When in reality I think the money Chapter 15

When in reality I think the money Chapter 15

Chapter 15 


I watched as Beth got mom ready to go out. I would have helped if I had any 

my idea what to do, but I was at a complete loss. She took her to the bathroom, dressed her in warm winter clothes, helped her put her boots on, and then patiently walked behind Morn as she shuffled out to the garage with her walker Lucy followed behind with the wheelchair

I tucked the wheelchair in the trunk while Beth got mom buckled into the front seat. She then carried a booster seat for Lucy and the two of them 

settled into the back seat

The luxury sedan 1 had rented was spacious, and still I noticed how feth had struggled to get mom into the car by herself. It must have been really hard to transport mom around in that tiny Honda 

They needed a handicapped accessible van 

Beth didin’t complain, and neither did mom. She just gave me a big, lopsided smile and patted my leg with her good hand. It was nice to know she is pleased with the outing, even if it was to a kids play center


It was a week night, so the parking lot to the pizzeria was only half full. Bright lights from the neon sign spilled out onto the dirty, slushy snow in the parking lot, while the evergreen shrubs surrounding the fat sparkled with Christmas twinkle lights

As soon as we stepped inside the warm interior, I was bombarded by sensory overload. Upbeat Christmas music was playing over the speakers, while a bunch of arcade games beeped, pinged, and flashed bright lights. Kids were running around, jumping in a blow up bounce house, sliding into a ball pit, and fighting with foam swords they had won with tickets at the prize counter. Meanwhile the place smelled like pizza and garlic bread and 


Beth had transferred mom into the wheelchair when we arrived, so I wheeled her over to one of the booths and parked her at the end of the table. Beth and Lucy slid onto one side while I took the other. Can I play mommy? Please? Just until the food cornes?” 

Beth leaned toward her daughter and lowered her voice, but I was able to lipread what she sold to her daughter. Okay, Peanut, but the games cost money, so just stick to the ball pit and bounce house, okay?” 

I stood up and offered a hand to Lucy. I wasn’t sure if she would take it, since I was still a new person. The girl looked to Beth first, and Beth gave a slight nod of approval. Lucy then bounced off the neat and grabbed my hand

Too bad you are so big. I don’t think they let grownups on the play place,” she said happily. She started to pull me toward the indoor jungle gym, but I pulled her gently back to the token machine. I reached for my wallet, pulled out a twenty, and fed it into the machine. Lucy’s eyes grew wide as she watched a jackpot of silver tokens pour out of the machine

“That’s a lot?She whispered, tipping her little face up at me. Are you gonna play too?” 

Not right now. Maybe 111 play a couple games after dinner. Put these in your pockets. Go on now, have fun!” 

Are you gonna watch me?” 

Tm going to sit with your mom and grandma, but i watch you from therei gave her a little push toward the arcade, Go play, before the pizza 



Okay!in her childish gratitude she clutched me around the waist and gave me a quick, tight little hug before she ran off to pay her first game of the 

I watched her go with a funny melancholy feeling in my chest. In another reality, another dimension, that could have been our kid, mine and Beth’s. We could have been there at that silly kidsrestaurant having a play date as a family 

Instead I slid into the plastic booth and picked up the menu to hide the emotion that was probably plain on my face. Sol What kind of pizza does Lucy like? | asked with false cheerfulness

When I lowered the menu Bell looked as stricken as I felt. Could she be thinking the same kind of thoughts? Could she be wishing that we had made different choices 


Lucy les plain cheese pizza” 

Chapter 15 

Oh, right! So, one cheese, ore sausage pepperon. Maybe we could share some garlic bread? And what kind of soda does everyone like?” 

and gave the 

arm over the back of the seat, watching Lucy fit from one game to the next. She especially liked the ones that gave out tickets. By the time the waitress delivered two steaming hot pizza pies to our table, Lucy had collected



I watched as Beth cut the pizza and garlic bread into small bite size pieces for mom, and observed how she unwrapped her straw and stuck it in her 

lass, much like she was taking care of a child

Lucy kept up a lively one sided conversation that kept the dinner from getting awkward or boring She could hardly sit still long enough to munch down one slice of pizza before she was begging to go play again 

Beth wiped pizza sauce from her daughter’s chin and made her go wash her hands before she set the child loose in the arcade, while the adults at the table continued to eat at a more leisurely pace

wonder how many kids puke in that bounce house after scarfing down their food as fast as they can?I asked idly 

Thank you for doing this for her, RafeBeth said quietly as she finished her second slice and pushed the plate away. Lucy loves this place but we 

been able to go in ages suddenly her cheeks famed up red and she looked away. It was a nice treat, dont you think, Nana Charlie?” 

Mom used her good hand to kiss her fingers like a chef

Beth laughed a little, and for a brief shining moment I had a glimpse of a younger, carefree girl. Charlie’s probably just happy she didn’t have to eat my cooking again tonightBeth teased good naturedly 

My mother leaned over and gave Beth a light swat, but she was smiling, with half her face

I laughed along with them, but something had stuck in my head. We haven’t been able to go in ages. And the fact that Beth had warned her daughter away from the games that cost money. Or the fact that Beth was driving an old Honda, and working from the freezing back porch

Something didn’t seem to add up. Was Beth having financial difficulties? I was paying well above average for mom’s caregiver, and Beth should be collecting that salary 

Maybe she had other problems and debts I didn’t know about 


Beth’s personal finances were not my business. But as long as I was in town, I would be more than happy to make sure that my niece got a little spoiled for Christmas. After all, what was the point of being a rich uncle, if not that

Yeah, sure, you are welcome Beth. This was fun. Lucy’s a great kid. Now if you’ll excuse me! I need to go race motorcycles with my niece.I slapped the table, stood up, and went over to feed another twenty into the token machine. LucyReady to eat my dust?I called playfully 

No way?Lucy ran for the motorcycles and threw her leg over it. T’m so good at this game 

Okay, loser has to buy the ice creamI said climbing on to the machine next to hers 

But I don’t have any money?She protested cutely 

Then I guess you better not lose!I fed tokens into the game and pushed the buttons to start the VR race, knowing full well I’d be throwing the race in the end to make sure that Lucy won


When in reality I think the money

When in reality I think the money

Status: Ongoing


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