Chapeau Set Your Sights on Her Fath
ne sand, “i krene wher she is bent jaun don’t prin How did you end up falling for your cousin’s Bianchett
Thegh Theacaight be a playboy, he was also shirad
mi badalinadi penned that the person tort called about last night was Whimney.
be the apartment across from hers at Canika Heights under Thomas‘ name:
I was confortable being Thin on the techied
charl’s guarded mature, Thomas wouhinever have pieced itirir.
“Teqture de’i the little girl who once gave me candy, “Noel replied, ha minddriting back to meet a decak
„Ja mau qui berke, dieng will, his parents at the Howard residence..
De wasn’t the top armet in, and father punished him by making him keel in the ancestral hall, forbidding kirsten
Bu matter didn 1 pkudatha behadether. Stemcely told him coldly to accept the povatement.
Hedenhedentor day. His lepa kad per trunk,
“Hi, anayenu hungry and wet vouched in
A utuli, jose–cheeked girl appeared bed Why, the
Se Bad bright, giarding even, fair skin, and chabby cheeks that begged in to pitched
get the tigh doted on in the Spencer Larraly.
Hagines der pockets, truly pulling something out and bolding her small handout in front of him. She said, “This is my favorite candy. I’D give in to you!
“hun it’s orally yummy and seeni, fast try at six year old Whitney looked up at him with wide, hopefuleyes.
titat manent, far couldn’t beat to be the raged the candy and put it inblumouth, the cich taste af milk filing his
“Taalinant feel Labely by yourself 111 let Linda Hamy keep you company” Wietary sailsoftly.
the attened quickly, men leated in and stempered, “Next time, I know you anyone in your lis
Menelapped a handorfinlashad
The way back when she was just us?
Katri_shes los farlar mapromotedir a leglars pasition, they mandout of the Hasandur skemeta avaldkondied of interval.
Thomas ugled in teen phokepbéraldadan “Tate as beochatten
Then he sling an aimaadkol’s drukkenvandaki, “That hey, there’s plody i kinthesea, (a? 11 your to it love didn’t work out, let’s go to the grand opening of the Quinn family’s EESOME Chess yourself apalanie”
Chapter 19 Already Set Vitur faghts on Her
At Whitney’s plan
“This is so inferturing! Hone could your dad do this? It’s basically selling you off!” Yvette’s voice crackled with anger over the phone after Whitney had explained everything
“What are you poing to do”” she asked, het tone softer
Whitney said, defeated. Thad no choice but to agree to not break of the engagement dos now. After that
the traded off, uncertain of what to do next. She couldn’t abandon her mother either.
Yvette let out a sigh, clearly just as frustrated. After a moment, she said, “If we can’t think of a solution now, just let it go for now. Tomorrow, our studio is having a team building. You
“Where are your ping Whitney asked.
Trette replied, “A new resort just opened in the suburbu