Chapter 29: Stage Four Concer
Anden fell instant dizzy, her brain attempting to contend with too many things at the same time. Cancer. Urgent treatment. Her mom needed assistance. Now. The rage and the tension they hadeariedmenenes before evaporated, replaced by an irrational terror for her mother’s very existence.
“Forgive me, but how long has she.. how long has she been suffering from it?” Andrea inquired, her voice breaking
Such dates are difficult to establish, the doctor answered back softly. “There is some Primary Cancer Denial which is also called as bereavement of symptoms for quite a while; and by the time she reportedious, she was already in advanced stages. Most patients do not present for treatment until the last–minute particularly where the signs are not obvious in the beginning Andia’s guilt was overwhelming, and for good song was her mother keeping things from them? Had she been suffering all this time whilst assuring them that all was well? “What are we supposed to do now? Pamela asked through a shaky breath and mopping up some tears.
“We must initiate chemotherapy without delay,” the physician assected. “The oncologist is on her way to offer an elaborate plan of action but trust me, it can’t be done later. The earlier we stan, the higher the chances.”
Andrea again looked up, the whole importance of the situation processing clicked out of place in hot head again. She couldn’t lose her mother, not now. She had to hold on, had to be strong, even though it felt as if the whole world was crumbling around her.
The doctor made the departures needed, and Andrea remained in the same spot, staring into space and blinking back tears un audibly. Duren squeezed her hand, which she appreciated but felt that the whole universe was spinning within her
in the harren, white walled room of a hospital, Andrea stood lost in thoughts as coality dawned on her. Her mother was sich, very sick, and it was a matter of them who made things happen how fast they could move into action, what was the plan, and how would they facilitate all those things financially. Her hands began to shake as she tried to figure it all out.
Daren, moticing her discomfort, gera small mudge. “Andia,” he said in a barely above a whisper, “I am able to assist regarding the expenses. For any of them – the treatment, hospital charges, I will hands it”
The proposal he made was nice and even magnanimous, but Andrea gradually moved her head from side to side, as Lying to ignore his generosity. “No, not yet, Daren. I need an okay from my father for that it’s his family and he would want to take care of it himself. She turned her attention to the door where just a few minutes ago her hard father had left. “That’s for him to decide. I mean, not with this one. Lean’t go over his head.”
Daren understood her position and nodded. “I get it,” he roped, but I want you to know that I’m here whenever you feel suited to talk to me. Just that it’s not something that you have to be conored with.”
Andrea smiled at him appreciately, paired but thankful for him netheless. She inhaled deeply and, with a measure of the exchange, her features etched with concer
I composure, turned back to Pamela, who had been quiet throughout
“God, Pamela,” Andrea begat, dabbing at her eyes and visibly regaining control “Please forgive me, I should have taken the time to introduce you two properly. Pamela, this is motioned to him, smilinglightly “Daren, this is Pamela. She is family in every sense.
Daren,” she
Pamela strained a smile and reached out her hand to Daren “How do you da, Daren,” she started, her tone betraying some suppressed emotion. “I have heard quite a lot about Drecuned the gesture. “So, how do you do Pamela? I wish it were in better cumstances, but I am very pleased to meet you at last?”
The three of them stod for a da heartbeats in stillness, uncomfortable and strained, the seriousness of the events shadowing them. Daten noticed the son on Andrea’s face as she fought to make sense of the chaos that surrounded them but also held her family in place. There was only so much he could do to help her, he accepted that mach. But there was one thing he could dare lor.
“I’ll be out for a while “Daren said, pasting Andrea’s shoulder softly. “I want to meet your father.”
Andrea and bark at him, taken aback. “Do you really? I wouldn’t advise you; he’s_nad”
“Yes,” Daren replied unruffled, keping his tone aven “But perhaps he just wants someone to talk to. I won’t hold him against his will, I swear. Just try to see if I can make myself useful.” And considered this for a beat, then relented, placing her trust in him in Simply make sure you take precautions. He’s not in a great mental state at this time.”
“I’ll be careful,” Daren assured her, smiling somewhat. Alter a quick glance at Pamela, Daren walked out of the room towards the corridor, his thoughts were already contemplaring how he would speak to Andrea’s father.
As Andres watched Daren love, her heart was rich with complex emotions, relieved and anous at the same time. She believed in Daten but the opinion of her father for Daten was something uncertain, particularly given the cumstances. Nevertheless, her resolve was all the more because Daren was making an effort in the first place. At that moment in time, whe Banded the help that she could get
Pamela was standing next to her, patting her arms. “Don’t worry about it–henice guy. You are fortunate to have him as a boyfriend” Andrea nodded under the warmth of these words “Huh???” she muttered. “I do not mind that but I really hope that Dad also thinks that way.” Tamala gave her a look it was not the most comfortable of looks and so she went on to sout the impression.
