Chapter 3 You are fired!
Andrea took a deep breath as she glared at the billboard with Dine Cafe written on it, she took a deep breathe, Pamela tapped her lightly,
“It’s going to be fine…I’m sure the manager will still keep you. The customers love you.” She says trying to give her a little assurance. “After refusing his proposal, do you think he would still want me to keep my job?” She says losing the last shred of hope she had in her.
She had a lot on her plate and that led her to the party last night, which turned into a disaster.
Andrea took a deep breath as she opened the door stepping in, her gaze immediately fell on Mr. Franco, as she assisted their colleague. She gulped down in anxiety. “Goo..d mor..ning sir.” She managed to say, apparently waiting for the next words to be
“You’re fired”
But he instead frowned and walked away, creating an entirely ball of confusion for her. She turned to Pamela.
“So is that a yes I forgive you look?” She asked Pamela who was confused.
“Uhmm…I think it’s more of a watch you back, I’ll be back.” She added, Andrea Instantly felt weak.
“Huh?” She breathed out in frustration.
“How about I just resign before he fires me.” Andrea said immediately.
“When he hasn’t fired you? C’mon Andrea. You’re just overthinking things.” Pamela added, dropping off her back at the workers counter as she put in her apron, Andrea Sighs, maybe Pamela was right. She had to take all the negativities and toss them into the sea and be positive.
“Here.” Pamela handed her the apron,
“Let’s just work.” She finally admitted.
Just as she was serving a coffee, Nina approached her,
“The Manager asked me to call you.” She said, immediately, Andrea’s heart dropped to her stomach, she turned swiftly to Pamela who too was as confused as she was.
“It’s going to be fine.” She mouthed to Andrea.
“Did he say why?” She asked, but Nina shook her head.
“I don’t know, Okay? Just go answer him.” Nina said flatly then walked away, Andrea’s curiosity heightened.
“You don’t have to be so rude about it.” Pamela says, Nina rolls her eyes then walks away.
“Pamela…” Andrea cautioned.
“What? Andrea….you should go and don’t you forget if he tries to harass you, give me a loud shout. She stated, Andrea shook her head then took of her aprons she headed to Mr. Franco’s office taking a few deep breaths before opening it up, she peeped her head in and said,
“You called for me, Sir?” She questioned, he raised his gaze at her then said.
“I need you to send one coffee serving to Jerkins Enterprise.” He tossed her the serving order of what the customer wanted, it was a more complicated order.
“What a customer.”
“Sure sir…I’ll send this across and deliver it myself.” She stated, waiting for him to say something else but he returned to what he was doing before she walked in earlier.
She was more confused, as soon as she got out, he picked his cellphone,
“She is on her way. Ensure she regrets rejecting me” He stated, as a wild smirk appeared on his face.
“Strange…” she muttered to herself and she got out, Pamela looked at her.
Finally, staring at the building she held with her the coffee, as she got to the eighth floor, the secretary raised her head in shock.
“Ma’am?” She called, as she looked at her from her head to her toe, she looked completely different.
“Huh? Who’s Ma’am?” Andrea asked, this was the same reaction she got from the security when she got here.
Andrea tried to ignore everything, she took the card, ” here to deliver coffee to one Mr. Morrison Jerkins I suppose.”
But the secretary kept looking at her, she was beginning to find it irritating.
The elevator opened and he walked out in poise and majesty, his gray eyes met with her as he froze on the spot.
“Sonia?” He called.
Andrea stood there stunned to the ground, this was the second time someone was addressing her again as Sonia. Who the heck was Sonia? Before she would even lift a finger he pulled her by the wrist, to his office. Andrea struggled with his grip but it was tightly firm around her wrist.
Mr. Jerkins was stepping closer and closer to Andrea, his eyes ablaze with intensity. “Sonia, my love, at last I have found you,” he huskily whispered.
Andrea’s heart protested as she exclaimed in alarm, “I am not Sonia!” and struggled to back away from him.
Undeterred, Mr. Jerkins grasped her and dragged her close to him, his lips inches from hers.
Andrea’s instincts screamed warning. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong.
In utter desperation to get away, Andrea leaned back jerkily, her movements causing all the hot coffee to spill down onto Mr. Jerkins‘ crisp white shirt.
“Oh dear Lord. I’m so sorry!” she gasped in complete mortification.
Mr. Jerkins‘ face twisted out of shape as the scalding coffee seeped through his shirt.
Andrea didn’t need a second warning. She turned and ran out of the office, leaving Mr. Jerkins in utter surprise and dripping with coffee.
Andrea gasped for air as she emerged into the bright sunlight, her heart still racing. What just happened?
She hastened her pace, anxious to put as much distance between herself and Mr. Jerkins as she could.
In turning the corner, she bumped into a figure rather well known to her- Pamela.
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Pamela asked, full of concern.
Chapter 3 You are fired!
Andrea took a deep breath. “It’s Mr. Jerkins. He thinks I’m his wife, Sonia.”
Pamela’s eyes were wide. “What? That’s crazy!”
Andrea nodded. “I know. And then he leaned in to kiss me, and I spilled coffee all over him.”
Pamela burst into laughter. “Classic Andrea!”
But Andrea did not look amused. “Pamela, I am scared. What if he is unstable?”
The smile fell from Pamela’s face. “We will get to the bottom of it. Let’s dig up some dirt on Mr. Jerkins.”
Andrea nodded to herself, determination welling up inside her. She would find out what was going on with Mr. Jerkins and his mysterious wife, Sonia. Pamela’s face turned somber. “Andrea, go home. You’ve had a rough morning.”
Andrea nodded, still in shock.
“I’ll cover for you with the manager,” Pamela said. “I’ll tell him you had a family emergency.”
Andrea’s appreciation overflowed. “Thanks, Pamela. You’re a lifesaver.”
Pamela smiled and handed Andrea her purse. “Go, get out of here. Take care of yourself.”
Andrea took a deep breath, shouldering her purse. “I will.”
With a quick hug, Andrea stepped away from Pamela and flagged down a passing cab.
“Hey, uptown, please,” Andrea said, settling into the back seat.
As the cab pulled away from the curb, Andrea gazed out the window, her thoughts reeling.
Her head would not clear of Mr. Jerkins‘ words, which haunted her: “Sonia, my love.” Who was Sonia? And why did Mr. Jerkins believe she was his wife?
Andrea sat in the back of the cab when it pulled to a stop at a red light. She glanced upwards and caught sight of herself in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were haunted.
Chapter 4 SS