– und give him a
and unleash,
partment and started job hunting
Jobth a degree in finance and some experience under my belt from working at Roger’s company, I found it wasn’t hard to land
The interviewer wa
was impressed and offered me a managerial position on the spot.
But then, I received a call from an unknown number that turned my world upside down.
“Hello, Megan! You sold our house? Who gave you the right?” Roger’s voice thundered through the line, filled with rage. Confused, I replied, “That house was mine. I bought it, and my name is on the deed. Why shouldn’t I sell 17”
He was momentarily speechless.
After a brief silence, he continued, “That place holds so many memories for us. How could you just sell it? “Memories? Roger, we’re broken up! Why would I cling to those trivial memories?
His response was explosive as if I had lit a fuse. “Who said we broke up?! I never agreed to that, Megan!” Before he could finish, I hung up coldly, blocking his new number as well. I threw
into work, determined to move on.
The next time I heard about Roger, it came from a mutual friend.
“Megan, did you hear? Roger got arrested for fighting!”