“Duren and 1 are not even dating.” Andrea said in a hushed voice and looked at Daten them shitted her gaze back to Pamela. “You’re wrong about this. It’s… work. I am playing the role of his missing wile and nothing more.”
Pamela’s eyes widened, raught off guard. “Playing wife to a woman who is not dead? What nonsense are you saying Andrea?”
dende ea let out a tired breath, realizing that she had to explain things to her. Sonia went missing, wille Daren’s business was about to go bust. He required someone to act as her for the lime being to save the business and all who worked for him. 501 took part. That’s all there is to IL This is not a genuine rom
Parela stared at her, digesting the information “you have to war som else’s skin? For the purpose of keeping his business alla?
Andrea skrly modded her head “West’s complicated but it’s the only way to help him. There’s so much at risk, lives, houses or whatever there is. I couldn’t refuse knowing that I can be of help
Pamela let out alreath, obviously still are but beginning to comprehend what was counting “and your dad is aware of this?”
“Kind of ” Andies confessed” “But he is not okay with that. He does not trust Daren of this whole thing.”
Parcela fouled at her spingetically: “Well, I do see why he shouldn’t be angry. But you always had a soft spot, Andrea. You are doing it for a good cause. “ Andrea smiled slightly but the burden on her chest remained. She just wanted to wish her father would come around and see in that way in due course,
At the same time, in the dim light of a parking lot outside, Daten was able to see Mr Owen on a bench with his hands on his lap, apparently lost in thought. He took in a deep breath, preparing him to face the lee breaking talk, and walked up to him.
*Owen,” Dazen called softly as he was neating him.
Andrew’s father looked up, tense on his face and frustrated eyes. “What D’you want Darem,” he growle
Daren pulled out a bench next to him, but maintained a respectful distance, “I realize that you are angry, Daren began quiet, but firm. “And for good reason. It’s not easy to understand this whole thing of Andrea playing Sonia, thanks, but no thanks, I would never put her in that,”
Mr. Owen snorted and waved one arm dismissively. “You think I am merely pissed off over the daft impersonation? My daughter is being used by you, Daren. You are involving her in something that will destroy her, even her good name. This ridiculous marriage scheme that you have is too extreme form to be. I don’t believe it and I don’t believe in you,”
Daren nodded, allowing Mr. Owen’s statement to sale in “I know it seems that way, and you’re understandably furious. But I want you to understand that this is not about me, trying to play mind games with Andres. This is about rescuing my company and hundreds of people relying on it.”
Mr. Owen turned his gaze from Daren, still shrouded in anger. “What of my daughter then? What will be of her at the end of all this? What if it does not go as planned? You have involved her in a devious plan, Daren. A very dangerous one.
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Daren inhaled deeply as he fought to maintain his composure. “I understand. I do. But the fact is, this business it’s not just me. This in turn means that there are hundreds if not thousands of people that will lose their jobs, their houses and everything else it it goes down. Andrea is the only one that is able to assist me at this time. This is not only about me. If she didn’t step in, wweryone would suffer. All of them.”
Mr. Owen turned towards him again, this time squinting “And you’re saying that she should be fair game in order to bear the brunt of that sacrifice?”
“No,” Duten said with resolution. “That is not moral. None of these things are- I wanted to be able to achieve this goal without bringing her into the picture. But soch was not the case and now.. to be frank Mr. Owen Andrea is the one who is actually resing all of us. It’s not just me now. It’s about so many people who would not have a rool over their heads if she did not act as though she was my wife who has gone missing”
There was a slight easing of Mr. Owen’s features, although the exasperation was apparent. “You seem to be expecting too much
from h her, Daren She is but one person”
Darenth state with a composed voice,” are you that I will do everything reasonable to prevent that. But this knocking you down — is easy and Andrea is tougher than it looks. he is doing all this because of her love for people just as you raised her to. And I will make sure the safe, come what may.”
Mr. Owen, sat quietly, with a pained and conflicted expression on his features. He had not come close to forgiving her, nor coming to terms with anything, yet Daren’s words had resonated deep within
“Guess, trust is an baue for me, Den, was Mr. Owan’s eventual response, his voice barely above a whisper. “But when it comes to my daughter, well, I know her too. If the has decided to do this then it means she believes in you. Don’t disappoint her.”
“I won’t.” Dare replied in a very low voice, “I love Andrea and will never allow anything to happen to her. You have my word.”
Mr. Owen remained silent for some time before responding. After a long silence, however, he nodded, although his face was still expressionless. “For the sake of her, I hope that you actually mean that!!
i got to his feet and after shooting Mr. Owen a last understanding book, he began to walk towards the hospital. He was aware that warming Andrea’s father’s crust would come slowly but he was ready to go through whatever was necessary to show that he deserved t- for Andrea’s benefic