Andrea was at her mother’s bedside, staring absently when the door opened, andher father came in. As he walked in, the aritation that was on his face a while back was nowhere to be found, only an exhausted book was visible on his face. He seemed to pause a bit before Lading another step forward, his eyes filled with both disappointment and concern.
“Drea?,” Mr. Owen lowered his voice earlier, “sorry about earlier 1 don’t think I should have, acted like that.” He stopped, trying to read her face for her reaction. “I just, this is too hard for me. I wish you didn’t have to be involved Though, Tunderstand why you are. I believe in you. You have my permission”
Andrea sighed with relief. Her father’s approval was something she had always held dear to her heart. That is why, for the first time in her life, she finally understood what it felt like to be free without his burden on her. “Thank you, Dad. she managed to stutter, filled with emotions.“–This eally means a lot to me.”
But before they could continue, the door swing open once more and in walled the doctor with a clipbond in hand. He surveyed the room briefly before settling his gaze on Andrea’s father.” We have discussed your wile’s treatment options,” he stated “Time is of utmost importance if we are to give her a fighting chancs.”
Daren, who had until then restrained his energy in the back, stepped out “I will als cas of the expense,” he asserted. “I want to make sure she gets all the necessary care she deserves.” Andrea looked at him in astonishment, but before she could say anything, Daren turned his back toer and walled away. while treating back, his clear footfalls ringing through the hallway.
- uy. “I will paraphrase this again and again, I’ll handle it all, he said
Her father’s eyes followed Daten until he was out of sight, before fixing Andrea with a grave look “You need to accompany him,” was the order, spoken in an urgent voice. “You should not be lingering here in such a state, particularly not as Sonia. You do not know who may be observing you and what else might happen. Doren will protect you”
Toon between remaining with her family and following Daren, Andrea felt the tension in her chest slowly rise, but the worry lines on her father’s face ware enough for Andrea to know that he was right. No one could take such risks, not her mother, not her father, nor Pamela,