Chapter 45 Staying Where She Belongs
noem was nearly empry and needed replacing
On the night of the hethday banquet, the fragrance diffuses in the restjoem was
The cleaning lady had bought a new one, and as she stepped into the restroom, the saw Yveste standing with her back to the door, seemingly wiping away trans.
Respecting the privacy of such high–status guests, the cleaner decided to step out andreture Ider.
But just as she was torning in leave, she saw another woman emerge liom one of the stalls and discreetly slip an emerald necklace into Yvette’s bag, which was sitting on the sink
Sureed, the divines lockedeyes with Jenny, who noticed her as well Afterward, Jenny warned her not to meddle and offered her a sum of money to resign the next day.
A few days later, someone else called the cleaner, instructing her to leave Seabouke entirely or face serious trouble. So, on the same day she received that call, the cleaner packed her things and returned so her hometown
When Whinney frothed recounting the story, Tweite’stace up. “Thank goodness! Now, let’s see what they have to say!”
“Helena has already recorded the cleaner’s testimony and is preparing the case materials back in fier office. The cleaner has also agreed to testify in court, Whitney said, feeling a huge weight lift from her shoulders.
“However, as for the assault charge, there’s still
can preve you didn’t intentionally ”
Whimey was still a bit trestated. That land of dispute would be had to settle.
“I don’t care about that as long as the theft charge is deared,” Tweite said, hopping all the bed to stretch. “Honestly, I can’t stand Rachel anyway. If people want to say hurt her on purpose.
For now, they had what they needed Just when everything had seemed hopeless, a breakthrough had appraed
Wette’t have to face an endless legal battle
And Whimey wouldn’t be forced interning to Damian’s place under the weight of his threats She could keep living in her own cory space, right where she belonged. Thinking of this, Whimney couldn’t help but smile.
Fat Howard Group, Damian was busy signing a stack of doc send that Sophie had just brought in
Meanwhile, in the CEO’s offion a
Billy entered hurriedly, wailing until Sophie led with her files before speaking in a low voice, “Mi Howard, the cleaning Lady has returned to Seabourke, and S. Spencer now knows
Damian looked up, his expression unchanged. Howwe, the cold all around him was almost suffocating
Billy quickly lowered his gaze, avoiding Damban’s eyes.
“Continue,” Damian wil, setting his pen down on the d
“Our people observed that it was Noel’s migrant, Dariel, who brought the cleaning Lady to Regal Gold Hotel About an hour later, Ms. Spencer and Ms Helena arrived” Tilly did de hold anything back, relaying every detall his subordinates had reported,
Damned his eyes slightly
the full
It seemed ol’s in Whimey was deeper than he had thought
Damixactly what had happened that night at the banquet. He was fully aware of what Fachel and Jenny had done. Since it didn’t involve Whitney directly, he had no intention of Interwening
In fact, he had let Rachel and Jenny play out their line scheme. He welcomed. Alter all, it give him leverage to pressure himney into moving back into the mansion. Why not take
He’d been confident that, with only Whitney and Helena on the case, they’d ever find the crucial evidence. That way, if whimney wanted to help Vette, she’d have no choice but to agree to his demands
But just as success seemed within reach, Noel stepped in and disrupted everything.
“Why would Mr. Noel help an murider) He’s a Howard roo,” Billy said, puzzled.
Damian’s bps curledik. “Being Howard doesn’t mean loyalty. Everyone has their own agenda”
Except for Deck, who was content to idle his life away, each family member had their own schemes and ambition.
the heir to the Howard Group, Damian was well aware that both the main family and distant relatives were watching him, waiting for him to slip up.
“So, what should we do now, Mr. Howard“” Billy asked
“Jenny deckless and always causing trouble. Consider this her lesson,” Damian replied curtly before turning his attention back to the quarterly financial reports.
In het VIP hospital ward, Rachel was burely enjoying a fruit salad. She was due to be discharged in two days She hadn’t expected man to spend so much time by her side during her stay. Every evening der work, be’drome and sit with her for a while.
To Rachel, this confirmed that she truly meant more to him than Whitney ever did meet satisfaction boomed in her che, and it than the fruits she was eating Suddenly, the door w
Jenny rushed in, visibly died. They found a witness the cleaner who we put your necklace in Yere’s bag
Machel’s smile vanished, het läns tightening into a frown. “I thought this was all taken care of?
“It was. I didn’t think they’d actually find her.“ley said, moving closer and grabbing Rachel’s hand. “Rachel, you have to help me!
A flash of imitation crossed Bachel’s face. She had hoped to use Jenny to each Whitney and Weise a harsh lesson. Now, it
They have a witness now, so it’s as good as confirmed. I’m not sure how I can help you,” Rachel ceplied, looking troubled. Jenny yanked hard say, “I did this for you! You’re not thinking of leaving me to take all the blame, are you?”
dry was becoming more of a liability than an ally,