’s countenance turned hard almost immediately. “I don’t want to see you here, he yelled at her, the tone of his voice lethal. “You were not supposed to come here.”
Andrea widened her eyes in surprise, unable to conceal her suprise on heating such a tone from him. “Dad. I came because I was worried Pamela told me to come…”
“That is the issue?” he routed, cutting across her. “You decide to come now? Alter everything You were not there in times of crisis as usual. So, just leave. Wherever you were, just go back There is nothing that demands your presence here.”
Andrea grimaced and felt an unpleasant tightening in her chest at the sound of his voice. “Dad, I’m here now. I didn’t know
“You never know!” he yelled, and she could see home furious he was getting on the verge of extinguent. “You always make up some excuse, always find a way of not being around, and now when everything goes copot, you want to over? Just go, Andrea. We do not need your help.”
Those scathing temat cut her deeply, each one Landing on her lilo a punch in the chest. She remained still, lust for words. Again, hot eyes thatened to spill over with tears, but she held them back diligently. She was at a loss for word she had no idea how to remedy the situation, if it could be mended.
period, I want to state that Andrea has a right to be here. She’s
baren stepped forward, his composed wouce wasing the building tension.” Mr. Owen, even though this may be a challenging perks family as well
Her father’s gaze turned to Daren, the anger obviously still being inside, but this time he did not respond, only turned away instead and said something low. Pamela turned to Andrea apologetically but even she didn’t seem to know how to bridge the gap between them.
Andrea’s hands were shaking, her heart felt heavy but she was not going to step outside. Not at this moment. No matter how mad her father was, she had to see her mother. She had to understand what was going on
“I am not going anywhere,” Andrea muttered, to herself more than anyone in particular. “I have to stay !!
Date offered her some comfort by placing his hand on her back. They breathed in deeply and focused on the door of room 112.
Andrea looked at her father blankly. Her father’s words were freezing, they penetrated her skin and froze her within. “You want to be with him, right?” he hissed, looking over at Daren, thoroughly displeased
She stepped back aghast. “What? Dad, how is this relevant in anyway?” she asked, her voice curdling with the conflicting feelings of confusion and pain.
“She did give her permission, didn’t she?” she went on, not lowering here but rather full of irritation. “Why are you acting all high and mighty now? You had no issues with Daren bedre so why did it matter? Why are you trying to push me away?”
Her father’s expressions contorted as fury and something darker, more painful, momentally crossed his features. Without so much as a word, he turned and bolted from the inom, the door slamming behind him.
hentration, Pamala rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Andrea in a bid to calm her down. “Andrea, your dad is just angry, that’s all. You know him better. This is not what he would say all the time,” she told her, her voice strained “He’s just afraid We all are.”
Durom who was closer to them also nodded in concurence. “That is connect. Your father is preoccupied with your mother, with everything. This is not about you or 1, Andrea. It is about him being scared. It’s a fealing he does not know how to cope with ”
Maybe because they were still young, Andrea was not comforted Her chest felt tight, as her pulse quickened and the painfull taunts of her father echoed in her brain. She hated this and wanted to put things back in order because of him. She wanted to reach out to him and find out what this outburst was about Just before she managed to get up and run after him, the door opened once more
A doctor, this time, entered the room with a clipboard looking very serious. The very
by sight of him emptied the room, all heads turning in his direction.
“Are you related in any way to Claire Owen?” he queried in a calm et se to Andies advanced, her voice strained. “Yes, we are. How is she doing? What is going on?’
After talong a moment to collect his thoughts, the doctor began. “Mr Owens Late–stage cancer,‘ he said very carefully. We have been observing her condition, and she has deteriorated quicker than we predicted. She is at a very critical stage, and very urgent curative measures will have to be taken if there is any chance of her stabilization.
Andes felt the floor bewith hoi tort evaporate. Cancer. His mother had cancer and now it was advanced. Fresh tears began rolling down Andrea’s cheeks uncontrollably, and she could see how pathetic and horrible the menace was for the first time. Pamela softly gasped from beside her, and Daren unconsciously patted her shoulder, which Andrea hardly noticed
“Which kind of therapy? Andrea inspired, her tiny valcerally a whisper.
The doctor went on, sounding more sympathetic this time. “She will require chemotherapy right away, but since her condition is so advanced, we will also consider using sat priv. It’s gang mol along battle, nevertheless we have to make the more last if we want her to have any chance.”